  • empty;hollow;void
  • sky;air;emptiness;void of the world of senses
  • for nothing;in vain

  • leave empty or blank;empty;vacate
  • unoccupied;vacant;blank
  • empty space;free time;spare time
  • 不包含什么,没有内容:~洞(a.没有内容的;b.物体内部的窟窿)。~泛。~话。~旷。~乏。~~如也。~前绝后。凭~(无根据)。真~(没有任何东西)。

  • 没有结果的,白白地:~跑了一趟。~口无凭。

  • 离开地面的,在地上面的地方:~军。~气。~投。~运。

  • 使空,腾出来:~一个格。~出一间房来。

  • 闲着,没被利用的:~白。~地。~额。~房。~缺。

  • 亏欠:亏~。

  • 古同“孔”,洞。


(不包含什么; 里面没有东西或没有内容; 不切实际的) empty; hollow; void:

  • 空房间

    an empty room;

  • 空酒瓶

    a bottle empty of wine;

  • 空箱子

    an empty box;

  • 房间很快就腾空了。

    The room emptied very quickly.

  • 屋里空无一人。

    There isn't a single soul in the house.

  • 这棵树被虫子蛀空了。

    This tree has been eaten hollow by worms.

  • 竹子很轻, 因为它中间是空的。

    Bamboo is light because it is hollow.


(天空) sky; air:

  • 领空

    territorial sky [air];

  • 晴空

    a clear [bright] sky;

  • 星空

    starlit [starry] sky;

  • 夜空

    the night sky


{佛教} emptiness; void of the world of senses:

  • 四大皆空。

    All space-directions are void.; Everything is emptiness.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 空全

    Kong Quan


(没有效果; 白白地) for nothing; in vain:

  • 空忙

    make fruitless efforts;

  • 空跑一趟

    make a journey for nothing


(腾出来; 使空) leave empty or blank; empty; vacate:

  • 空出一个抽屉

    empty a drawer;

  • 每段开头要空两格。

    Leave two blank spaces at the beginning of each paragraph.

  • 请把前面一排座位空出来。

    Please leave the front row of seats vacant.


(没有被利用或里面缺少东西) unoccupied; vacant; blank:

  • 空房

    a vacant room;

  • 空行

    blank line;

  • 空座位

    unoccupied seat;

  • 车厢里空得很。

    There are many vacant seats in the carriage.


(尚未占用的地方) empty space:

  • 各行之间多留点空儿。

    Leave a little more space between the rows.

  • 用正确的词填空。

    Fill the blank spaces with right words.


(尚未占用的时间) free time; spare time:

  • 今天没空儿, 改日再谈吧。

    I'm busy today. Let's talk about it some other day.

  • 你有空儿吗?

    Are you free?

  • 有空儿到我这儿来。

    Come over when you have time.

  1. 夜里,他在家中的空屋子里踱来踱去。

    He prowled the empty rooms of the house at night .

  2. 他们走向远处那个角落的空桌子。

    They made for an empty table in the far corner .

  3. 他伸出空着的一只手,我就抓住了。

    He held out his free hand and I took it .

  4. 跟平常那个时刻一样,那地方空荡荡的。

    As usual at that hour , the place was deserted .

  5. “你今晚有空吗?”她抱着希望地问。

    ' Are you free tonight ? ' she asked hopefully .

  6. 桌子上有两个空酒瓶。

    There were two dead bottles of wine on the table .

  7. 房子烧得只剩个空骨架了。

    The house was now a shell gutted by flames .

  8. 把光标移至电脑屏幕的空区。

    Move the cursor to a blank area of the computer screen .

  9. 如果萨拉有空吃午饭,我就带她出去吃。

    If Sarah is free for lunch I 'll take her out .

  10. 地板上东西挪空,涂上了清漆。

    The floors had been stripped and sealed with varnish .

  11. 我忙得不可开交,没空在这儿闲坐。

    I 'm far too busy to sit around here .

  12. 空弹壳在射击后从枪里弹出。

    Used cartridges are ejected from the gun after firing .

  13. 你有空时,我能不能见见你?

    Could I see you when you 've got an odd moment ?

  14. 如果回答不了问题,就空着它。

    If you can 't answer the question , leave a blank .

  15. 他们的许诺到头来全是空的、骗人的。

    Their promises turned out to be full of sham and hypocrisy .

  16. 房子的空寂并未使她感到害怕。

    The silence and emptiness of the house did not scare her .

  17. 我们能不能腾个空再放一把椅子?

    Can we make space for an extra chair ?

  18. 你若有空,参观一下当地的博物馆。

    If you have time , pay a visit to the local museum .

  19. 我在最近的一张空桌旁坐了下来。

    I sat down at the nearest unoccupied table .

  20. 进来吧!地方很空。

    Get in ! There 's bags of room .

  21. 这个职位最终空出来之后,他们给了菲奥纳。

    When the post finally fell vacant , they offered it to Fiona .

  22. 寺院的珍宝被洗劫一空。

    The abbey had been plundered of its valuables .

  23. 还有好几个空座位。

    There are still a good few empty seats .

  24. 经理很快就有空了——你可以在这里等她。

    The manager will be free soon ─ you can wait for her here .

  25. 他旁边的座位空着。

    The seat next to him was vacant .

  26. 她的脚步声在空荡荡的屋子里回响着。

    Her footsteps echoed in the empty room .

  27. 写在纸的一面,把另一面空出来。

    Write on one side of the paper and leave the other side blank .

  28. 要是愿意你就住下,我们空着一间卧室。

    We 've got a spare bedroom , if you 'd like to stay .

  29. 是的,还很空呢。

    Yes , there 's plenty of room .

  30. 空船向海上漂去。

    The empty boat drifted out to sea .