
kōnɡ qì shuān sè
  • Air embolism;aeroembolism
  1. 方法:实验于2005-09/2006-01在吉林大学药学院生物工程实验室完成。①取1月龄新西兰大耳白兔,耳缘静脉行空气栓塞处死,超净台内无菌取膀胱。

    METHODS : The experiment was completed at the Department of Bioengineering in Jilin University from September 2005 to January 2006 . ① New Zealand male rabbit of one-month old was sacrificed by aeroembolism in entotic vein and took the bladder without germ under the super-clean bench .

  2. 耳中动脉空气栓塞法处死动物后,将腰椎取出,暴露黄韧带,光电镜取材在L5-6。

    The rabbits were sacrificed with artery air-embolism . Immediately lumbar were removed and then ligament between L5-6 were resected .

  3. 冠状静脉窦温血逆灌抢救冠状动脉空气栓塞

    Management of Coronary Artery Air Embolism With Retrograde Warm Blood Perfusion

  4. 从事异常气压的工作人员于工作压力下做快速的减压上升,可造成空气栓塞症的发生。

    Arterial gas embolism occurs in dysbaric pressure workers undergoing rapid decompression .

  5. 大鼠空气栓塞死亡模型的构建

    Establishing the rat death model of air embolism

  6. 猪静脉空气栓塞的累积致死量为276~667ml。

    The accumulated lethal dose of air embolism was 276-667 ml in different pigs .

  7. 实验结束后,应用空气栓塞处死动物留取静脉血清及肺组织标本待检。

    After experiment the animals were killed and the serum and lung tissue were collecting .

  8. 未出现空气栓塞、心包填塞和肿瘤播散。

    No patient presented air embolism , cardiac tamponade and the tumor spreads or die .

  9. 静脉输液空气栓塞的预防

    Vein Transfusion Breath Embolize of Prevent

  10. 结果全组病例无手术死亡,无空气栓塞、低心排综合征等并发症。

    Results There were no operative mortality , no air embolism and low cardiac output syndrom .

  11. 坐位后颅窝及上颈髓手术麻醉期间及出现空气栓塞时血液动力学变化

    The hemodynamic changes during posterior fossa and upper cervical spinal operation in sitting position and with air embolism

  12. 应强调术中保持较高的主动脉灌注压以防止空气栓塞。

    The maintenance of higher aortic perfusion pressure intraoperatively must be emphasized to decrease the likelihood of air embolism .

  13. 死亡原因列为“迅速爬升氧气不足导致的空气栓塞。”

    The cause of death was listed as " air embolism due to rapid ascent , insufficient air . "

  14. 无感染、大量出血或血胸、空气栓塞、针道种植等严重并发症发生。

    No severe complications such as infection , excessive bleeding , hemothorax , aeroembolism , needle track implantation metastasis occurred .

  15. 死亡原因判定为空气栓塞溺水,迅速爬升氧气不足。

    The cause of his death was determined to be drowning due to air embolism , rapid ascent and insufficient air .

  16. 治疗四周后所有家兔以空气栓塞处死,采集锁骨标本进行各项指标检测。

    All rabbits are killed after four weeks and taken samples of various indicators of bilateral clavicle to test . 2 .

  17. 常见并发症有麻醉意外、气胸、失血性休克、下腔静脉空气栓塞、血栓形成或胆道梗阻等。

    The common complications included anesthesia accident , pneumothorax , hemorrhagic shock , air embolism or thrombosis in inferior vena cava and obstruction of biliary tract .

  18. 支撑性工具在压疮防治中的循证评价以高压氧治疗空气栓塞症是可治疗的工具。

    Evidence-based analysis of the support devices in pressure ulcers prevention Emergency measures include administration of100 % oxygen , using therapy is curable for the arterial gas embolism .

  19. 结果12例肝静脉破裂出血或空气栓塞的病人术中均抢救成功。

    Results Hepatic venous rupture caused mass bleeding in 11 and air embolism in 1 . All the ruptures were immediately repaired and the patients were successfully saved .

