
shùn xī
  • twinkling;in the twinkling of an eye
瞬息 [shùn xī]
  • [in the twinkling of an eye] 一瞬眼一呼之间。比喻极短的时间

  • 瞬息万变

  • 有奇字素无备者,旋刻之,以草火烧,瞬息可成。--宋. 沈括《梦溪笔谈.活板》

瞬息[shùn xī]
  1. 成功的机会犹如一缕青烟,瞬息即逝。

    Any chance of success seemed to vanish in a puff of smoke .

  2. 过去都是假的,回忆是一条没有归途的路,以往的一切春天都无法复原,即使最狂乱且坚韧的爱情,归根结底也不过是一种瞬息即逝的现实。

    The past was a lie , that memory has no return , that every spring gone by could never be recovered , and that the wildest and most tenacious3 love was an ephemeral truth in the end .

  3. 闪光;瞬息的一现一道微弱的光线通过半开的门显出来。n.马具;

    gleam A gleam of light shone through the partly opened door .

  4. 本文给出了流变学方面的两个新结果:一是建立了瞬息弹性模量H、长期弹性模量E和影响函数R、K间的一个新的定量关系式;

    This paper presents two new conclusions in the Rheology : ( 1 ) Building up a relation formulae between modulus of elasticity E.H and effect function R.K ;

  5. 艺术是永恒的,时间是瞬息即逝的。&朗费罗

    Art is long , and times is fleeting . & Longfellow

  6. 可是,幸福与否也许在你出生瞬息就已经注定了。

    But happiness might be decided when you are born .

  7. 爱并不因瞬息的改变而改变。

    Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks .

  8. 她的恐惧感仅是瞬息间的,很快就消失了。

    Her feeling of fear was only momentary ; it soon passed .

  9. 瞬息间她到达了水边。

    A moment brought her to the water 's edge .

  10. 爱并不因瞬息的改变而改变,

    Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks ,

  11. 二十年坚持与执着,在瞬息的动摇面前,化作了尘土。

    Twenty years'insistence and obsession turned into dusts in face of sudden falter .

  12. 资本和技术在不同地区之间瞬息转移。

    Capital and technology are transferred from one place to another within seconds .

  13. 只能活一个短促的瞬息!他们瞬时忘掉了一切。

    At first they saw nothing around them .

  14. 转眼间美梦瞬息实现。

    And soon beautiful dureams will come true .

  15. 命运确实会瞬息转变。

    Fortunes really do spin on a dime .

  16. 世事瞬息万,比你设想的要快得多。

    It can happen fast , and a whole lot sooner than you think .

  17. 在时光的记忆中,只有瞬息才是永恒。

    In the memories of time , only that which is ephemeral is lasting .

  18. 声乐艺术是流动的、瞬息变化、转瞬即逝的。

    The art of vocal music is flowing , fast changing and passing in a flash .

  19. 瞬间爆发力瞬间爆发力瞬息间,我们绕过一个个木桶,回到终点线。

    Immediate explosive power We were around those barrels and back at the finish line in seconds .

  20. 陈锦恒没有追逐瞬息多变的时髦,他深悟现实主义永恒的魅力。

    Chen Jinheng didn 't follow ever-changing fashion , but he deeply understood eternal charm of realism .

  21. 镁光灯一闪的瞬息,柯林斯本能地躲到了门后。

    Acting on instinct , Collins ducked behind the door , just as the strobe flash went off .

  22. 她知道,她翻出悬崖消声灭迹,只是瞬息间的事情。

    She knew it was only a matter of seconds before she hurtled over the cliff into oblivion .

  23. 在瞬息变幻的商业环境中,对市场反应的速度往往决定着企业的成败。

    In now baffling business environment , the speed of response usually decides whether the corporation can succeed .

  24. 但事实是,这些措施无法代替我们瞬息间所丢失的所有工作。

    But the truth is , steps like these won 't replace all the jobs we 've lost overnight .

  25. 这个年代的人们总是浮躁在贪得无厌的金钱中,或是瞬息即逝的快感中。

    People in this age always lost themselves in endless desire of fortune , or the fleetingly pleasant sensation .

  26. 瞬息间,贵族变贫民,富翁成乞丐,荷兰陷入一片萧条。

    Soon the nobles became poor and the rich became paupers . Cries of distress resounded everywhere in Holland .

  27. ③液钽易发生振动失效,有些在振动激励下可能成为瞬息电势源(间歇短路);

    Liquid state tantalum capacitors are susceptible to vibration , and it is possible to produce transient electric potential ;

  28. 网络电话,即时瞬息,电脑萤幕互通,电子邮件,传真,短讯息,网页电讯等功能之结合。

    You can put your existing phone number on your Web Pages , Emails , Messages , Presentations or Documents .

  29. 别老说‘优雅的定义与往昔不同’概念,观念和观点瞬息而变。

    It 's not : " Elegance isn 't what it was . " Notions , concepts and visions change .

  30. 同时,组织动态能力越来越成为当前的研究热点,而在瞬息变幻的市场环境中,高科技企业具备这种能力显得尤为重要。

    Now organizational dynamic capabilities increasingly become a current research focus in the changing market environment , especially for high-tech enterprises .