
qīng shuǐ
  • light water
轻水 [qīng shuǐ]
  • [light water] 普通水(H 2 O)经过净化,用做反应堆的冷却剂和中子的慢化剂,叫做轻水

轻水[qīng shuǐ]
  1. 为满足下世纪上半叶核能迅速发展的需要,设计了为轻水堆提供充足核燃料的磁镜聚变增殖堆CHD。

    A mirror fusion breeder , CHD , has been designed for providing plenty of nuclear fuel for light water reactors to meet the needs for rapid development of nuclear power in the first half of next century .

  2. 国内池式轻水研究反应堆中,尽管其燃料元件包壳材料、反应堆水池覆面材料和主要堆内构件材料以及运行温度不一样,其冷却剂pH值都定为偏酸性。

    Although the materials of nuclear fuel cladding , internal surface and the main reactor internals , and operating temperatures of the pool type light water reactors in China are different from each other . All of pH value of water in the pools are always selected as slight acidity .

  3. 轻水堆一回路水中~(13)N浓度测量

    Concentration measurement of 13 n in light water reactor primary loop

  4. Pt(H)-Pd轻水电解系统中的过热现象及激光触发效应的研究

    Study on " Excess Heat " and Effect Caused by Laser in the Electrolyzing Process of Pt ( H ) - Pd System

  5. MOX燃料在国外已成功应用于轻水堆和快中子增殖堆中。

    The MOX fuel has been successfully applicated in the LWRs and FBRs .

  6. 本文分析了采用低富集度UO2燃料和轻水慢化剂的零功率装置几种假想的极限事故。

    This paper analyses several supposed limit-accidents for the low concentration UO , / H , Ozero power assembly .

  7. 该堆是一体化自稳压自然循环壳式轻水反应堆,测量了一回路冷却水水质的化学成分,如溶解氧、pH值、电导率、硝酸根、氯离子、氟离子及腐蚀产物、溶解氢等。

    The reactor structure influence on water chemistry is described . The chemistry components for coolant water of primary loop of reactor , such as dissolved oxygen , pH , conductivity , nitrate , chloride , fluoride , corrosion products are established .

  8. FlibeEnergy创始人科克•索伦森称:“福岛事故标志着传统轻水反应堆的消亡。”FlibeEnergy位于美国阿拉巴马州亨茨维尔,是一家备受推崇的核技术初创企业。

    " Fukushima marked the death of conventional light-water reactors ," says Kirk Sorensen , founder of Flibe Energy , a highly regarded nuclear technology startup based in Huntsville , Alabama .

  9. 轻水堆燃料组件计算程序包TPFAP

    TPFAP & a Code Package for LWR Fuel Assembly Calculation

  10. 灭火系统类:ABC干粉、轻水、二氧化碳等系列,以及各类灭火器维修,维修许可证编号:WE195。

    Fire-extinguishing system class : ABC powder , light water , carbon dioxide and other series , and a variety of fire extinguisher maintenance , repair license number : WE195 .

  11. 锆合金作为轻水核反应堆燃料元件的包壳材料已得到了广泛的应用并积累了丰富的经验,因而仍被列为SCWR潜在的应用材料。

    As a light water nuclear reactor fuel cladding material , Zr alloy has been wide used and its application experience accumulated , hence it is the potential materials for SCWR .

  12. 超临界水堆(SCWR)相比现有轻水反应堆(LWR)具有更高的热效率与设备简化等诸多优势,被选为第四代核反应堆概念设计之一。

    The supercritical water cooled reactor ( SCWR ) design has been selected as one of the Generation IV reactor concepts because of its higher thermal efficiency and plant simplification as compared to current light water reactors ( LWR ) .

  13. 基于建立的年处理10t重水的组合电解催化交换-色谱分离(CECE-GC)实验系统,就含氘轻水提氘演示实验及利用含氚轻水进行含氚重水提氚模拟运行做了介绍。

    Based on the CECE-GC experimental system , with a disposal capability of 10 t / a of tritiated heavy water , the demonstration experiment of recovering deuterium from light water containing deuterium and the simulation operation of recovering tritium from tritiated heavy water with tritiated light water are introduced .

  14. 国外先进轻水堆的开发状况和简要评述

    Development Status and Simple Evaluation of Foreign Advanced Light Water Reactors

  15. 在轻水堆上用模拟机落棒法测量反应性时一种消除空间效应的方法

    An approach to eliminate spatial effects on reactivity measurements by rod

  16. 低浓铀轻水零功率装置事故分析

    Accident Analysis for Low Concentration UO_2 / H_2O Zero Power Assembly

  17. 六角形轻水堆组件中子通量密度分布的计算

    Calculation for the Flux Distribution in Hexagonal fuel Assembly of LWR

  18. 多用途一体化轻水堆初步设计方案和安全分析

    Primary Design and Safety Analysis of Multi-application Integrated Light Water Reactor

  19. 轻水堆核电站腐蚀损伤及其对策

    Corrosion damages and the relevant protective strategies for LWR nuclear power station

  20. 轻水堆燃料元件在三种主要事故下的实验研究

    Experimental Investigations on LWR Fuel Elements Under Three Main Accidents

  21. 比较了重水和轻水的工作曲线。

    The working curves of heavy water and light water are comparable .

  22. 轻水堆物理分析方法的现状与发展

    The status and Prospect of reactor analysis methods for LWR

  23. 轻水反应堆用锆合金的研究问题

    Research and Development of Zirconium Alloys in Light Water Reactors

  24. 轻水反应堆三回路流量测量

    Measurement of Flow Rate in the Third Loop of PWR

  25. 氚在轻水堆燃料后处理流程中的行为和控制

    ~ 3h behaviour and control in reprocessing of spent fuel from LWR

  26. 先进轻水堆核电站的用户技术设计要求

    Utility Technical Design Requirements on Advanced Light Water Reactor NPP

  27. 国外轻水堆核电站附加安全系统的发展

    The Developments of the Depressurization System for Light-water Reactors in the Industrial Countries

  28. 轻水热物性骨架表及其函数关系式介绍

    The Skeleton Tables and Functional Correlations for the Thermal Properties of Light Water

  29. 国外超临界轻水反应堆研究

    Foreign Study of Super Critical Light Water Cooled Reactor

  30. 轻水堆核燃料循环模型及优化

    The model and optimization of LWR nuclear fuel cycle