
pái qì kǒnɡ
  • vent-hole;exhaust vent;gas escape
  1. 我们在排气孔中着陆了。

    We 've landed here in some kind of exhaust vent .

  2. 注意左边老式测试台与右边新式测试台尺寸上戏剧化的不同,注意那个大的排气孔。

    Notice the dramatic difference in size between the test stand on the left , the old one , and the new one on the right . Note the large exhaust vent .

  3. Air(初三适用)抽水蓄能机组水轮机主轴排气孔处的刚强度分析与研究

    The Research of Stiffness and Strength about Air Vent in Main Shaft for Pump - turbine

  4. 自能式SF6断路器改变动触杆排气孔位置对气压特性的影响

    The Influence that the hole changed of moving contacts Self & extinguishing Type GSS Circuit Breaker for Puffer Characteristic

  5. 利用它对国产OFPI&220型SF6断路器进行的计算结果表明,改变动触头排气孔位置及电弧对动触头内腔中气体的热效应可明显提高开断电流时灭弧室压力上升速度。

    The results show that the position of the exhausting gas hole and the arc heat effects on the gas inside the hollow moving contact have obviously raised the pressure rising speed .

  6. 当我第一次将PS3拆开时,我将它放在工作台上靠近笔记本的地方运行,PS3的风扇将风吹进了笔记本的排气孔里面,最终导致笔记本过热而关机了。

    When I first unpacked the unit , I ran it on my workbench next to my laptop with the PS3 's fan blowing into the laptop 's exhaust vents & the laptop eventually went into thermal shutdown .

  7. 金属型设置排气孔在离心铸造中的应用

    Application of Exhaust Hole Set up in Die in Centrifugal Casting

  8. 此外,吸尘器的排气孔也可以安装在室外。

    In addition , the exhaust is vented outside the building .

  9. 他使橡胶塞牢固地塞进盖上的排气孔。

    He presses the rubber stopper firmly down on the vent .

  10. 该方法基于数据点的单调性,自动判断出截面轮廓是否包含排气孔。

    The method can identify whether the vent exist or not automatically .

  11. 涡旋压缩机排气孔面积与基本参数的最佳选择

    The Discharge Port Area of Scroll Compressor and the Optimization of Basic Parameters

  12. 气囊着陆缓冲系统的排气孔面积优化

    The Optimization of Venting Area of Airbag Landing System

  13. 涡圈高度和节距对涡旋压缩机排气孔面积的影响

    Influence of Height and Pitch of Profile on Designing Discharge Port for Scroll Compressor

  14. 脚趾头被排气孔给卡住了

    Got his toe caught in a vent cover

  15. 我们提供了封闭的排气孔,所以没有人知道排气孔的出口。

    We provide dummy vents , so no one knows what vents to go into .

  16. 当掀下按钮时,排气孔通道被阻断,输出信号增大。

    When the button is depressed the vent is closed and the output signal increases .

  17. 在模具中应提供排气孔防止“空气锁”。

    Vent holes will be provided to avoid " air locks " in the die .

  18. 流动性试验部件包括浇注口、熔液腔和排气孔。

    The mobility test part comprises a sprue gate , a melting liquid cavity and an exhaust hole .

  19. 在具有流道的至少一个臂中设有与至少这个流道相连的排气孔;

    At least one arm with the flow channel is provided with the air exhaust hole which is connected with the flow channel .

  20. 排气孔流量和迷宫流量所占的份额很小,其对步进缸静态保持流量的影响也很小;

    The flow through the exhaust hole and maze was relatively small , and the effect on the static holding flow was also small .

  21. 其次是优化模具的结构设计,在普通浇注系统上,采用改变浇口的位置和数量、增加加热系统以及增设排气孔等多种方案,对制品的熔接痕缺陷进行优化模拟。

    Secondly , optimizing the mold design by changing the position and quantity of the gate , applying the hot runner system and air escape .

  22. 提出选用拉伐尔管式进气道、和较小的排气孔面积的方法来限制涡轮发电机的转速。

    The methods of inlet channel of laval nozzle and smaller area of vent hole have been put forward to limit the spin rate of turbine generator .

  23. 塑胶体的凹入部边沿形具有排气孔,在灌胶作业时可起到排气作用。

    Vents are formed on the edge of the depression of the plastic rubber body , which can play the ventilating function during the rubber injecting operation .

  24. 详细分析了涡旋压缩机基本参数与圆弧型修正齿形结构性能之间的变化关系,提出了合理选择参数的思路,并从理论上给出了排气孔开设的范。

    Based the detail analysis for connections relation of them a reasonable method select parameters was put forward and the range of discharge port in theory was presented .

  25. 他会向儿子介绍车辆设计的细节——线条、排气孔、铬合金以及座椅的装饰。

    He would point out the detailing of the design to his son : the lines , the vents , the chrome , the trim of the seats .

  26. 结果表明,随着涡圈高度或节距的增大,排气孔面积减小,而且节距的影响更为剧烈;

    Circle of Friends The results show that area of discharge port decreases with the height or pitch of profile increasing , and the influence of pitch is more obvious .

  27. 纠纷具有排气孔、安全阀的作用,是权利和法的发展契机,甚至可能成为社会变革的先导和动力。

    Dispute has the function as vents or safety valves , is a developing opportunity for human rights and law , even may become the forerunner and power for society replacement .

  28. 管子另一端是小空调排气孔,上面可以装上一只玩偶,玩偶不但固定了管子,还装点了婴儿车。

    An air vent connected to the other side of the pipe is fitted with a puppet so it can be propped inside , looking like just another of baby 's stuffed toys .

  29. 研究了排气孔面积对涡旋压缩机性能和效率的影响,详细推导了排气孔理论开设区域的边界曲线方程。

    The influence of area of discharge port on the performance and efficiency of scroll compressor is discussed . The boundary curve equation of the maximum area of discharge port is theoretically deduced .

  30. 采用以铣代刨加工平面,不找正加工外圆,用高速钻加工模具排气孔工艺,可保证模具的精度,提高生产效率。

    Mould 's machining accuracy is provided with productivity raised by way of using milling instead of surface planing without centering of top circles , and using high-speed drill to machine outlets of mould .