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  • lightweight
轻量级 [qīng liàng jí]
  • [lightweight] 体重在平均体重之下的人;特指体重不超过135磅的轻量级拳击运动员

  1. 16岁时他已经是波兰的青少年组轻量级冠军。

    By the age of sixteen he was the junior lightweight champion of Poland

  2. 他从轻量级(71公斤以下)转到了轻中量级(78公斤以下)。

    He changed from lightweight ( under 71kg ) to light middleweight ( under 78kg ) .

  3. 空缺的世界拳击理事会次轻量级头衔被取消了。

    The vacant W.B.C. junior-lightweight title has been called off

  4. 你也可以把“轻量级读者”叫作poorreader。

    You can also call him a poor reader . Example :

  5. “轻量级读者”指的是那些一开始看书就犯困或者看没多久就睡着的人。

    Lightweight reader refers to someone who gets sleepy or passes out shortly after starting to read .

  6. 和“重量级”(意思是十分强大)相反,“轻量级”的意思是能力极低。“轻量级读者”则是不擅长阅读的人,事实上,离擅长阅读差得很远。

    Contrary to " heavyweight " , which means very powerful , " lightweight " means having little ability , and lightweight reader is a reader who is not good at reading , in fact , far from good at it .

  7. HealthCenter是一个非常轻量级的工具,甚至可以用于生产。

    The Health Center is so lightweight it can even be used in production .

  8. 基于J2EE轻量级架构的web设计与实现

    Design and Realization of the Web Based on J2EE Lightweight Architecture

  9. 本文向您展示了Spring对于轻量级的开发为何意义如此重大。

    This article shows you why Spring is so significant to lightweight development .

  10. 基于Java的轻量级企业开发架构的研究及应用

    The Research and Application of a Light-Weight Enterprise Architecture Based on Java

  11. IBMDataServerRuntimeClient是轻量级客户机部署的最佳选择。

    The IBM Data Server Runtime Client is the choice for lightweight client deployments .

  12. 面向PC的轻量级网格中间件的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of PC - Oriented Lightweight Grid Middleware System

  13. Spring是一个轻量级的J2EE强大框架。

    Spring is a powerful and lightweight Framework in J2EE .

  14. 基于Spring的轻量级应用程序组件

    Lightweight application components based on Spring

  15. Spring框架就是作为代替EJB的一种轻量级技术。

    The Spring framework evolved as a lightweight alternative to EJB .

  16. 建立了一个基于Multi-Agent的轻量级企业工作流信息主动共享过程控制引擎。

    A multi-agent based lightweight process control engine of Enterprise Workflow Information Active Sharing is studied .

  17. 切片执行还集成了一种轻量级判定过程,用于对C程序验证过程中的验证公式进行高效判定。

    A lightweight decision procedure is also integrated to efficiently decide the formulas generated during the verification of C programs .

  18. 在一个最近的项目中,我的公司在数百个办公地点部署了类似的轻量级XML客户机。

    In a recent project , my company deployed a similar lightweight XML client to hundreds of locations .

  19. IBM创建了一个轻量级部件模型,并为小部件定义了一个标准。

    IBM has created a lightweight widget model and defined a standard for widgets .

  20. SOAP是一个以HTTP为底层协议的访问Web服务的轻量级协议。

    SOAP is a lightweight protocol accessing Web Service that HTTP is its ' bottom protocol .

  21. 轻量级框架在J2EE开发中的研究及应用

    The Research and Application of Lightweight Framework in J2EE

  22. Seam用嵌入的轻量级容器来帮助该类测试。

    Seam comes with an embeddable lightweight container that helps this type of testing .

  23. Spring通过使用胶水代码添加大量的bean,从而超越了轻量级容器。

    Spring goes beyond its lightweight container by adding a whole host of beans with glue code .

  24. 使用IBMTivoliMonitoring自主代理功能实现轻量级监控解决方案。

    Use the IBM Tivoli Monitoring autonomous agent capabilities to implement a lightweight monitoring solution .

  25. 本文中描述的HTML表单小部件示例就是一个轻量级小部件。

    The sample HTML form widget described in this article is a lightweight widget .

  26. 轻量级基础架构解决了最小占用的需要、便于配置、确保宿主Web应用程序和Web服务的基础架构安全。

    The light-weight infrastructure addresses the need for a minimal footprint , easy to configure , secure infrastructure for hosting web applications and Web services .

  27. 一种实用的轻量级RFID安全协议研究

    Research of a Practical Lightweight RFID Security Protocol

  28. 只能选择其一,要么创建轻量级Java应用服务器,要么去达到完全兼容标准。

    The choices were really split between either creating a lightweight Java application server or aiming for full standards compliance .

  29. 它是一种轻量级的、价格低廉的、使用XML和XSLT发布文档的工具。

    It is a lightweight and affordable tool for publishing documents with XML and XSLT .

  30. 如果您已使用了两年的Spring轻量级容器和敏捷过程,您可能会收获更多。

    If you 've used the Spring lightweight container for two years with an agile process , you might not gain much .