- Air transportation;air traffic

The European transport commissioner and Spanish minister for Europe were speaking after talks with the air traffic agency Eurocontrol .
Infrastructure Problems and Their Solutions of Air Traffic Growth in Asia-Pacific Region
Trans North helicopters , based in Whitehorse , has doubled its fleet to 18 over the past two years to cope with demand in the Yukon .
Three-quarters of the air cargo heading into Iraq passes through Incirlik air base there .
An Airborne Transport DC-3 airliner carrying 29 passengers and three crew members disappeared near the end of a scheduled flight from San Juan , Puerto Rico to Miami , Fla. on December 28 , 1948 .
The hurricane suspended all ferry service for there days .
Air-logistics is a comprehensive logistics disposal course comprises air and ground parts .
Mail that is sent by air transport .
Are drops commonly used , and does Zerg have an air transporter ?( e.g.Siege Tank drop )
That 's why I think air transport should be the most efficient transportation in my country .
Aerial conveyers for transporting raw materials ; aerial cable cars ; an aerial walkway between the buildings .
I am particularly keen on introducing air services between our respective second cities of Chiang Mai and Chittagong .
Manufacturers and assemblers of aircraft and aircraft parts , equipment primarily used in commercial or private air transport .
New Zealand is an active trading nation , linked to its principal trade partners by regular sea and air services .
Back in April , concerns about the ash shut down air travel across most of Europe for nearly a week .
The week-long airport siege cut off Bangkok 's air links and wreaked havoc on Thailand 's tourism industry and export-dependent economy .
We require , in order to complete an offer , the current insurance rates for land - / sea - / air-transportation .
Combined with air transportation and ground transportation , for global customers to provide fast , safe and timely door to door delivery service items .
Mount Merapi , and its volcanic ash cloud , has forced officials to cut his brief trip by nearly two hours , so Air Force One can take off before air traffic is disrupted .
A system in Atlantic , Georgia and Salt Lake City , Utah went down for five hours yesterday morning . It was unable to automatically set up flight plans for planes , so air traffic controllers had to do it themselves which takes longer .
A foot or more of new snow in New York City , and through much of New England plus winds as high as 80 miles an hour , air travel once again is at a . The bigger airports are open , but so many people are not flying .
DHL calls itself the " logistics company for the world , " providing transportation via rail , road , sea and air .
This semester 's project was a study of formation flight as a means to increase economy of air transport operations .
The satellite navigated system is applied to the land , ocean and navigation of the communications and transportation in the sky . It navigates for various kinds of militarily carrier , and makes the hit rate of the weapon greatly improved .
One of the units ( or cars ) in a telpherage .
Fear of capture or pre-emptive destruction of their nuclear defences seems to be one reason why they are determined to develop a third leg , after air - and land-based delivery systems , to Pakistan 's nuclear " triad " : nuclear-armed ships and submarines .
The basis for this is our comprehensive network , combining air and ground transport for optimal delivery performance .