
  • 网络Boyle;Susan Boyle;Danny Boyle;Willard S. Boyle
  1. 曾获奥斯卡最佳导演奖的丹尼•博伊尔(DannyBoyle)曾经拍过一部电影,影片将伦敦描绘成一座世界末日降临之后被携带病毒的僵尸占领的荒城。

    Oscar-winning director Danny Boyle once made a film depicting London as a postapocalyptic wasteland overrun by virus-carrying zombies .

  2. 执导开幕式演出的奥斯卡最佳导演丹尼・博伊尔(DannyBoyle)说,我们希望在场观众都能成为其中的一份子,真正感受到这种体验。

    We wanted the people in the audience to feel truly part of the experience , ' said Danny Boyle , the show 's Oscar-winning director .

  3. 最近几年,企业家在主流电视频道上的露面次数大大增加,学者雷蒙德?博伊尔(RaymondBoyle)和莉萨?凯利(LisaKelly)甚至就这一现象专门撰写了一本名为《电视上的企业家》(TheTelevisionEntrepreneurs)的新书。

    And in recent years , entrepreneurs have appeared much more often on the major channels , even inspiring a new book , The Television Entrepreneurs , by the academics Raymond Boyle and Lisa Kelly .

  4. 我再也不用担心他们找到尼古拉斯·博伊尔了。

    I 'm not afraid of them finding Nicholas Boyle anymore .

  5. 他和一个叫布鲁-卢-博伊尔的有联系。

    Drexl had an association with a fellow named blue Lou boyle .

  6. 英国电影人丹尼-博伊尔获得最佳导演奖。

    British filmmaker Danny Boyle was named best director .

  7. 博伊尔说,他们希望慢慢走,这是可以理解的。

    Says Mr. Boyle : ' they understandably want to take their time . '

  8. 博伊尔:最好的选手获得了冠军。

    Boyle : The best people won .

  9. 博伊尔曾在上个月表示,他知道开幕式演出无法做到让每个人都满意。

    Mr. Boyle last month said he knows he won 't be able to please everyone with the show .

  10. 在《贫民窟的百万富翁》北京首映礼上,丹尼•博伊尔称提名是一件“绝妙”的事情。

    Speaking at the premiere of his film in Beijing , Boyle described the appointment as " fantastic " .

  11. 博伊尔是一位深具社会责任感的导演,他的作品充满着对人性和社会的哲学思考。

    In conclusion , Boyle is a film director who has social responsibility ; his works are full of humanity and society Philosophy .

  12. 博伊尔医生警示,穿牛仔裤时感觉到的任何刺痛都不应该被忽视,因为这一状况可能导致永久性损伤。

    Dr Boyle warned that any tingling sensation caused by their denims should not be ignored as this could lead to more permanent damage .

  13. 她在步那些著名人物的后尘,如拉布·巴特勒,昆廷·霍格和她政治良师爱德华·博伊尔。

    She followed in the footsteps of such illustrious names as Rab Butter , Quintin Hogg , and her political mentor , Sir Edward Boyle .

  14. 玛格丽特在接替了影子内阁爱德华?博伊尔爵士的职务后,明确表示,保守党将竭尽全力反对尚特的议案。

    Margaret , following Sir Edward Boyle in the shadow ministry , made it clear that the Tories would fight short 's bill tooth and nail .

  15. 不过,博伊尔构思的本周五晚奥运会开幕式的开篇场景会稍稍温和一点:会有羊、马和鹅等动物登场亮相。

    For the beginning of Friday evening 's Olympic opening ceremony , Mr. Boyle has something a bit gentler in mind : sheep , horses and geese .

  16. 由于人们纷纷对这部电影表现出极大的狂热,电影《贫民窟的百万富翁》导演丹尼·博伊尔在获得了显著成就以后,他呼吁人们冷静并保持现实主义的态度。

    Addressing the growing fervour for British film , Slumdog director Danny Boyle has urged people to remain calm and to be realistic after his remarkable Oscar success .

  17. 导演丹尼-博伊尔和监制斯蒂安-科尔森难以掩饰成功后的喜悦,他们也希望这次的重大胜利能够给制片厂以信心,给那些小电影更多的机会。

    Flush with success , director Danny Boyle and producer Christian Colson said they hoped the big win would convince studios to continue to take chances on smaller films .

  18. 冬季男子马拉松赛冠军冲过终点两小时四十分后,博伊尔斯顿街发生首起爆炸。

    The first Boston Marathon bomb exploded about two hours and forty minutes after the winner of the men 's race had crossed the finish line on Boylston Street .

  19. 经广电总局同意,该影片即将在中国上映。同时,该片导演丹尼•博伊尔也被提名为2009年上海国际电影节的主席。

    The movie was recently approved for wide release by the country 's famously restrictive censors , and Boyle was today named jury president of the2009 Shanghai international film festival .

  20. 尽管如此,博伊尔仍希望让自己执导的这场开幕式更温暖、幽默且更具包容性,演出场地上设置了公众可以站立的场区。

    Still , Mr. Boyle hopes to make his show warmer , humorous and more inclusive , including areas of the set where members of the public will be able to stand .

  21. 博伊尔面临的挑战在于,他要执导一场既能吸引英国观众又能取悦全球数十亿电视观众的开幕式演出。

    playful sense of humor and propensity to churn out rock stars . The challenge is to make a show that will appeal both to a British audience and the expected billion or more viewers around the world .

  22. 首先,博伊尔的狂乱不安的风格似乎一直都不适合007,而取代他的导演凯瑞·福永(《无境之兽》、《真探》)专拍热血动作片和跨国硬汉片。

    For one thing , Boyle 's frantic , fidgety style never seemed right for 007 , whereas the director who replaced him , Cary Joji Fukunaga ( Beasts of No Nation , True Detective ) , specialises in muscular action sequences and gritty international locations .