
kōnɡ zhōnɡ yùn shū
  • Air transportation;air traffic
  1. 欧洲交通专员和西班牙欧盟事务长与空中运输管理机构Eurocontrol对话后发表了讲话。

    The European transport commissioner and Spanish minister for Europe were speaking after talks with the air traffic agency Eurocontrol .

  2. 亚太地区空中运输增长的喜与忧

    Infrastructure Problems and Their Solutions of Air Traffic Growth in Asia-Pacific Region

  3. 最近两年,总部设在怀特霍斯的空中运输公司transnorthhelicopters将旗下直升机机队规模增加了一倍,目前拥有18架直升机,以应付育空区的需求。

    Trans North helicopters , based in Whitehorse , has doubled its fleet to 18 over the past two years to cope with demand in the Yukon .

  4. 美国进入伊拉克四分之三的空中运输要通过土耳其因斯里克(Incirlik)空军基地。

    Three-quarters of the air cargo heading into Iraq passes through Incirlik air base there .

  5. 1948年12月28日,一架载有29名乘客和3名机组人员的DC-3空中运输客机从波多黎各(PuertoRico)的圣胡安(SanJuan)起飞,前往美国佛罗里达州的迈阿密(Miami),结果却在即将抵达目的地时神秘失踪。

    An Airborne Transport DC-3 airliner carrying 29 passengers and three crew members disappeared near the end of a scheduled flight from San Juan , Puerto Rico to Miami , Fla. on December 28 , 1948 .

  6. 暴风雨使得所有的空中运输都暂停三天。

    The hurricane suspended all ferry service for there days .

  7. 航空物流既包含空中运输环节又包括地面综合物流处理环节。

    Air-logistics is a comprehensive logistics disposal course comprises air and ground parts .

  8. 由空中运输方式发送的邮件。

    Mail that is sent by air transport .

  9. 空投好用么?虫子们有空中运输手段么?

    Are drops commonly used , and does Zerg have an air transporter ?( e.g.Siege Tank drop )

  10. 因此我觉得空中运输应该是我的国家最有效的交通工具了。

    That 's why I think air transport should be the most efficient transportation in my country .

  11. 运送原材料的空中运输车;空中缆车;建筑之间的空中走廊。

    Aerial conveyers for transporting raw materials ; aerial cable cars ; an aerial walkway between the buildings .

  12. 我非常渴望能够介绍清迈和吉大港,这两个分别属于泰国和孟加拉的第二大城市之间的空中运输业务。

    I am particularly keen on introducing air services between our respective second cities of Chiang Mai and Chittagong .

  13. 商业或私人空中运输所用飞机,设备及飞机零件的生产商和装配商。

    Manufacturers and assemblers of aircraft and aircraft parts , equipment primarily used in commercial or private air transport .

  14. 新西兰是一个活跃的贸易国,通过定期海上和空中运输服务与主要的贸易伙伴保持联系。

    New Zealand is an active trading nation , linked to its principal trade partners by regular sea and air services .

  15. 四月份,对火山灰的担忧导致欧洲大部分地区的空中运输停止了接近一周的时间。

    Back in April , concerns about the ash shut down air travel across most of Europe for nearly a week .

  16. 长达一周的机场围困切断了曼谷的空中运输,严重破坏了泰国的旅游业和出口型经济。

    The week-long airport siege cut off Bangkok 's air links and wreaked havoc on Thailand 's tourism industry and export-dependent economy .

  17. 为了准备报价,我们需要现行的陆上/海上/空中运输所用的保险费率的资料。

    We require , in order to complete an offer , the current insurance rates for land - / sea - / air-transportation .

  18. 结合空中运输和地面运输,为全球客户提供快速、安全和及时的门到门物品运送服务。

    Combined with air transportation and ground transportation , for global customers to provide fast , safe and timely door to door delivery service items .

  19. 由于默拉皮火山喷发造成的火山灰层迫使官员们将访问缩短了接近两个小时,这样的话空军一号就可以在空中运输受到干扰之前起飞。

    Mount Merapi , and its volcanic ash cloud , has forced officials to cut his brief trip by nearly two hours , so Air Force One can take off before air traffic is disrupted .

  20. 昨天早上,亚特兰大,佐治亚,盐湖和犹他州的航行系统失灵长达5小时,无法自动排列航班计划,所以空中运输控制人员必须自己排列,这当然要用更长时间。

    A system in Atlantic , Georgia and Salt Lake City , Utah went down for five hours yesterday morning . It was unable to automatically set up flight plans for planes , so air traffic controllers had to do it themselves which takes longer .

  21. 纽约市迎来了一英尺以上的降雪量,新英格兰还伴有时速高达80英里的大风,空中运输再次面临停滞。较大的机场仍然开放,但是许多人已经不能正常搭乘航班。

    A foot or more of new snow in New York City , and through much of New England plus winds as high as 80 miles an hour , air travel once again is at a . The bigger airports are open , but so many people are not flying .

  22. 自诩为“世界的物流公司”的DHL提供通过铁路、公路、海路及空中的运输。

    DHL calls itself the " logistics company for the world , " providing transportation via rail , road , sea and air .

  23. 这学期的专题是研讨编队飞行如何增进空中交通运输的经济效益。

    This semester 's project was a study of formation flight as a means to increase economy of air transport operations .

  24. 卫星导航定位系统已经全面的应用于陆地,海洋和空中交通运输的导航,且为各种军事运载体导航,使武器的命中率大为提高。

    The satellite navigated system is applied to the land , ocean and navigation of the communications and transportation in the sky . It navigates for various kinds of militarily carrier , and makes the hit rate of the weapon greatly improved .

  25. 空中电动缆车运输系统的一个单位(或是汽车)。

    One of the units ( or cars ) in a telpherage .

  26. 被抓到或者核防御被对方先发制人破坏的担心,似乎解释了为什么他们决定开发空中、陆地运输系统以外的第三个系统——核舰艇和核潜艇,以对付巴基斯坦的核黑社会。

    Fear of capture or pre-emptive destruction of their nuclear defences seems to be one reason why they are determined to develop a third leg , after air - and land-based delivery systems , to Pakistan 's nuclear " triad " : nuclear-armed ships and submarines .

  27. 这其中的基础是我们广泛的网络,结合空中和地面的运输方式以达到最优化的递送效率。

    The basis for this is our comprehensive network , combining air and ground transport for optimal delivery performance .