  • year
  • put on record;write down

  • load;carry;hold;be filled with
  • and;as well as;while
  • 年;岁:千~难逢。三年两~。

  • 记录;刊登;描绘:记~。连~。转~。

  • 装,用交通工具装:~客。~货。~重。~体。装~。满~而归。

  • 充满:怨声~道。

  • 乃,于是(古文里常用来表示同时做两个动作):~歌~舞。

  • 姓。


(年) year:

  • 一年半载

    six to twelve months; six months to a year;

  • 三年五载

    three to five years;

  • 千载难逢

    occurring only once in a lifetime; very rare


(记载) put on record; write down:

  • 登载

    publish in newspapers or magazines;

  • 转载


  • 载入记录

    record in the minutes; place on record;

  • 据报载

    according to press reports;

  • 条约中载明

    be clearly stated in the treaty


(装载) load; carry; hold:

  • 满载

    fully load;

  • 超载


  • 运载

    transport by vehicle;

  • 载客

    carry passengers;

  • 轮船满载着大米。

    The ship is fully loaded with rice.

  • 他载誉返乡。

    He went home loaded with honours.


(充满道路) (the road) be filled with:

  • 怨声载道。

    Complaints are heard all over.; Popular grievances are openly voiced everywhere.

  • 风雪载途。

    Whirling snow swept over the road.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 载晖

    Zai Hui


[书] (又; 且) and; as well as; while:

  • 载笑载言

    talking and laughing at the same time

  1. 故事讲一个雅典少年如何在一场持续廿五载的战争中长大成人,但真实的历史伟人如苏格拉底、阿尔西比亚德斯(Alcibiades)也在书里多次露面。

    ' It was the story of an Athenian boy who grows to manhood during a25 · year war , but great , real figures such as Socrates and Alcibiades also strode through the novel 's pages .

  2. 一些娱乐界的知名人士出席向他从艺40载致以敬意。

    Some of the biggest names in the entertainment world turned out to honor his40th year in show business .

  3. 出租汽车载着他们迅速驶往市中心。

    The cab speeded them into the centre of the city .

  4. 这辆公共汽车可载60名乘客。

    The bus can take 60 passengers .

  5. 一支联合国援助车队载着食物和药物终于抵达了被围困的市镇。

    A United Nations aid convoy loaded with food and medicine finally got through to the besieged town .

  6. 她开着自己的家庭轿车载着几个朋友出去兜了一圈。

    She took some friends for a ride in the family car

  7. 一辆载满废金属的卡车掉货了。

    A lorry piled with scrap metal had shed its load .

  8. 5月里,他们在大街上载歌载舞,欢庆胜利。

    In May they danced in the streets , buoyed by their victory

  9. 一辆豪华轿车载着她沿着拥挤的高速公路飞速驶向机场。

    A limousine swept her along the busy freeway to the airport .

  10. 出租车司机载着他们绕了个大圈才到警察局。

    The cabdriver took them on a circuitous route to the police station

  11. 他载着一大车干草驶过。

    He drove by with a big load of hay

  12. 富国压榨穷国长达数十载。

    For decades rich nations have been screwing money out of poor nations .

  13. 她会说和我同路,可以载我一程。

    She would say she was going my way and offer me a lift .

  14. 他开了辆敞篷车,载我和我的朋友辛西娅去看电影。

    He took me and my friend Cynthia to the movies in an open-topped car

  15. 载着部队官兵的40多辆装甲车被派往该地区。

    More than forty armoured vehicles carrying troops have been sent into the area .

  16. 客载量这么大,有一个问题非常突出——安全。

    With these very large passenger payloads one question looms above all others — safety .

  17. 她招手打了一辆路过的出租车,让司机载她去马伦戈街。

    She signalled a passing taxi and ordered him to take her to the rue Marengo .

  18. 那辆军用卡车正载着14名士兵到挪威的一个偏远地区进行操练。

    The military truck was taking 14 men on exercise in a remote area of Norway .

  19. 是何等可怕的心理扭曲会导致狙击手向载满儿童的公共汽车开火?

    What monstrous perversion of the human spirit leads a sniper to open fire on a bus carrying children ?

  20. 轮船载着大量货物驶往纽约。

    The ship sailed for New York with a lot of cargo .

  21. 这架飞机可载16吨货物。

    This plane can carry a cargo of 16 tons .

  22. 这趟列车客货均载。

    This train conveys both goods and passengers .

  23. 载回船只和直升飞机正向溅落区进发。

    Recovery ships and helicopters are headed for the splashdown area .

  24. 航天飞机执行一项绝密使命,使军用酬载由五角大楼控制。

    The space shuttle undertook a topsecret mission with a military payload under Pentagon control .

  25. 暌违数载。

    It 's years since we parted .

  26. 先父辞世已三载。

    It 's three years since my father passed away .

  27. 这辆卡车的载重量已达到极限。

    This truck has already reached the limit of its load capacity .

  28. 干性油在所有油基涂料中是主要的载色剂。

    The drying oils are the major vehicle in all oil-base paints .

  29. 救生艇载走了遇难船上的大部分水手。

    The lifeboat brought off most of the shipwrecked sailors .

  30. 这架飞机可载12吨货物。

    This plane can carry a cargo of12 tons .