
suì niú ròu
  • Ground beef;hamburger;steak
碎牛肉[suì niú ròu]
  1. 这家快餐店的内部装饰与世界各地其他快餐店大同小异,但其菜单却是精心书写,如把他们的招牌菜叫作面包夹碎牛肉而非汉堡包。

    The restaurant ` s interior appears to be styled after fast-food joints the world over , but the menu is careful not to call its signature fare a hamburger .

  2. 室温下不同压力(200、400、600和800MPa),20min处理对绞碎牛肉颜色及肌红蛋白的影响进行了研究。

    The effects of high pressure ( up to 800MPa ) applied at room temperature for 20 minutes on minced beef color and myoglobin were studied .

  3. 在煎锅里将它和碎牛肉一起油煎。

    Fry it with some ground beef in a frying pan .

  4. 官员认为这与某些碎牛肉有关。

    Officials connected to that to certain s of ground beef .

  5. 欧洲的很多地区把碎牛肉制成香肠。

    Hashed beef was made into sausage in several different regions of Europe .

  6. 那是因为碎牛肉看起来有点像布。

    That 's because it 's shredded beef and looks kind of like cloth .

  7. 碎牛肉小馅饼,通常有沙司。

    Ground beef patty usually with a sauce .

  8. 但火鸡含的这种酸并不比肌肉或者碎牛肉多。

    But turkey has no more of the acid than chicken or minced beef .

  9. 加入碎牛肉和芽菜,用木勺将肉捣开。

    Add meat and ya cai , using a wooden spoon to crumble meat .

  10. 这个碎牛肉三明治是我吃过最好吃的糟糕食物。

    This sloppy joe is the most amazing terrible thing I 've ever eaten .

  11. 大约8500磅碎牛肉疑感染大肠杆菌被召回。

    About 8500 pounds of ground beef were being ed because of concerns about E.coli .

  12. 我放了些洋葱,红辣椒,碎牛肉沫,和青辣椒。

    I put in onions , red peppers , ground beef , and chili pepper .

  13. 美国农业部表示180万磅的碎牛肉已经被召回。

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture says 1.8 million pounds of ground beef have been recalled .

  14. 实际上是在十九世纪中叶时用德国的碎牛肉做的。

    Made of ground beef actually came from Germany in the middle of the nineteenth century .

  15. 我不太想吃海鲜,我想来份碎牛肉。

    I 'm not too big on seafood . I think I 'll order the chopped steak .

  16. 15世纪&15世纪早期,碎牛肉在整个欧洲来讲是十分昂贵的。

    15th Century Beginning in the fifteenth century , minced beef was a valued delicacy throughout Europe .

  17. 这是一种盐板碎牛肉,往往稍有熏烤,再混合洋葱和面包屑。

    It was a hard slab of salted minced beef , often slightly smoked , mixed with onions and breadcrumbs .

  18. 碎牛肉所有修割下来的瘦肉可被粉碎成碎牛肉。厨师把肉切碎做肉饼。

    Ground Beef All lean trim can be ground as ground beef . The cook cut up the meat for the pie .

  19. 一些国家实施一项政策,即如果发现生绞碎牛肉含有O157:H7大肠杆菌,则将被视为已被污染。

    Some countries implement the policy that raw ground beef is considered contaminated if it is found to contain E.coli O157 : H7 .

  20. 好消息是:你可以选择里脊肉、去皮鸡胸肉和碎牛肉。

    The good news : You can go lean with cuts like pork tenderloin , skinless chicken breast , and lean ground beef .

  21. 如果在你的冰箱中发现了碎牛肉带有令人担忧的2574B批号。

    If you have any ground been in your freezer that says 2574B , that 's the lot number that 's of concern .

  22. 麻婆豆腐&这是用嫩豆腐、碎牛肉、辣椒以及豆酱做成的一道真正的美食。

    Stir-fried tofu with minced beef in spicy bean sauce-A real feast of tender bean curd , minced beef , pepper and bean sauce .

  23. 麻婆豆腐—这是用嫩豆腐、碎牛肉、辣椒以及豆酱做成的一道真正的美食。

    Stir-fried tofu with minced beef in spicy bean sauce-A real feast of tender bean curd , minced beef , pepper and bean sauce .

  24. 我已学会了如何在第8街点一杯牛奶咖啡或一碟古巴碎牛肉,这令人感到不可思议!

    Learning how to order a cafe con leche o ropa vieja on Calle Ocho has become natural to me . That 's amazing !

  25. 我们买不起真正的碎牛肉堡,所以我妈的男朋友,脏人卡尔,就会给我们带回别人吃剩的肉渣,

    We couldn 't afford the real Manwich mix , so my mom 's boyfriend , dirty Carl , used to bring us leftover meat scraps

  26. 朝鲜人担心受外国的影响,不愿用其通用的美国名字去叫他们的“面包夹碎牛肉”。

    The North Koreans are concerned about foreign influences and were reluctant to call their " minced beef with bread " by its common American name .

  27. 它的所有的汉堡,无论是用碎牛肉、鱼还是蔬菜仿的,都加有泡菜。泡菜是朝鲜人喜欢的腌制辣白菜。

    All of its burgers , whether made of minced beef , fish or vegetables , come with lashings of kim-chi , the spicy pickled cabbage that Koreans prize .

  28. 腌牛肉通常以牛的后腰臀肉,牛胸肉或肩肉做原料。碎牛肉所有修割下来的瘦肉可被粉碎成碎牛肉。

    Corned beef is generally made form cuts of the round , brisket , plate , or chuck . Ground Beef All lean trim can be ground as ground beef .

  29. 过去几年,由于爆发大肠杆菌和沙门氏菌,美国发生了碎牛肉、菠菜、西红柿和鸡蛋等食品被大规模召回的事件。

    During the past several years 's outbreaks of E-Coli and Salmonella poisoning have led to massive food recalls of ground beef and other things like spinach , tomatoes and eggs .

  30. 你不可能在朝鲜首都买到汉堡包,但可以在平壤的第一家快餐店买到“面包夹碎牛肉”。

    It 's not possible to get a hamburger in the North Korean capital , but it is possible to buy " minced beef with bread " at Pyongyang 's first fast food restaurant .