
pái jià
  • list price;market quotation
牌价 [pái jià]
  • [market quotation] 市价;规定的价格--多用牌子公布于众

牌价[pái jià]
  1. 在香港昨天早些时候的交易中,黄金的牌价为每盎司368.20美元。

    In early trading in Hong Kong yesterday , gold was quoted at $ 368.20 an ounce

  2. CGS金条的定价主要根据伦敦贵金属交易所的每日价格,同时参考上海黄金交易所的牌价。

    Pricing of the CGS bars is based on daily gold prices on the London Precious Metal Exchange , with quotations on the Shanghai Gold Exchange serving as a reference .

  3. 职员:根据目前的牌价,1美元相当于8.6元人民币。

    Clerk : According to the present rate , one US .

  4. 英镑对人民币的牌价是多少?

    What 's the rate of pounds sterling against Chinese yuan ?

  5. 1000美元。今天兑换牌价是多少?

    One thousand dollars and what 's the exchange rate today ?

  6. 今天的兑换牌价在那里的牌子上。

    The rates of exchange are on the board there .

  7. 千万不要照牌价购买汽车,总得讲讲价才是。

    Never pay the advertised price for a car ; always try to bargain .

  8. 银行可按当日牌价为您办理人民币与外币的兑换。

    Banks can handle the exchange between RMB and foreign currencies at current quotations on the day .

  9. 为…报价在香港昨天早些时候的交易中,黄金的牌价为每盎司368.20美元。

    In early trading in Hong Kong yesterday , gold was quoted at $ 368.20 an ounce .

  10. 按现行的外汇牌价,我们转换为人民币并已贷记你方帐户。

    We have credited your account in terms of RMB after conversion in accordance with current foreign exchange quotation .

  11. 所得为外国货币的,应当按照国家外汇管理机关公布的外汇牌价折合成人民币缴纳税款。

    Income in foreign currency shall be converted into Renminbi according to the exchange rate quoted by the State exchange control authorities for purposes of tax payment .

  12. 中央信托局出售大豆定价每磅十美分,而它向农民收购的牌价却是每磅三美分。

    Though the Central Trust was getting ten cents a pound for its product , the farmer who sold to the trust was getting only three cents a pound .

  13. 为了照顾侨胞、侨眷的利益,国家规定了合理的外汇牌价。

    In order to show consideration for the interests of our compatriots residing abroad and for the relatives of overseas Chinese , the State has set reasonable foreign exchange quotations .

  14. 他正在洗一个大商店的橱窗,一个小伙子在他右边站住,靠近橱窗,开始细细查看牌价。

    He was washing the display window of a large shoe shop when a young man came to a halt right next to him , leaned up close to the window , and began scrutinizing the prices .

  15. 从银行每天的外汇牌价上,普通百姓日益感受到美元贬值和人民币升值的强烈反差,热钱流入,境外短期投机资本是否投机到股市、房市甚至国家经济主导产业中。

    From the bank everyday exchange rate quoted , ordinary people increasingly feel the dollar and RMB appreciation of strong contrast , " hot money " from abroad short-term speculative capital to the stock market , whether speculative housing even leading industry in national economy .

  16. 本届伦敦奥运会金牌中的白银价值首次超过了其中黄金的价值,而且如果把之前金牌含金量的价值按照现在的牌价计算的话,伦敦奥运会金牌的价值仅比1912年奥运会的一半多一点而已。

    For the first time , the silver in this year 's " gold " medal is actually worth more than its gold content . Moreover , if the metal content of earlier medals is valued at today 's bullion prices , the London gold is worth only just over half of those handed out in 1912 .