
  • 网络Light hydrocarbon;NGL
  1. 甲醇控制轻烃回收中的水化作用探讨

    Discussion on using methanol to control the hydration in NGL recovery

  2. 提高鄯善轻烃回收装置收率研究

    A research on enhancing recovery ratio of NGL recovery device at Shan-shan

  3. 源岩C4&C7轻烃分析方法及其应用

    Analytical method of c_4-c_7 light hydrocarbons in source rock and its application

  4. 某井生油岩中C1&C7轻烃组成的地球化学意义

    Geochemical significance of light hydrocarbon composition in source rocks of a test well

  5. 油田轻烃C5资源的综合利用

    Synthetic utilization for oil field light hydrocarbon C_5 resources

  6. 天然气轻烃回收C3收率与装置能耗

    Recovery Factor of C_3 and Energy Consumption of Facility in Light Hydrocarbon Recovery Process from Natural gas

  7. 应用C4~+混合轻烃液相脱水技术对天然气处理装置进行工艺改造

    Technological modifications of natural gas processing units by using liquid-phase dehydration of C_4 ~ + mixed light hydrocarbon

  8. 采用PLC的轻烃处理PID积分分离控制系统

    PID Hydrocarbon Separation System Adopting PLC

  9. C(6+)组分的分子量取值越大,轻烃收率的计算值就越高。

    The bigger the molecular weight value applied , the higher the calculation value of lighter hydrocarbon production rate of C6 + component .

  10. 其地球化学特征表现在烃类的组成、C6&C7的轻烃组成及同位素组成等方面有着明显的不同。主体为高成熟的腐泥型气,与海相原油密切共生;

    The geochemical characteristics of natural gas exhibit a great variations with respect to composition of hydrocarbon , C_6 & C_7 light hydrocarbon , isotope and so on .

  11. 本文利用轻烃(C1&C7)和碳同位素分析资抖,对滨海地区浅层天然气成因进行探讨。

    This paper gives a discussion on the origin of natural gas in the shallow reservoir in Binhai area , by a study of light hydrocarbons ( C_1-C_7 ) and carbon isotopes .

  12. CNG母站与轻烃回收装置合建站工艺流程优化

    Process Flow Optimization for Joint Station of CNG Primary Treatment and Light Hydrocarbon Recovery Unit

  13. MCM-22型分子筛中纯的和混合的轻烃的吸附行为的MonteCarlo模拟研究

    Grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation of pure and binary components sorption equilibria of light hydrocarbons in MCM-22 zeolite

  14. 岩属中C2-C9轻烃分析的地化指标及应用

    Geochemical index of c_2 & c_9 hydrocarbons in the drilling cuttings analysis and their application

  15. 日本JGC公司B块轻烃分离装置转产改造研究

    Improvement Research on B Block Lighter Hydrocarbons Seperation Equipment Transition of Japanese JGC Corporation

  16. 指出反映轻烃组成的RP受烃源岩沉积环境和干酪根类型影响。

    And RP , reflecting composition of light hydrocarbon , would be affected by the depositional environment and kerogen type of source rock .

  17. 油田轻烃在SO4~(2-)/MxOy型超强酸上的催化转化

    Catalytic Conversion of Lighter Hydrocarbons from Oil Field over SO_4 ~ ( 2 - ) / M_xO_y

  18. 选取高低两种不同的价位,对比研究了轻烃、大庆石脑油、胜利石脑油及AGO等乙烯原料在不同价位下的经济性。

    By selecting two prices of high and low , the author compares and studies the economics of ethylene raw material ( light hydrocarbon , Daqing naphtha , Shengli naphtha , and AGO ) under different prices levels .

  19. 本文应用轻烃(C1-C7)分析结果,研究了一个碳酸盐岩含油气盆地泥盆系至三叠系的原油和生油岩的轻烃特征。

    Characteristics have been studied of volatile hydrocarbon ( C1-C7 ) from oils and oil source rocks of Devonian to Triassic ages in Jurong carbonate basin .

  20. 对各元素的相态与轻烃及各有机指标进行聚类分析,发现虽然可交换态的Cu、Fe、Ni在元素各相态中所占的比例较少,但却是指示油气存在的有效指标。

    The cluster analysis between various element phases and light hydrocarbons and organic indexes show that the exchangeable phase of Cu , Fe and Ni could indicate the oil gas indirectly although their proportions are few in various phases .

  21. 本文分析了大庆油田轻烃中C5组分的下游发展和生产技术研究方向。

    The development of downstream of C_5 in Daqing Oil Field light hydrocarbon and its research direction of production technique were analyzed in the paper .

  22. 焦化装置产生的富气中除了含有轻烃外,还有20mol%左右的C2,这部分气体可以回收做乙烯裂解原料。

    The rich gas produced in coking equipment contained light hydrocarbons and 20 mol % C2 , which can be recycled and used as raw material for ethylene pyrolysis .

  23. 轻烃回收装置DHX工艺研究(Ⅰ)&原料适应性

    Study on DHX Process of Light Hydrocarbon Recovery (ⅰ)── Adaptability of the Gas Feed

  24. 轻烃分析可以得到油层C9以前的各单体烃的浓度和相对百分含量。

    Concentration and relative percentage content of monomeric hydrocarbon less than C9 in oil reservoirs can be obtained through light hydrocarbon analysis .

  25. 两种轻烃分析方法(PTV切割反吹和顶空)的对比研究

    Contrastive Study of Two Methods (" Programmed Temperature Vaporization with Back Flushing " and " Head Space ") for Light Hydrocarbon Analysis

  26. 采用一根涂有Al2O3用KCl去活的PLOT毛细柱,可将轻烃芳构化尾气的11个组分在5min内完全分离。

    A capillary PLOT column was coated with Al 2O 3 deactivated by KCl . 11 components of tail gas of light hydrocabon aromatization were completely separated in 5 minutes .

  27. 轻烃回收装置DHX工艺研究(Ⅲ)&DHX塔特性分析

    Study on DHX Process of Light Hydrocarbon Recovery (ⅲ) & Characteristics Analysis of DHX Column

  28. 轻烃回收装置DHX工艺研究(Ⅱ)&膨胀机出口压力的影响

    Study on DHX Process of Light Hydrocarbon Recovery (ⅱ) & Influence of Pressure in Expander Exit

  29. LHSS方程在地面轻烃低温回收中的应用可行性分析

    Feasibility analysis of applying LHSS equation in surface natural gas liquid recovery under low temperature condition

  30. 用巨正则MonteCarlo方法模拟了轻烃(甲烷、乙烷和丙烷)及其混合物在MCM22中的吸附。

    Adsorption of methane , ethane and propane , and adsorption separation of their binary mixture in MCM-22 zeolite were simulated by using a grand canonical Monte Carlo ( GCMC ) method .