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qiān suì
  • a thousand years;Your Highness;His Highness
千岁 [qiān suì]
  • (1) [a thousand years]∶千年。泛指年代长久

  • (2) [Your Highness]∶对天子(皇帝)所封诸王的直接称呼,小说和戏剧中常用

  • 千岁爷

  • (3) [His Highness]∶对天子(皇帝)所封诸王的间接称呼

千岁[qiān suì]
  1. 其中一些树据说已超过千岁在这花岗岩巅峰下

    Some of these trees are thought to be over a thousand years old Bellow the granite peaks

  2. 皇后娘娘千岁千岁,千千岁。

    May the Empress live a thousand times a thousand years .

  3. v离开酒店的时候,带走了房间里的千岁鹤。

    V taked this when we leave from Hotel Fujida .

  4. 这正如《千岁人》在1920年所预言的:

    It was much as Back to Methuselah had prophesied in 1920 :

  5. 千岁兰科的唯一的模式属。

    Type and sole genus of welwitschiaceae .

  6. 《抱朴子》亦称“兔”寿千岁,五百岁其色白”。

    The holding tastes " also say " rabbit " longevity chitose , 500 years its color white " .

  7. 最近这边有一部很好的戏剧,作者是萧伯纳,叫作《千岁人》。

    There has been a very good play on here by Bernard Shaw called ' Back to Methuselah ' .

  8. 如果说艾伦很喜欢《千岁人》,那就是因为萧伯纳在戏剧里表现了他的思想,生命有其自身的力量。

    If Alan enjoyed Back to Methuselah , it would also have been because Shaw dramatised his theory of the Life Force ,

  9. 例如,台南市的玉皇大帝五府千岁神佛坛内,即列出一年当中诸神的诞辰,计有31天。

    For instance , the " Jade Emperor Temple " which housed the " thousand-year god " scheduled a total of31 days of birthday celebrations for the deities just in one year .

  10. 艾伦也许想到了《千岁人》中的超智能,他们替萧伯纳回答了政客们的那些不可解的麻烦事,答案就是:滚回家去吧,你个傻瓜!

    Alan might have been thinking of the ' oracle ' in Back to Methuselah , through whose mouth Bernard Shaw answered the unsolvable problems of the politicians with ' Go home , poor fool ' !

  11. 实际上在1933年,艾伦就已经在这个水平上进行思考了。萧伯纳的《千岁人》中,有位未来科学家发明了人造人,它能够表现,至少是模仿,20世纪人类的思维和情感,而科学家无法区分人造人和生物人。

    Indeed in 1933 he had seen it on the stage , for in Back to Methuselah Shaw had a future scientist produce an artificial ' automaton ' which could show , or at least imitate , the thought and emotions of twentieth century people .

  12. 在《千岁人》人,萧伯纳幻想了公元31920年的超智能生物,他们从对艺术、科学和性的兴趣中脱离出来(“那些幼稚的游戏:跳舞,唱歌和交配”),转而只关心数学

    In Back to Methuselah , Bernard Shaw imagined super-intelligent beings of 31920 A.D. growing out of the concerns of art , science and sex ( 'these childish games - this dancing and singing and mating ' ) and turning away to think about mathematics .

  13. 私有制经济的寿命将与社会主义历史阶段一样,不只是长命百岁,而是长命千岁、千千岁。社会主义历史阶段存在悲剧,这有客观和主观两方面的原因。

    From its developing process , the author concludes that the private ownership economy and the historical process will coexist forever and ever . The tragedy as a literary genre certainly is not strange to socialist countries in the historical framework , due to objective and subjective factors .

  14. 几年前,卡塔尔球探来到非洲后,测试了成百上千名13岁的男孩,而绰号吉吉(Jiji)的让·朱尔就是其中之一。

    A few years earlier , Jean Jules ( known as Jiji ) was among the hundreds of thousands of 13-year-old boys screened by Aspire scouts when they came to Africa .

  15. 将每千人口拥有3岁以下婴幼儿托位数由目前的1.8个提高到4.5个。

    The number of pupil places for infants under 3 years old will be increased from the current 1.8 to 4.5 per 1000 population .

  16. 按照世界心脏联盟的估计,大约有2千2百万5岁以下儿童的体重完全超标。

    According to the World Heart Federation , an estimated twenty-two million children under five years old are now severely overweight .