
  • 网络tallies and tablets
  1. 蒙元时期的牌符渊源于辽金时期的牌符制度,具有浓郁的民族特点,构成了中国北方草原地区游牧民族文化的一个重要组成部分。

    The tallies and tablets during the Great Mongolia and Yuan Period , which were derived from Liao and Jin Period , with strong national characteristic , is an important part of nomadic culture of the grass region in the north of China .

  2. 元朝建立以后,朝廷仍然发行大量的牌符。

    After The Yuan Dynasty established , the court still issued a lot of token .

  3. 在驿传过程中,来往使臣需要配带相应的牌符以证明其身份,并享受驿传提供的各种便利。

    In the transportation process , envoys need corresponding token to prove their identity , and enjoy the convenience provided by post .

  4. 特别是近年以来,随着考古实物的陆续发现,蒙元时期的牌符已经越来越引起了国内外学者的关注。

    Especially in recent years , along with the archaeological objects have been found , the Yuan Dynasty brand symbol has increasingly attracted the attention of scholars at home and abroad .

  5. 先秦时期,牌符已经作为通行凭证而出现,当时的交通凭证称为节,随着时间的推移,逐渐发展成为一种象征国家与民族的符号。

    The pre Qin period , token as a pass certificate and certificate , traffic was known as the " Jie ", with the passage of time , gradually developed into a symbol of state and national symbol .

  6. 在实物的基础上,结合文献史料的记载,本文对已出土的蒙元时期的牌符进行了材质、文字内容及用途的分析,并指出其驿传功能和政治功能的二重特性。

    In the physical basis , combined with the literature of historical records , this paper have been unearthed in the Yuan Dynasty brand character analysis of material , words and use , and points out that the dual characteristics of the post and political functions .