
qiān lǐ yǎn
  • clairvoyance;clairvoyant;second sight;have the faculty of foreseeing distant future events as clairroyants claim to have
千里眼 [qiān lǐ yǎn]
  • (1) [clairvoyance]∶旧时称望远镜。比喻能分辨遥远物体的能力

  • (2) [clairvoyant]∶被认为是眼力非凡的人

千里眼[qiān lǐ yǎn]
  1. 我是一流的讣告写手,因为我是千里眼。

    I am an excellent obituary writer because I am clairvoyant .

  2. 她被誉为“千里眼”

    She is known as " the vision of thousand miles "

  3. 千里眼和顺风耳是《西游记》中的两个人物。

    This stour describes two characters from journey to the West .

  4. 哦,不,别又使出肯特的千里眼了。

    Oh , no , not the Kent thousand-yard stare .

  5. 技术侦察兵必须成为高级首长的千里眼顺风耳。

    The monitors must be forward ears and eyes to the top leaders .

  6. 难道你是千里眼?

    Are you a clairvoyant or something ?

  7. 快速扩大的侦察卫星网络,将为中国提供千里眼,使其能够充分运用此类军事硬件。

    The fast-growing network of reconnaissance satellites provides China with the vision to harness this hardware .

  8. 他求助于各种迷信的方式,如抽签、千里眼、预感和解梦等。

    He had recourse to every superstition of sortilege , clairvoyance , presentiment , and dreams .

  9. 此幅画,是千里眼和顺风耳出南天门后,按住云头,仔细观听的场面。

    This scene shows how Thousand-mile Eye and Wind-accompanying Ear observe and listen carefully outside the Southern Gate .

  10. 遥视这个术语呈现出总体性的速记,去描述这个建筑物,从而接近千里眼。

    The term " remote viewing " emerged as a generalised short hand to describe this more structured approach to clairvoyance .

  11. 这些技巧,如:千里眼(超视觉),用以帮助他人将注意力调谐至个人正在发生的变化。

    These skills , e.g. clairvoyance , are being given to help others to become attuned to the changes occurring within the individual .

  12. 超心理学,一种对心理现象证据研究的学问,包括心灵感应、千里眼及心灵致动等科学无法解释的现象。

    Parapsychology The study of the evidence for psychological phenomena , such as telepathy , clairvoyance , and psychokinesis , that are inexplicable by science .

  13. 感术:嬗变术的一类。超乎常人的感知力,如感受特殊气息,或观察遥远目标的千里眼等。

    Sensorium : A class of Transmutations . Superhuman powers of sensation , from the perception of auras to clairvoyant observations of distant places and people .

  14. 不高兴时,他就不读,捧着书本坐在那里装样子,这可都逃不过我的千里眼和顺风耳。

    Happy , he will not read books , and hold a pretence of , this can be used to sit there all escape my amiable breeze ear .

  15. 在目标探测及跟踪方面,雷达发挥了重要的作用,被誉为战争中的千里眼。

    For a long time , radar has taken such a important role in the target detecting and tracking field that it has been called as Clairvoyance in the war .

  16. 老巫婆长着千里眼,一下就看见了她的继女,正跟着自己的爱人罗兰匆匆忙忙地远去。

    The witch flew into a rage , jumped to the window , and as she could see far into the world , she saw her stepdaughter hurrying away with her sweetheart Roland .

  17. 那些能够预见未来的人有很多名字——先知、占星家、灵媒、女巫、千里眼,无论你用哪个名字来称呼他们,都要知道这一个职业在有历史记载的时期就已经出现了。

    Call them seers , astrologers , psychics , mediums or clairvoyants . Whatever term you use for people who work to discern the future , know that this occupation has been around since the dawn of recorded history .

  18. 无线电管理是保证频率资源高效、可靠、互不干扰的运行的根本手段,而无线电监测是无线电管理的技术支撑,为无线电管理提供了监测监听测向的顺风耳和千里眼。

    Radio management is the key means to guarantee the use of frequency to be efficient , reliably and without interference . And the radio monitoring who can measure , listen and direction find the frequency , is the basic technical method of the radio management .