
qiān wàn
  • must;be sure;ten million;millions upon millions
千万 [qiān wàn]
  • [be sure] 副词,无论如何,不管怎样

  • 千万不复全。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • 千万无渝 。--唐. 李朝威《柳毅传》

千万[qiān wàn]
  1. 该工程已制订一千万法郎的预算。

    The project has been budgeted at ten million francs .

  2. 为该工程已编制了一千万法郎的预算。

    Ten million francs has been budgeted for the project .

  3. 他有价值1千万元的个人净资产。

    He has a personal net worth of $ 10 million .

  4. 千万不要做出诸如离开国家之类的极端行为。

    Don 't go doing anything extreme like leaving the country .

  5. 千万要小心。

    Do be careful , for goodness ' sake .

  6. 千万不要鼓励学生思考!

    Heaven forfend that students are encouraged to think !

  7. 我们曾被反复叮嘱千万不要与陌生人讲话。

    We had it drummed into us that we should never talk to strangers .

  8. 你千万别说那样的话。

    You mustn 't say things like that .

  9. 请千万别把我一个人留在这儿。

    Please don 't leave me here alone .

  10. 如果撒谎,措辞要简短;千万别画蛇添足。

    If you 're telling lies , keep it simple ─ never over-egg the pudding .

  11. 千万别让你的学生感到自己一无所知。

    Never make your students feel ignorant .

  12. 千万不能放任小孩呆在水池或水槽附近不管。

    Never leave young children unattended near any pool or water tank

  13. 千万别搭喝了酒的司机开的车。

    Never accept a ride with people who have been drinking .

  14. 他那行为出格的儿子在达特茅斯欠下了高达2亿5千万英镑的债务。

    His errant son at Dartmouth ran up debts of £ 250m .

  15. 为安全起见,千万别站在马的正后方。

    For safety 's sake , never stand directly behind a horse .

  16. 他们是千万拉丁青年的榜样。

    They are role models for thousands of young Latins .

  17. 千万不要迫使双腿过度拉伸,否则会受伤的。

    Never force your legs to overstretch , or you can cause injuries .

  18. 千万注意里面的东西一点都不能洒出来。

    Utmost care must be taken not to spill any of the contents .

  19. 怀特勋爵和其他千万富商一样,外表时髦,举止优雅。

    Lord White is as sleek and elegant as any other multi millionaire businessman .

  20. 千万不要挤黑头、小肿块或粉刺。

    Never squeeze blackheads , spots or pimples .

  21. 无论在何种情况下,种族主义都是千万要不得的。

    Racism is wholly unacceptable under any circumstances

  22. 怀孕时千万不要冲洗阴道。

    Never douche if you are pregnant .

  23. 千万不要使电源插座过载。

    Never overload an electrical socket .

  24. 千万不要将任何精油抹到眼睛周围。它们有很强的刺激性,可能会使眼睛产生刺痛感。

    Never put any essential oils near the eyes . They are very strong and could sting

  25. 欧洲委员会裁定英国航空航天公司应该偿还数千万英镑。

    The European Commission ruled that British Aerospace should pay back tens of millions of pounds .

  26. 昨天该公司总裁被指控将数千万美元非法存入外国账户。

    Yesterday its president was accused of salting away tens of millions of dollars in foreign accounts .

  27. 到这个十年结束时,多达千万的儿童将会感染上这种病毒。

    As many as ten-million children will have been infected with the virus by the end of the decade

  28. 你必须坚强自信,千万不要给人留下丝毫你应付不来的印象。

    You have to be strong and confident and never give the slightest impression that you can 't hack it

  29. 千万别错失良机,否则日后追悔莫及。

    You mustn 't allow a golden opportunity to slip through your fingers or you will regret it later .

  30. 它已从一个人经营的生意发展成资产规模近千万、业务额达数百万美元的公司。

    It has grown from a one-man business to a multi-million dollar business with close to $ 10 million in assets