
pái biǎn
  • plaque;tablet;board;plaque,placque
牌匾 [pái biǎn]
  • [plaque,placque] 通常是金属或木制的题有文字的板,置于门楣上或墙上,用来标明地点或纪念某人或某事件

牌匾[pái biǎn]
  1. 这个牌匾是铜铸的,不是金铸的。(材料)

    This board was cast in bronze not in gold .

  2. 每间课室的入口处须有一牌匾或告示牌,标明用以识别该房间的号码或字母。

    At the entrance to every classroom there shall be a board or sign bearing an identification number or letter for such room .

  3. 该公司用泡沫塑料包住牌匾,以防止其在运输过程中受损。

    The company provides a styrofoam cushion to protect the tablets during shipping .

  4. 那所教师培训学院为该学院的创立者立了一块纪念牌匾。

    The teacher training college put up a plaque to the college 's founder .

  5. 女王为纪念牌匾揭幕。

    The Queen unveiled a commemorative plaque .

  6. 牌匾上刻着些拉丁文。

    Some Latin words were engraved on the plaque .

  7. LED显示屏具有亮度高,可视距离远、造价低等特点。近几年很多公共场所已用LED显示屏替代原始的广告牌、牌匾,并且很多大屏幕也由LED显示屏取代液晶显示屏。

    With the characteristics of high brightness , visibility distance and low cost , many public have already used the LED display to replace original billboard and plaques .

  8. 这使K射线系统的曲面做了重要的修改,并很快应用到外墙悬挂牌匾上。第一笔订单,是来自里昂斯有限公司。

    This made necessary a change in the curve of the K-ray System , which was soon put into application for exterior hanging signs , the first contract being with J. Lyons and Co. Ltd. , the catering chain .

  9. PU应用领域包括:仿真道具制作、建筑装饰、场馆设施、户外展览用牌匾、艺术创作、雕塑模型的保护等。

    PU can be applied in the fields such as emulational properties production , architectural decorations , venue facilities , tablets for outdoor exhibition , shields for art works and maquette sculptures .

  10. 实际上,在海拔250多英尺的樱草花山上可以饱览伦敦全景,公园的一块牌匾上写着威廉·布莱克(WilliamBlake)的美丽诗句,“我曾与太阳之神交谈。我看见他在樱草花山上。”

    In fact , Primrose Hill at 250-plus feet above sea level offers a panoramic view of London , and a plaque with a lovely William Blake quote : " I have conversed with the spiritual Sun . I saw him on Primrose Hill . "

  11. 他们揭开牌匾为新学校主持揭幕礼。

    They unveiled the plaque to open the new school .

  12. 我走到了门口,看到了牌匾和照片;

    I got to the door and saw the plaque and photo ;

  13. 西宁地区牌匾语言浅析

    A Preliminary Analysis of the Shop Signs of Xining Area G Language

  14. 后来他回来挂上首个牌匾。

    Later , he came back and put up the first tablet .

  15. 纪念牌匾、纪念章、纪念仪式.第三章夜间黑影英文

    A memorial tablet , plaque , service CHAPTER III The Night Shadows

  16. 为纪念这位伟大的诗人。人们挂上了一块牌匾。

    A plaque was put up in memory of the great poet .

  17. 村公所里有一块纪念该艺术家的牌匾。

    There is a commemorative plaque to the artist in the village hall .

  18. 愿望成真后,他们回来另放牌匾。

    And when their wishes are granted , they put up another plaque .

  19. 附近,有块纪念当地一位工程师的牌匾。

    Nearby , a plaque memorialised a local engineer .

  20. 图为清皇宫中,满文与汉字在一起的牌匾。

    Qing palace tablets in Manchu and Chinese .

  21. 已安排好在火葬场里放置一块纪念牌匾。

    Arrangements have been made for the placing of a memorial plaque at the crematorium .

  22. 在它的门厅有一个巨大的牌匾。

    LARGE plaque in the foyer of Boston 's Institute for Contemporary Art ( ICA )

  23. 当我们争论一块牌匾的时候,一个年青人加入了我们。

    A young guy joined our argument about a plaque hanging on the hall door .

  24. 当地的历史学会在战场所在地树立了牌匾。

    The local historical society put up a plaque at the site of the battle .

  25. 创模东风送江门国家环保总局授予江门市国家环境保护模范城市牌匾

    State Environmental Protection Administration of China granted Jiangmen City " National Environmental Protection Model City "

  26. 入口的牌匾由康熙皇帝与1699年题写。

    The signboard at the entrance was inscribed by the K'anghsi ( Kangxi ) emperor in1699 .

  27. 关于净化和规范社会用字的思考&从牌匾、橱窗用字谈起

    The Thought on the Purification and Standardization of the Using of the Chinese Characters in the Society

  28. 这个牌匾上写着约翰哈佛于1638年建立哈佛大学

    As the plaque reads , this is John Harvard , founder of Harvard University in 1638 .

  29. 并荣获组委会颁发的“海峡两岸重点支持互联网单位”牌匾。

    And won the organizing committee to issue " the cross-strait key support Internet unit " board .

  30. 牌匾将在全额付讫首年会费或首次续费后寄送给您。

    Your plaque will be forwarded upon payment of your first full year 's subscription or first renewal .