
  • 【航天】manned space technology
  1. 航天工效学是随着载人航天技术而发展起来的一门新兴学科。

    Space ergonomics is a new subject developed with the development of space technology .

  2. 载人航天技术及其发展

    Manned Space and Development

  3. 随着载人航天技术的持续发展,整个国际社会,特别是中国,有关载人航天的法律问题日渐突出。

    With the continuous development of the manned space technology and the whole international society , especially in China , relevant manned space legal problems are increasingly prominent .

  4. 随着宇航技术的飞速发展,我国的载人航天技术日臻成熟,深空探索成为重要的发展发向。

    With the fast development of aerospace technology , manned space flight technology of our country becomes mature day by day and deep exploration becomes an important developing direction .

  5. 空间在轨交会是载人航天技术中的关键问题之一,是目前航空控制理论与实践中的难点之一。

    The problem on orbital rendezvous of spacecraft is a crucial technology for human space exploration . It is one of the most difficult problems in theory and application of spacecraft control .

  6. 文章从载人航天技术的概念、内容和发展载人航天技术的意义三个方面对载人航天技术进行阐述,说明载人航天技术对人类社会发展的重要性。

    The manned space program is introduced on the concept , content and signification in this article , and especially three manned spacecraft & spaceship , space shuttle and space station is described .

  7. 载人航天技术已经成为世界航天的发展热点,而航天器自主交会对接是载人航天工程中的一项极其关键的技术。

    Manned space flight technology has been the research focus in the world aerospace field , and spacecraft autonomous Rendezvous and Docking ( RVD ) plays a key role in the manned space flight technology .

  8. 随着载人航天技术的发展,储水和输水设备受限于航天器空间的问题得到了解决,以水为推进剂的航天推进技术步入了良性发展阶段。

    With the development of manned space technology , the problem that water storage and delivery equipment is limited to spacecraft space has been solved , space propulsion technology using water as propellant steps into the benign stage of development .

  9. 载人航天故障诊断技术的发展及其关键技术分析

    The Development of Spaceflight Fault Diagnostic Techniques and the Analysis towards its Key Skills

  10. 随着载人航天及航空技术的发展,对航天器的防热材料和航空发动机的热障涂层等技术的要求日益增高。

    With the development of manned space flight and aeronautics , the technical requirements for heat protection material and thermal barrier coating , etc.

  11. 宇航员的出舱活动是载人航天飞行的关键技术。

    Astronaut extravehicular activity is the key technology of manned space flight .

  12. 载人航天高可靠伺服技术

    High Reliable Servo Technology for Manned Space

  13. “神舟一号”无人试验飞船是中国载人航天工程的首次飞行,标志着中国在载人航天飞行技术上有了重大突破,是中国航天史上的重要里程碑。

    Shenzhou I experimental spaceship is the important milestone in China 's spaceflight history .