
dàn jiā
  • cartridge clip;charger;cartridge holder;magazine clip
弹夹 [dàn jiā]
  • [charger;cartridge clip] 夹子弹用的长条夹。用来将子弹成排夹住,以便压入弹匣

弹夹[dàn jiā]
  1. 嗯我还能再拿一个弹夹

    Uh , yeah , I could use an extra clip .

  2. 就连在射击场那里我们都共用一个弹夹呢。

    And we split a clip at the shooting range .

  3. 超韧PA6射钉弹弹夹的研制

    Development of bullet gripper of super-toughened PA6 study on shoot courtesy

  4. 每个弹夹中与M82载弹量相同。

    Same number of bullets per mag as M82 .

  5. 士兵在车内发现了名身穿防弹夹克的男子,以及一支AK-47步枪和三个弹夹。

    Soldiers found a man with a bulletproof jacket inside the vehicle , along with an AK-47 rifle and three ammunition clips .

  6. 我要两只额外弹夹和一匣子弹。

    I want two extra clips and a box of cartridges .

  7. 我的枪上了子弹,还剩一个弹夹。

    I 've got one in the breech and an extra mag.

  8. 武器上和弹夹上都没有指纹。

    No prints on the weapon or the ammo clip .

  9. 这个弹夹是执法部门配备的。

    And this round is standard law enforcement issue .

  10. 把另一个弹夹推进去。

    And you shove the other one in .

  11. 看见没?这就是为什么我们要自己装弹夹。

    You see , that 's why we have to load our own ammo .

  12. 这是个给枪支润滑的弹夹。

    It 's a magazine to grease gun .

  13. 所以瞄准镜不得不按在一边为这个弹夹留下空间。

    The scope had to be off to the side to allow space for this feature .

  14. 还有额外的弹夹

    Fitted with extra ammunition magazines .

  15. 同样弹夹上的芯片必须是自动重置,因此就需要无重置装置。

    Also chips on cartridge must " auto-reset " so that no reset device is required .

  16. 这只熊仍活着。他换了弹夹,又向它的头部打了几枪。

    The big bear was still alive so he reloaded and shot it several times in the head .

  17. 拜登表示,大家就加强背景调查和严禁使用高容量弹夹的提议达成一致。

    Biden says there seems to be a consensus on stricter background checks and banning high-capacity ammunition magazines .

  18. 另有一人携带43型半自动步枪,一种半自动、弹夹供弹的武器。

    Another would have a Gew . 43 , which was an SLR ( self-loading rifle ) - a semi-automatic magazine-fed weapon .

  19. 民主党议员们今天在国会的两院提出立法,禁止攻击性武器和大容量的弹夹。

    Democratic lawmakers in both houses of Congress have today introduced legislation that would ban military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition clips .

  20. 即站在全班同学前面,对准自己的太阳穴开枪。大家都清楚弹夹里是一颗没有弹头的子弹。

    Stand up before the class and shoot himself through the temple . It was understood that the cartridge would be a Blank .

  21. 我关上油门,半身探出舱口用冲锋枪打空了一个弹夹。

    I pressed on the gas , stuck out of the hatch showing half of my body and fired a whole ammo clip from my SMG .

  22. 他伸手去取另一只弹夹,但似乎想了想后,又对着索尼埃的肚子得意地冷笑道:“反正这家伙也活不成了。”

    He reached for a second clip , but then seemed to reconsider , smirking calmly at Sauni è re 's gut . " My work here is done . "