
qīng fú
  • frivolous;light;flighty;giddy;levity;flippant;good taste
轻浮 [qīng fú]
  • (1) [giddy]∶轻率浮躁

  • 他已不小了,不愿跟一个轻浮女子有纠葛

  • (2) [frivolous]∶言语举止随便,不稳重;不庄重

  • 她显得轻浮

  • (3) [light]∶轻佻的

  • 因他的轻浮举止而被罚

  • (4) [good taste]∶指茶味不同凡响

  • 宝玉细细吃了,果觉轻浮无比,赞赏不绝。--《红楼梦》

轻浮[qīng fú]
  1. 《纽约时报》的罗伯塔·史密斯(RobertaSmith)在评论博尔顿2013年组织的“朋克:从混乱到时装”展(Punk:ChaostoCouture)时写道:“时装很少像在这场展览中这样显得轻浮而无关紧要。”

    In her review of the 2013 show " Punk : Chaos to Couture , " which Mr. Bolton organized , Roberta Smith of The New York Times wrote that " fashion has rarely looked as frivolous , beside the point and 1 percent-ish as here . "

  2. 他不欣赏她后期的诗,认为它们流于做作轻浮。

    He dismissed her later poems as fey and frivolous .

  3. 那时候的阿诺德对这种轻浮行为很看不惯。

    At the time , Arnold had disapproved of such levity .

  4. 她感到松了一口气,这莫名其妙地使她变得轻浮起来了。

    She had a sense of relief which left her curiously lightheaded .

  5. 她是一个轻浮的人。

    She is a butterfly .

  6. 4birdbrain笨蛋;〈美俚〉轻浮无知的人别问那傻瓜,他什么也不懂。

    Don 't ask that bird brain , he knew nothing .

  7. 林后一17我有这样的意思,难道是行事轻浮么

    Cor.1:17 This therefore intending , did I then use fickleness ?

  8. 他说我太轻浮不能成为一名好的管理员。

    He said I was too flighty to be a good supervisor .

  9. 你不该以轻浮的态度来对待那么严肃的正题。

    You shouldn 't treat such a serious subject with frivolity .

  10. 一次严肃的政治演讲不应该充满轻浮的言词。

    A serious political speech should not be full of frivolity .

  11. 那么眨眼的表情,是表示轻浮呢还是威胁呢?

    Is a winkie face emoji ironic , flirtatious or menacing ?

  12. 年轻人的头脑是轻浮的,年轻人的心是炽热的。

    Young heads are giddy , and young hearts are warm .

  13. 她唯一担心就是她的举止会突然的变得轻浮失礼。

    Her one worry was her sudden tendency to become light-headed .

  14. 他的轻浮使办公室里的其他人感到不快。

    His frivolity annoys the other people in the office .

  15. 褐藻酸钙-壳聚糖胃漂浮微丸漂浮性能研究轻浮轻浮的性质或状态

    Study on the floating characteristics of the calcium alginate-chi-tosan intragastric floating beads

  16. 我有这样的意思,难道是行事轻浮么?

    This therefore intending , did I then use fickleness ?

  17. 柯林讲话的腔调有些轻浮,可他那双黑色的眼睛是严肃的。

    Colin 's tone was flippant but his dark eyes were serious .

  18. 它可能是机巧的、轻浮的,也可能是大男子主义的、恐吓的。

    It can be clever and flirtatious , or sexist and intimidating .

  19. 男人对女人过分欣赏,使女人轻浮自欺;

    Men over women to enjoy , so that women frivolous self-deception ;

  20. 她那轻浮的举止给我留下一个坏印象。

    Her light conduct left a bad impression on me .

  21. 苏,有时候我认为你是个轻浮的人。

    Sue , I sometimes think you are a flirt .

  22. 她生性轻浮,什么事情都不肯认真对待。

    She has a frivolous nature and won 't take anything seriously .

  23. 做礼拜时,不允许这种轻浮行为。

    Such lightness of conduct is not to be permitted in church .

  24. 我是不是太肮脏是不是太轻浮?

    Am I too dirty ? Am I too flirty ?

  25. 轻浮的金发碧眼的女子;轻率的少年;傻笑。

    A dizzy blonde ; light-headed teenagers ; silly giggles .

  26. 他因言行轻浮而失去朋友的尊重。

    He was disconsidered with his friends for his flippancy .

  27. 你的誓言全破碎了,你的行为如此轻浮:

    Thy vows are all broken , And light is thy fame :

  28. 谁愿意屈尊去谴责这种轻浮举止?

    Who 'd stoop to blame This sort of trifling ?

  29. 我不是那种轻浮的随便就可以泡上的女孩。

    I 'm not just some plucky girl you can string along !

  30. 这个人很轻浮,不严肃。

    The man is frivolous , not serious . -