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bó yǎ
  • erudition;learned and accomplished;well-informed and refined;learned;show deep mastery
博雅 [bó yǎ]
  • [learned;show deep mastery] 渊博雅正

博雅[bó yǎ]
  1. 他是一个博雅君子。

    He was a learned and accomplished worthy .

  2. 每日野兽网(TheDailyBeast)发现Facebook雇佣了博雅公关公司(Burson-Marsteller)为其炮制谷歌(Google)的负面新闻。

    The Daily Beast discovered that Facebook hired public relations firm Burson-Marsteller to pitch anti-Google stories to publications .

  3. 去年10月份,博雅断绝了与安保集团BlackwaterUSA的关系。该集团在巴格达的保安被控于去年9月份杀害17名伊拉克平民。

    Last month it cut ties with Blackwater USA , the security group whose Baghdad guards are accused of killing 17 Iraqi civilians in September .

  4. 博雅去年还结束了与陷入困境的抵押贷款公司countrywide的合作,不过外界不清楚双方分手的情况。

    Burson also recently ended its work with countrywide , the embattled mortgage lender , though the circumstances of that separation are unclear .

  5. 商业领袖们应该记住,从英国石油到承认为Facebook所做的事违反了公司政策的博雅,近来的诸多事件证明,对公司名誉最致命的打击往往源自于自身。

    Business leaders should remember that , from BP to Burson-Marsteller ( which admitted its campaign for Facebook was against our policies ), recent events prove that the worst injuries to company reputation are frequently self-inflicted .

  6. 如果本身不是wpp集团的一员,博雅或许能从怡安保险(aon)正在销售的品牌重建保险中获益。

    Were it not itself owned by WPP , Burson-Marsteller might benefit from the brand restoration insurance that AON , the insurance broker , is now selling .

  7. 中国生物技术公司博雅(BoyaLife)将与韩国研究公司秀岩生命工学研究院(SooamBiotech)组建合资企业,每年将生产100万头克隆牛,以满足公众对优质牛肉的需求。

    BoyaLife , a Chinese biotechnology company , is teaming up with a Korean research company , Sooam Biotech , to clone 1m cattle a year to feed public demand for high-quality beef .

  8. 谈到博雅去年10月决定不会延长其与blackwaterusa的业务关系时,帕斯特只表示:“我可以毫无疑问地说,这个决定不是出于政治上的考虑。”

    On the decision last month that Burson would not extend its relationship with Blackwater USA , Mr paster says only : " I can say unequivocally that the decision was not made on political terms . "

  9. 例如,博雅去年代表软件供应商微软(microsoft)进行幕后游说活动,以反对互联网巨头谷歌(google)拟收购在线广告公司doubleclick的计划。

    For example , Burson has recently been conducting a behind-the-scenes campaign on behalf of Microsoft , the software provider , to generate opposition to the proposed takeover of doubleclick , the online advertising company , by Google , the Internet giant .

  10. 该公司的一位发言人凯瑟琳·沙利文(CatherineSullivan)称:“博雅一直给符合条件的员工支付加班费,以后也将继续支付。”她指出,比合伙人级别更低的员工目前有加班费,也参与24小时监视工作。

    Catherine Sullivan , a company spokeswoman , said : " Burson-Marsteller has always paid , and will continue to pay , overtime to those who are eligible . " She noted that employees below the associate level currently do receive overtime pay and also participate in round-the-clock monitoring .

  11. 博雅公关(Burson-Marsteller)的华盛顿分公司为各种商业和政治客户处理公共关系、做民意测验。该公司所谓的合伙人的年薪通常在4万至5万美元,每周的工作时间一般远远超过40个小时。

    At the Washington offices of Burson-Marsteller , which handles public relations and polling for a variety of corporate and political clients , so-called associates typically make $ 40000 to $ 50000 a year , and often work well beyond 40 hours a week .

  12. 撰稿:博雅全球副董事长凯伦•休斯

    By Ambassador Karen Hughes , worldwide vice chair , Burson-Marsteller

  13. 今天下午,我们带女儿去中山博雅艺术中心去了。

    We took our daughter to Zhongshan Pok Art Center this afternoon .

  14. 但在现实社会中,每一所知名的文理学院博雅教育都各具特色。

    But in reality , every well-known liberal arts colleges have different characteristics .

  15. 博雅因代表了其它具有争议的客户而饱受攻击。

    Burson has come under fire for its representation of other controversial clients .

  16. 乾隆皇帝弘历是一位博雅好古,兴趣广泛,有着多方面才艺的天子,写有不少陶瓷题材的诗歌。

    Emperor Qianlong , a versatile king , wrote many poems on porcelain .

  17. 在信中,博雅没有指明他的客户是微软。

    In the e-mail , Burson did not identify its client as Microsoft .

  18. 博雅纳教堂位于索菲亚城郊外,由三座建筑物组成。

    Located on the outskirts of Sofia , Boyana Church consists of three buildings .

  19. 潘恩先生则继续运营博雅公关,而且管理着公司的微软账户。

    Mr Penn continues to run Burson-Marsteller and to manage its Microsoft account himself .

  20. 该公司是博雅的子公司。

    That company is a unit of Burson .

  21. 这将令博雅成为全球遥遥领先的最大克隆工厂。

    That would make BoyaLife by far the largest clone factory in the world .

  22. 她告诉我们,她最想去博雅艺术中心看书。

    She told us that she wanted to go to Pok Art Center to read books .

  23. 博雅公关公司有个“智力激励”会议室,那里有宽大的窗户,可以看到优美的景色。

    Burson-Marsteller has a " brainstorming " room that has wide windows and a great view .

  24. 慧缘·博雅项目质量和进度均衡控制体系研究

    Research on Balance Control System of Quality and Progress for ' Huiyuan · Boya ' Project

  25. 弗莱克斯纳认为,美国学院杂乱无章的课程设置违反了博雅教育精神。

    Flexner thought that the disordered curriculum of American colleges was contrary to the spirit of liberal education .

  26. 本教材是《博雅汉语》的初级部分,适合于零起点及初学汉语的留学生使用。

    This textbook is the elementary level of Boya Chinese , which is suitable for the very beginners .

  27. 他倡导浪漫教育、创造教育、整合教育、博雅教育和多元教育共生。

    He advocates romantic education , innovative education , integrated education , liberal arts education , and diverse education .

  28. 今天我要联系博雅公关旧金山公司,给他们提供委托人的详细情况。

    Today I had to talk with the Burson-Marsteller San Francisco office to give them some detailed information on our client .

  29. 博雅教育旨在通过性格的培养来使学生获得比较完善的理性和健康的情感,开发主体自我实现的潜在可能。

    Liberal education aims to make students have comparative perfect rationality and healthy feelings and develop potential possibility of one 's self-realization .

  30. 《博雅汉语》作为新世纪的对外汉语综合教材,从各方面的考察来看,相对于以往的教材,更加具备权威性,使用范围更加广泛。

    Boya Chinese is the primary comprehensive teaching material , from the aspects of the investigation , more authority and widely used .