  20. 颈内静脉置管拔管后致脑空气栓塞患者的护理多普勒血流探测仪在颈内静脉置管中的应用

    Nursing Care for Cerebral Air Embolism Resulting from Withdrawal of Internal Jugular Venous Catheter Application of Doppler blood flow survey meter on detaining tubes in internal jugular vein for patients

  21. 目的:通过动物空气栓塞实验,探究栓子的运行途径、时间、空气栓塞的部位、后果及死亡机制,为临床提供经验借鉴。

    Objective : From animals experiment of gas embolism to research circulation way , time , place of gas embolism result and necrosis mechanism in order to offer clinical experience .

  22. 共发生并发症46例次,其中气胸31例次,咳血3例次,出血12例次;无空气栓塞和恶性种植。

    The complication occurred in 46 cases , included pneumothorax in 31 , hemoptysis in 3 , hemorrhage in 12 . No air embolism and the needle-route malignant implant occurred .

  23. 以高压氧治疗空气栓塞症是可治疗的工具。颈内静脉置管拔管后致脑空气栓塞患者的护理

    Emergency measures include administration of100 % oxygen , using therapy is curable for the arterial gas embolism . Nursing Care for Cerebral Air Embolism Resulting from Withdrawal of Internal Jugular Venous Catheter

  24. 扫描完成后,所有动物空气栓塞处死,观察肝假瘤发生率和形态,取假瘤标本肉眼观察后送病理做HE染色。

    After scanning all rabbits were sacrificed by air embolism , then the incidence and patterns of hepatic pseudotumor were observed and HE staining of the pseudotumors ' specimens were finally made .

  25. 病因有动脉大量空气栓塞、鱼精蛋白过敏性休克、电解质紊乱、严重缺氧、低心排综合征、畸形矫治不良等。

    The causes of cardiac arrest are massive arterial air embolism , anaphylactic shock induced by protamine , electrolyte disturbance , serious anoxia , low cardiac output , incomplete repair of cardiac malformation , etc.

  26. 使用肝静脉阻断器过程中,可能发生的并发症,如血栓形成、空气栓塞等,可以通过严格操作规程和事先预防得以解决。

    The complication problems such as blood clotting and air embolism , which might occur with the use of the occlusion device , can be solved through strict operation procedures and prevention measures in advance .

  27. 方法对17例涉及肝静脉并发症的病例进行分析,将其分成两类,一类为肝静脉破裂导致出血或空气栓塞,另一类为肝静脉狭窄导致肝脏血液回流受阻。

    Methods According to type of damage , 17 cases were divided into 2 groups : hepatic venous rupture in 12 ( group A ) and hepatic venous obstruction in 5 ( group B ) .

  28. 作者根据本单位的临床经验及体会,对心脏瓣膜替换术中心搏骤停,左室破裂,空气栓塞,人工瓣膜急性功能障碍等紧急问题发生的原因、处理及其预防进行了讨论。

    In this paper , the authors discussed the causes , treatment and prevention of critical situation of cardiac arrest , left ventricular rupture , air embolism and acute dysfunction of prosthetic valve during cardiac valve replacement .

  29. 分别于术后4、8、12周采用空气栓塞法分批处死动物后取材,行大体观察,HE、甲苯胺蓝染色及免疫组织化学分析观察。

    Kill the animal with air embolism and harvest them after the 4 , 8 , and 12 week respectively , and conduct the general observation , HE , toluidine blue staining and immunohistochemical analysis of observation .

  30. 实验中每天按时测量各组的眼压后再进行相应的治疗处理;7天后静脉空气栓塞处死动物,在冰环境下迅速摘取眼球,剥取视网膜。

    Every day , measured the IOP of every group before the treatments in experiment . 7 days later , put rabbits to death , picked the eyeball in ice environment rapidly , shelled and fetched the retina .