
pái qiú chǎnɡ
  • volleyball court
  1. 我最爱的地方就是排球场,在那里我尽情享受排球赛。

    My favorite place is volleyball court , because I can enjoy my game there .

  2. 院区种植于植物所北侧排球场四周。

    Cultivated around the outdoor volleyball court , located at the N side of Institute of Botany .

  3. 为了鼓励健康的生活方式,NetApp总部员工拥有26000平方英尺的健身中心,其中包括一个可变为排球场、室内足球场和羽毛球场地的室内篮球馆,并提供免费的健身课程。

    To encourage a healthy lifestyle , employees at NetApp headquarters have a 26000-square-foot fitness center , with an indoor basketball gym that transforms into volleyball , indoor soccer and badminton courts , and free exercise classes .

  4. 在成功举行了切除手术后,病人重新回到了排球场。

    This was successfully operated upon and she returned to playing volleyball .

  5. 这里没有免费软饮料,也没有排球场。

    There are no free soft drinks or volleyball courts .

  6. 排球场。使用混凝土、草地或沙地球场。

    Volleyball court . Use for concrete , grass , or sand court .

  7. 沙子被倒进新建的排球场里。

    Sandis tipped into newly Built volleyball court .

  8. 在排球场上,我可以将课堂的学习完全抛诸脑后。

    On the volleyball court , I could always forget about my class work completely .

  9. 因为你在排球场上跑动时,蚊子能感应到你的移动并飞向你。

    As you run around the volleyball court , the mosquitoes sense your movement and head toward you .

  10. 甚至还有一个排球场中间的蹲建设,坐在下面的雷达。

    There 's even a volleyball court in the middle of the squat building that sits underneath the radar .

  11. 不过汤姆也必须适应它的排球场,那里的问题,并讨论了不寻常的。

    But Tom also had to adapt to it on the volleyball court , where questions and discussions were uncommon .

  12. 几个小时之后,我就将在一个室内排球场上跟我的队友一起打球了。

    Just a few hours later , I would be throwing a ball to my teammate across an indoor volleyball court .

  13. 学校有塑胶运动场和多个篮球场和排球场,实验室、功能室、生活设施齐全。

    Plastic school halls and more than a basketball court and volleyball court , laboratories , function rooms , living facilities .

  14. 防腐性好,是小球场、排球场、网球场以及经常受外力冲击场地最好的选择。

    Corrosion is good , is a small court , volleyball court , tennis courts , and often under external impact site the best option .

  15. 度假村设施完善,括设备齐全的宽大游泳池、水道、童游泳池和沙滩排球场。

    The resort 's extensive facilities include a large fully equipped swimming pool with water slide , children 's pool , and beach volleyball court .

  16. 学院有标准田径场、专用足球场、排球场、篮球场、网球场等较完备的体育设施及场地。

    College of standard track and field , dedicated soccer field , volleyball courts , basketball courts , tennis courts and other more complete sports facilities and venues .

  17. 里约热内卢――从乒乓球馆到击剑馆,从游泳池到沙滩排球场,同样的喊声可能会回响在所有夏季奥运会场:安静!

    RIO DE JANEIRO - The same shouts can be heard throughout the Summer Olympics , from table tennis and fencing to swimming and beach volleyball events : Sil ê ncio !

  18. 火车、有轨电车和人流繁忙的来来往往,而你,却畅游在400米的河道浴场中,游过阳光露台和排球场,城市建筑在你四周拔地而起。

    Trains , trams and people go by in their busy-being-busy way while you glide down 400m of river , past sun decks and volleyball pitches , the buildings of the city rising up all around .

  19. 试论我国6人制排球主客场制的训练对策

    On the Home and Away Training Countermeasures of China ′ s Six Person Volleyball Competition

  20. 中国甲级男篮主客场制竞赛若干技术指标的分析研究试论我国6人制排球主客场制的训练对策

    An Investigation on the Chinese Basketball Home-and-Away System On the Home and Away Training Countermeasures of China ′ s Six Person Volleyball Competition

  21. 在哈瓦那,有16000名观众观看主队古巴队迎战荷兰队的比赛,胜者将获得世界排球联赛塞入场券。

    In Havana , a16000 strong crowd turned up to watch home side Cuba face Holland , counting on victory to Book their World Volleyball League finals ticket .

  22. 通过对2005年世界女排大冠军杯赛中国女子排球队5场比赛得分技术统计进行分析,探讨中国女子排球队在扣球、拦网、发球等得分方面与其他各队相比较的优势和差距。

    By analyzing the technical statistics of scores Chinese Women Volleyball Team got in 2005 Big Champion Cup World Volleyball Contest for Women , this paper probes into the Chinese Women Volleyball Team 's advantages and deficiency , compared with other teams , in smash , blocking , and ace .

  23. 对全国排球联赛(主客场赛制)主场效应的研究

    A Study on the Home Field Effect in the Chinese Volleyball National League

  24. 运用文献法、现场统计法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法和数理统计法对第九届全运会男子排球8轮46场比赛进行统计分析,研究第九届全运会冠军江苏男排的进攻与防守情况。

    This paper , by the means of the methods of literature , on-the-spot statistics , etc. makes the statistics on the eight matches of Jiangsu men 's volleyball at ninth National Sports Game .

  25. 排球裁判员是排球比赛场上的法官,是运动场上的执法者和组织者。

    Volleyball referee volleyball playing field " judge ", law enforcement and organizer of the sports arena .

  26. 竞技排球运动是有明确位置分工的集体运动项目,不同专位运动员在排球场上的具体分工和技、战术任务也有所区别。

    Volleyball athletics is a clear division of the position of the collective sports , different position a player in volleyball court of specific task division and skill and tactics .