
  • 网络drainage board;pvd;drainage sheet;HDPE
  1. 与C型塑料排水板相比,软式透水管作为竖向排水体可加快地基固结压缩,提高地基深层加固效果。

    Comparing with C type of plastic drainage board , the flexible permeable hose can speed the consolidation and compression of the foundation and raise the deep reinforcing effect .

  2. 塑料排水板真空预压地基加固技术的施工

    Construction of reinforcing by plastic drainage board and vacuum precompression technique

  3. 内宜路X段塑料排水板加固超深软基实践

    Reinforcement of the Super-deep Soft Foundation in Section X of Neijiang-Yibin Freeway Using Plastic Drainboard

  4. 钉子型排水板的底板是用抗高冲击及高抗压聚苯乙烯(HIPS)制成。

    The under board of dimple drainage plant is makes by high impact polystyrene ( HIPS ) .

  5. 对有效影响深度的分析结果表明,真空预压的有效影响深度与塑料排水板的打设深度具备一定关系,有效影响深度可以超过10m。

    The effective influence depth of vacuum preloading has relationship with PVDs depth and can be more than 10m .

  6. 介绍了塑料排水板在内江&宜宾高速公路X合同段的成功应用,从而为加固20m以上超深软基找到一条新的途径。

    The successful use of plastic drainboard in section X of Neijiang-Yibin freeway is introduced ; thus a new way on reinforcing the over 20 meters super-deep soft foundation is found .

  7. 地表的水平位移影响范围可达20m,约为1倍排水板深度的距离。

    The influence scope of soil horizontal displacement is far from the improvement area border 20m away , about one times of PVDs depth .

  8. 采用塑料排水板(PVD)加固地基存在固结解析解求解过程复杂且参数繁多的缺点。

    For the prefabricated vertical drain ( PVD ) ground , most analytical solutions of consolidation are very difficult to solve and too many parameters are involved in the solving process .

  9. 应用SPB-1塑料排水板处理软基

    Application of SPB-1 Plastic Draining Plate in the Treatment of Soft Foundation

  10. 上海某10×104m3油罐为国内同容积罐中首次建造在软土地基上的大型油罐,采用了碎石桩、塑料排水板及充水预压综合地基处理方案。

    A storage tank with a large capacity of 100,000 steres has firstly been built on soft clay base in Shanghai China .

  11. 塑料排水板内的负孔隙水压力比较均匀,约为膜下真空度的90%,传递深度可达到13m以上,说明有效加固深度大于10m。

    Negative pore water pressure at the different depths along the PVD is similar , about 90 % of vacuity under the membrane ; and its transmission depths are more than 13 m.

  12. 真空预压中,砂井和近年来使用得很多的预制竖向排水板PVDs是用来传递真空以及消散孔压的。

    Sand drains and more recently prefabricated vertical drains , PVDs are used with vacuum loading to distribute the vacuum and dissipate the pore-water pressure .

  13. 当塑料排水板打设深度在20m以内时,由该方法分析得到的负压渗流场分布模式沿深度基本一致,其值在膜下真空度的50%以上。

    When prefabricated vertical drains ( PVDs ) were installed to a depth less than 20 m , the distribution along depth was almost consistent and the value was greater than 50 % of applied vacuum pressure .

  14. 主要结论包括以下几点:(1)应用PLAXIS有限元软件,建立了塑料排水板处理软土地基的平面应变有限元模型,并模拟了路堤分步建造。

    The mian conclusions of the article are as follows : ( 1 ) Using the finite element program of PL AXIS , the plane strain finite element model of soft soil foundation processed by plastic drain plate is created , and subgrade construction process step is simulated .

  15. 通过对软土厚度10m、路基长度65m和高度4.5m的路基原位试验,分析了塑料排水板处理软土、堆载预压对地基工后沉降的影响。

    In-situ test of subgrade with thickness of 10 m soft soil ground , length of 65 m and height of 4.5 m is studied . Soil settlement after construction by using prefabricated strip drains and preloading method is analysed .

  16. 为保证施工质量,在粉喷桩三角形布桩的中心打设塑料排水板,并铺设50cm厚砂垫层,进行超载预压,取得了较好的工程效果,为类似工程提供了可借鉴的方法

    In order to ensure the quality of construction , we drived a prefabricated drains in the center of every three jet-powder piles , layed 50 cm thick sand on the surface , and preloaded , the result is satisfactory

  17. 塑料排水板是带状复合型结构,中间是挤出成型的塑料芯板,是排水带的骨架和通道,其断面呈井联十字,由35条筋,34条槽组成,宽100mm,厚3.5&6.0mm。

    The core board is skeleton and pathway of plastic board , its cross-section is parallel cross and made up of 35 ribs and 34 arks . The width of the prefabricated drains is 100 mm and their thickness is from 3.5 to 6.0 mm .

  18. 影响塑料排水板加固效果几个因素的分析

    Analysis of Factors Affecting the Consolidation Results by Using Prefabricated Drains

  19. 塑料排水板在真空预压加固软基中的作用

    The Effect of Plastic Drain Board in Atmospheric Pressure Soft-base Reinforcement

  20. 塑料排水板处理软弱地基的平面应变简化方法探讨

    Discussion on Plane-Strain Modeling Methods in Soft Foundation Treated by PVDs

  21. 关于塑料排水板的真空联合堆载预压软基处理的位移反分析研究

    Study on the Displacement Back-analysis of the Vaccum-heaped Load Combining Pre-compression

  22. 塑料排水板在土石山区坡地管道中的应用

    The Application of Plastic Drain Board in Pipeline of Mountainous Slopes

  23. 软土地基塑料排水板施工关键技术

    Key technique for plastic drainage plate construction in soft soil foundation

  24. 多年冻土路堤水平排水板的作用机理与试验研究

    Test and mechanism of horizontal plastic drain in permafrost regions embankment

  25. 塑料排水板加固地基固结沉降特性研究

    Research on ground consolidation and settlement features in plastic drainage plate

  26. 塑料排水板堆载预压技术在填海工程中的应用

    Application of Plastics Draining Preloading Technique Plate in Filling Sea Engineering

  27. 水力吹填地基的水平排水板振动碾压处理法

    Dredged fill treatment using horizontal wick drains combined with vibrating roller compaction

  28. 塑料排水板加固软基的稳定可靠度分析

    Analysis on Stable Reliability of Soft Ground Reinforced by Plastic Drainage Board

  29. 水平排水板在真空预压施工中的应用

    Application of horizontal drainage plate in the vacuum preloading construction

  30. 海上打设塑料排水板施工的质量与安全控制

    Quality and Security Control of the Construction of Maritime Driven Plastic Drain