
  • 网络golden earring;Gold Earring
  1. 沉甸甸的金耳环在她黝黑的面颊的衬托下熠熠发光。

    Heavy gold earrings gleamed against her dusky cheeks

  2. 金耳环,也和她垂下肩膀。

    Earrings gold , too , and hanging down to her shoulders .

  3. 最令人惊讶的是发现了一副金耳环。

    The most amazing find was two gold earrings .

  4. 你想看看我们的金耳环吗?

    Would you like to see our gold earrings ?

  5. 所以我拿了我妈妈的金耳环

    so I took Mom 's gold hoops ,

  6. 我们要为你制金耳环,用银珠点缀。

    [ bbe ] We will make you chains of gold with ornaments of silver .

  7. 透过她长长的,轻柔的卷发,我看到了她的金耳环。

    Peeking through her long , softly curled hair I could see gold hoop earrings .

  8. 她手腕上戴着小饰物做的手镯,耳朵上垂着小小的金耳环。

    She wore a bangle of charms on her wrist and in her ears little gold rings .

  9. 智慧人的劝诫,在顺从的人耳中,好像金耳环和精金的妆饰。

    Like a gold ring of snow or an listening of gold is a wise rebuke to a listening ear .

  10. 只见她一头秀发乌黑发亮,一双眼睛锐利有神,耳朵上戴着金耳环,脖子上挂着金项链。

    She had black hair and great stormy black eyes , and there was gold at her ears and round her neck .

  11. 现在我可知道了你很擅长索回东西,下次我们再去罗西姑妈家时,留意一下我那对金耳环。

    But now that I know you 're good at getting things back , next time we 're at aunt Rosie 's , I 'm missing gold

  12. 但他却继续说:「不过,你们如果想向我表达谢意,可将你们战争中夺得的一些金耳环给我。」

    ' But ' , said Gideon , 'if you want to show your appreciation , give me some of the gold earrings you took in the war ' .

  13. 她很喜欢珠宝和化妆,但她那副又老又旧的金耳环使她看起来年纪更大了。

    She wore old , dull earrings that made her look like an old crook , but the most terrifying aspect of her teachings was her loud , sonic , disturbing voice .

  14. 小商人的太太给弄糊涂了,连忙扯下耳朵上的金耳环,塞进衣袋,以为这样总算救出了一点东西。

    The huckster 's wife was so bewildered that she took her gold ear-rings out of her ears and put them in her pocket , that she might save something at least .

  15. 在那个时代,金属第一次被带入英国,而这个人的陪葬品中的两只金耳环,是在英国发现的最古老的黄金(可以上溯到公元前2470年)。

    This was a time when the first metals were brought to Britain , and this man was buried with two gold earrings which are the oldest gold ever found in Britain ( dated to2470BC ) .

  16. 戴上那对金圈耳环(理查德说她戴了像个轻佻女子)和金手镯。

    The gold hoop earrings Richard said made her look like a hussy and a gold bracelet .

  17. 因此进入丛林的时候,我总是化妆、戴首饰&不是什么奢侈玩意,或许只是个金手环和耳环,一点唇膏,与好香水。

    This is why I always wore makeup and jewelry into the jungle & nothing too extravagant , but maybe just a nice gold bracelet and some earrings , a little lipstick , good perfume .

  18. 因此进入丛林的时候,我总是化妆、戴首饰——不是什么奢侈玩意,或许只是个金手环和耳环,一点唇膏,与好香水。

    This is why I always wore makeup and jewelry into the jungle - nothing too extravagant , but maybe just a nice gold bracelet and some earrings , a little lipstick , good perfume .

  19. 接下来,就是彩礼和“三金”——金戒指、金项链和金耳环——以及其它一些昂贵的必须品。

    After that , there is the matter of the bride price and the " three gold objects " - gold rings , a gold necklace and gold earrings - and a multitude of other pricey necessities .