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tán zhǐ
  • snap of the fingers;a short moment
弹指 [tán zhǐ]
  • [snap of the fingers] 极短时间

  • 一弹指的工夫

弹指[tán zhǐ]
  1. 弹指又过了三四年。

    So another three or four years quickly passed .

  2. 十多年时间,在人类历史长河中,仅仅是弹指一挥间。

    Ten years is only a moment in human 's history .

  3. 生命的意义在弹指一挥间。

    The meaning of life can be grasped in a moment .

  4. 心理上的齿轮不是弹指间就可逆转的。

    Psychological gears cannot be reversed at a snap of the fingers .

  5. 发复生搽剂的制备及临床应用弹指间毛飞毛灭

    Preparation and Clinical Application of Hair - resuscitation Lotion

  6. 当时我所想的就是:夫人,你不要在我面前弹指。

    That 's when I thought don 't snap your fingers at me , lady .

  7. 三十七年弹指过。

    Thirty seven years lapsed so fast .

  8. 一切全从弹指打拍子开始。

    It all starts with finger snapping .

  9. 贝拉维拉的弹指十年

    Ten Years ' Collectivization

  10. 我弹指一笑,藏尽前尘所有的缘,只为一次无望的落泪。

    I fillip smile , every possession , Cheng pulls all the edge , only a hopeless tears .

  11. 然后,弹指一挥间,这一切都成了剪贴簿中的回忆。

    And then , in a snap of a finger , it 's all just memories in a scrapbook .

  12. 四十年光阴弹指一挥间,有光荣和激动,也有坎坷和抑郁;

    Forty years Our Time passed and , with glory and excitement , there are frustrations , and depression ;

  13. 然而这一真实的美好社会景象在历史长河中只是弹指一挥间永远地留在了漫长无境的时间里了。

    But it was a real good social scene in history just a.twenty forever stay a long time without borders .

  14. 对于巴菲特,以及所有正在为养老存钱的人来说,这几乎是弹指一瞬。

    For Mr Buffett , and for anyone saving for their retirement , it is barely a blink of an eye .

  15. 但是,有了近场通讯功能,反馈只是弹指一挥间的事。商家不仅可以及时得到反馈,而且他们还能随时对优惠券进行调整,以促进销售,增加收益。

    Not only will merchants know sooner , but they can also adjust the coupon on-the-fly to achieve better sales and results .

  16. 然而,只是弹指一刹那后,他脸上的笑容僵硬成冰棱。

    However , just after the split second , fillip 's the smiling face on his face is stiff to become diamond dust .

  17. 他一弹指就把他所有开过的舞会都勾销了,“老兄,舞会是无关紧要的。”

    He dismissed all the dances he had given with a snap of his fingers . " old sport , the dance is unimportant . "

  18. 行者见已欢喜踊跃。自见其身乘金刚台。随从佛后。如弹指顷往生彼国。

    Then he sees himself sitting on the vajra-seat , and following the Buddha , is born into that land in the time it takes to snap one 's fingers .

  19. 他跟死亡玩着骇人的捉迷藏游戏。每一次当索命的鬼魂来到他跟前时,这顽皮的孩子总是“啪”的一下给它来个弹指。

    He played a fearful game of hide and seek with death ; every time that the flat-nosed face of the spectre approached , the urchin administered to it a fillip .

  20. 七年时光弹指一挥,当年的九号签早已成为联盟顶薪一族,以戈登-海沃德为核心的犹他爵士亦在西部复兴在望。

    Gordon Hayward was drafted No. 9 overall seven years ago , bloomed into a max player and became the linchpin of a Utah Jazz team growing into a legitimate Western Conference force .

  21. 在大约5千万年间(这在地质学上不过是弹指一挥间),返回海洋的4种浦乳动物之一的鲸已成为体积最庞大的动物。

    Within about 50 million years -- no time at all , geologically speaking -- one of the four kinds of mammals that has returned to a marine environment has developed into the largest of all animal forms , the whale .