
  • 网络Forest Insect
  1. 克拉玛依市农业开发区森林昆虫名录

    Record on Forest Insect in Agricultural Development Area of Karamay

  2. 森林昆虫生态学是森林害虫综合管理的理论基础。

    Forest insect ecology is the theoretical basis of integrated management of forest pests .

  3. 庆阳森林昆虫种类研究进展

    Research Advancement on Species of Forest Insects in Qingyang Areas

  4. 易混森林昆虫的野外识别

    Field identification of the easy to confuse insects of trees

  5. 火烧直接影响森林昆虫的寄主和生存条件。

    Fire can affect the host and life condition of forest pests directly .

  6. 展望森林昆虫种类研究的方向。

    Viewing the research orientation of forest insects species .

  7. 大气污染对森林昆虫种群动态的影响研究进展

    Advances on the Effect of Air Pollution on Population Dynamics of Forest Insects

  8. 祁连山自然保护区森林昆虫区系及水平分布规律

    Regularity of Horizontal Distribution and Fauna of Forest Insects in Qilian Mountain Nature Reserve

  9. 抚顺地区森林昆虫资源调查研究

    Research on forest insect resource in Fushun areas

  10. 浙江省森林昆虫多样性及其风险性评价初步研究

    A Primary Study on the Diversity and PRA of Forest Insect in Zhejiang , China

  11. 云南省森林昆虫病毒资源及其开发研究

    A Study on the Virus Resource Virus Resource of Forest Insects and Their Exploitation in Yunnan Province

  12. 海南岛尖峰岭的热带森林昆虫

    Tropical Forest Insects Island

  13. 我国森林昆虫的开发与利用主要集中在天敌昆虫、传粉昆虫、药用昆虫、食用昆虫、工业用昆虫和文化昆虫等六大类。

    Forest insects are mainly divided into natural enemies , pollinating insects , medical insects , edible insects , industrial insects and cultural insects .

  14. 鞘翅目森林昆虫区系成分具有多样性和过渡性特点,昆虫区系组成、种类与数量也受试区植被类型的影响。

    There are diversity and transition character of forestry insect , and then its species and quantifies are influenced by semi-arid test region vegetation .

  15. 近年来该领域的研究越来越受到人们的重视,并取得了大量的研究成果,丰富了森林昆虫生态学的内容。

    In recent years , people think much more of ths research field and obtain a lot of research achievements which enrich the content of forest insect ecology .

  16. 本文从林政、林业科研、林业教育等方面,综述了我国森林昆虫事业的现状及取得的成绩。

    Based on forestry administration , scientific researches and education in forestry , the present paper gives a review of the current situation of forest entomology and the gained achievements in China .

  17. 在厦门市森林昆虫调查基础上,1998-2004年对厦门市森林蝴蝶进行种类调查,鉴定厦门市森林蝴蝶7科39种,并编制分种检索表。

    A total of 39 forest butterfly species were recorded in Xiamen from 1998 to 2004.These species were subordinated to 7 families . The species retrieval form was also given in this paper .

  18. 该系统集文字、图像于一体,其数据库收录了云南森林昆虫14个目,195个科,5333种的昆虫中文名称、拉丁名称、特征、地理分布、寄主、分类地位及部分图片。

    The database contains 14 orders , 195 families of insects in YUNNAN forests and 5333 species of insects ' Chinese name , latin name , character , geographical distribution , host and some picture .

  19. 对黄土高原南部沟壑区人工林的森林昆虫调查表明,试区森林昆虫有111科440属625种(亚种)。

    There are forestry insect 625 species ( including subspecies ), belonging to 440 genus , 111 families on semi-arid gully test region of the South Loess Plateau , after regular investigation of insect at artificial vegetation region .

  20. 森林生态系统中昆虫与真菌的互惠共生

    The Mutualism of Insect and Fungi in the Forest Ecosystem

  21. 森林植物群落对昆虫群落的影响

    Effects of Forest Plant Communities on Forest Insect Communities

  22. 所有标本均保存在韩国江原大学森林资源保护学科昆虫标本室。

    All specimens are deposited in the Insect Collection of Department of Forest Resources Protection , Kangwon National University , Korea .

  23. 森林植物群落和森林昆虫群落间存在着显著的相关关系。即森林植物类群种的组成复杂程度极大影响昆虫种组成的多样化。

    There was significant correlation between forest plant community and forest insect community , namely constituting complexity of forest plant community had large influence on diversification of insect species composition .

  24. 80年代以来,我国森林害虫测报科技进展极为迅速。仅发表的专题论文不下于576篇,可归纳为以下主要方面:森林昆虫普查及其区系的研究;

    Since 1980s , the advance of science and technology on forecast of forest insect pests in China has been made rapidly .