
  1. 双排扣的套装好多年前就过时了。

    Double-breasted suits went out years ago

  2. 成千上万的王妃粉丝沮丧地发现,凯特这件价值685英镑的Moloh牌双排扣“新”大衣两年前就已经买不到了。

    Thousands of fashion fans were frustrated2 to find that Kate 's ' new ' £ 685 double-breasted Turpin coat by British label Moloh has not been available to buy for at least two years .

  3. 凯特非常中意双排扣大衣(double-breastedcoat)。

    Kate loves to wrap up in a double-breasted coat .

  4. 范马韦说:“在衣着方面我相当保守。”他会穿一件单排扣、V字领的雅格狮丹(Aquascutum)大衣,手工裁制,衣料采用厚重的羊毛加羊绒。

    I 'm pretty conservative sartorially , ' said Mr. Fahmawi , who instead wears a single-breasted , notch-collar Aquascutum overcoat , hand-tailored in heavy wool-cashmere . '

  5. 小说里,福尔摩斯裹着Ulster款大衣&小领单排扣长款外套外搭长及臀部的大斗篷。

    In the stories , Holmes was enveloped in an Ulster , a long , single-breasted coat with a small collar and an attached a hip-length cape .

  6. 古驰(Gucci)肩饰、范思哲(Versace)军装上衣、裁剪风格符合法西斯审美的普拉达(Prada)修身双排扣战壕风衣:这些单品被放在一起讨论显得有点愚蠢,因为每件单品都很严肃。

    Gucci epaulets , a Versace battle blouse , a trim-fit Prada trench coat tailored to a fascist aesthetic : These references collectively seemed crass , given the gravity of the referent .

  7. 小说里,福尔摩斯裹着Ulster款大衣——小领单排扣长款外套外搭长及臀部的大斗篷。

    In the stories , Holmes was " enveloped " in an Ulster , a long , single-breasted coat with a small collar and an attached a hip-length cape .

  8. 球、杆身与衣服直排扣在一条线上。

    Ball , shaft in line with my bottom shirt button .

  9. 它可以和条纹衫以及双排扣大衣搭配。

    Pair them with a striped shirt and a trench coat .

  10. 这衣服要单排扣还是双排扣的?

    Is the suit to be single or double breasted ?

  11. 上衣,男,所有气候,双排扣。

    Coat , Mns , All Weather , Double Breasted .

  12. 他说:我买了一身深蓝、单排扣的细条纹西装。

    I purchased a dark blue , single-breasted pinstripe , he says .

  13. 我就挑这套单排扣的了。

    I think I 'll choose this single-breasted one .

  14. 他戴一顶常礼帽,穿一件单排扣的黑大衣。

    He wore a derby hat and a black overcoat buttoned across the chest .

  15. 五件套里还包括一件双排扣的夹克。

    This five-piece ensemble includes a double-breasted jacket .

  16. 最高端:紫标系列的双排扣羊毛开衫,售价3000美元。

    At the top : $ 3,000 double-breasted cardigan sweaters from the purple label .

  17. “你说的是那套粉配蓝双排扣的恶心衣服?”店长问。

    " Do you mean that repulsive pink-and-blue double-breasted thing ?" the manager asked .

  18. 要双排扣还是单排,先生

    Double-breasted or single , sir ? Single .

  19. 杰克买了一件新的单排扣外套。

    Jack bought a new singlebreasted coat .

  20. 单排扣轻便上衣;通常有俱乐部或学校的标志。

    Lightweight single-breasted jacket ; often striped in the colors of a club or school .

  21. 不复存在;被替代;过时双排扣的套装好多年前就过时了。

    Double-breasted suits went out years ago .

  22. 许多男式职业装都是双排扣的。

    Many business suits are double-breasted .

  23. 请做单排扣的。

    Please make it single-breasted .

  24. (指衣服)用很窄的搭接部分来扣紧而且通常是用单排扣来扣紧。

    ( of clothing ) closing with a narrow overlap and fastened with a single row of buttons .

  25. 你也可以在双排扣外套里面穿件单排扣套装,里面再穿件双排扣背心。

    You can wear a double-breasted vest under a single-breasted suit under a double-breasted coat , if you like .

  26. 解了排扣,从里面大红袄上将那珠宝晶莹黄金灿烂的璎珞掏将出来。

    She unbuttoned her red jacket and drew out a bright gold necklace studded with glittering pearls and jewels .

  27. 他需要一件厚绒布的长袍,一个电动剃须刀,网球服,几件双排扣的外套和一件燕尾服。

    He needed a terrycloth robe , an electric shaver , tennis togs , several double-breasted suits and a tuxedo .

  28. 您究竟要哪种西服,单排扣的还是双排扣的?

    What sort of suit are you after exactly , the one with single line of buttons or double lines ?

  29. 即使这件双排扣西装不适合你,也可以留意那件没有系领带的中规中矩的带纽扣衬衫。

    Even if the doublebreasted blazer look is not for you , take note of the preppy buttonedup shirt minus tie .

  30. 冬天的早上,如果穿上一件亮色的双排扣中性风格大衣,整个人的心情都会随之亮起来。

    Winter 's morning , if wearing a light-colored double-breasted coat of neutral style , overall mood will vanish lights up .