
  1. 法务大臣一职将暂由内阁官房长官仙谷由人兼任。

    Yoshito Sengoku , the chief cabinet secretary , will serve as justiceminister until a permanent appointment is made .

  2. 我认为,为了将巡逻艇修复到原状,我方提出赔偿要求是十分自然的,仙谷由人表示。

    I think we can naturally make a claim for repair ( of the vessels ) to their original condition , Mr Sengoku said .

  3. 继任菅直人成为新的国家战略大臣的仙谷由人说,2010年日本的预算债务首次超过税收,很明显日本已经到达一个转折点。

    Yoshito Sengoku , Mr Kan 's replacement as strategy minister , says that the moment borrowing exceeded tax revenues in the2010 budget , it was clear that Japan had reached a turning point .