
wài huì rén mín bì
  • foreign exchange RMB
  1. 外汇抵押人民币贷款

    Renminbi loans mortgaged by foreign exchange

  2. 外资企业可以获得贷款,并选择一家银行开立外汇或人民币账户。

    Foreign-funded enterprises may obtain loan and select a bank to open an account in foreign exchange or Chinese RMB .

  3. 运用出口信贷、外汇抵押人民币贷款和按出口收汇率分类指导贷款等方面,积极支持外贸企业扩大出口。

    Export credit , foreign exchange mortgage RMB loans and classified lending guidance based on export receipts ratios will all be used to assist foreign trade enterprises to increase exports .

  4. 外汇储备、人民币汇率与国内就业率

    Foreign Exchange Reserves , the RMB Exchange Rate and Domestic Employment

  5. 其次,重估可能会吸引那些想获取短线收益的外汇投机者买入人民币。

    Second , currency speculators might be attracted to buy the currency for short-term gains .

  6. 双方欢迎在两国外汇市场开展人民币对英镑直接交易。

    Both sides welcome direct transaction between RMB and Pound Sterling in their respective foreign exchange markets .

  7. 由于我国持续的贸易顺差和巨额的外汇储备,人民币仍面临着进一步升值的压力。

    However , persistent trade surplus and extraordinary foreign exchange reserves bring further pressure to the appreciation of RMB .

  8. 融资和外汇市场上人民币利率的大幅上升,也反映了流动性状况的意外收紧。

    The surge in Renminbi interest rates in funding and forex markets also reflects an unexpected tightening of liquidity conditions .

  9. 我想办那种可以自由把外汇兑换成人民币或把人民币兑换成外汇的。

    I 'd like the one with which I can convert freely foreign currency into RMB or RMB into foreign currency .

  10. 人们普遍认为,由于中国持续呈现贸易顺差,并拥有巨额外汇储备,人民币肯定会升值。

    It is widely believed that the currency would appreciate owing to persistent trade surpluses and China 's abundant foreign reserves .

  11. 中信证券的分析师马清说,外汇交易商对人民币的进一步升值抱有很高期望。

    Traders have high expectations of further appreciation of the renminbi , said Ma Qing , an analyst with CITIC Securities .

  12. 就目前而言,投资者可以通过在岸无本金交割远期外汇交易投资人民币。这种交易的优势在于流动性非常充足。

    Currently , investors can gain access through onshore non-deliverable FX forwards , which have the advantage of being very liquid .

  13. 明知用于骗购外汇而提供人民币资金的,以共犯论处。

    Offenses involving the provision of Renminbi funds with the knowledge of fraudulent purchase of foreign exchange shall be punished as an accomplice .

  14. 为了缓解由此产生的压力,中国政府只能宣布不再要求中国出口商将外汇转换陈人民币。

    To ease that pressure , the government has announced that it no longer requires exporters to surrender their foreign exchange in return for yuan .

  15. 我国的“外汇资产&人民币”发行模式导致了货币的超额发行,央行票据是对中央银行超额发行债务的置换。

    Because of RMB 'S excess issue through " foreign currency assets-RMB " model in China , Central Bank Bill as a debt tool has been replacing the excess currency .

  16. 合营企业凭营业执照,在境内银行开立外汇账户和人民币账户,由开户银行监督收付。

    A joint venture shall , on the strength of its business license , open accounts in foreign exchange and in Renminbi with banks in China , which shall supervise its receipts and payments .

  17. 中国通过购买外汇来保持人民币币值稳定,同时又通过对原材料的巨大需求而抬高它们的价格,不论制造商把商品卖到哪里,他们都会从中受益。

    Its purchases of foreign assets keep the cost of capital down and its appetite for raw materials keeps their price up , to the benefit of commodity producers wherever they sell their wares .

  18. 从法学的角度,对当前最为热点的我国外汇管制、人民币汇率、人民币国际化问题进行了深入研究。

    From the legal point of view , this article studies the most hot spots in the current foreign exchange control in China , what is the RMB exchange rate , RMB internationalization issues in depth .

  19. 除了本月早些时候在伦敦指定清算行之外,中国央行还曾于6月18日宣布,上海外汇市场启动人民币兑英镑直接交易。

    In addition to designating a clearing back in London earlier this month , the PBOC also announced on June 18 that the yuan can now be exchanged directly for British pounds in Shanghai 's foreign-exchange market .

  20. 2005年5月17日,我国在银行间债券市场推出了第一个场外金融衍生产品&债券远期交易,下半年还将推出银行间远期外汇交易、人民币对外币掉期等金融衍生产品。

    On May 17,2005 , China launched the first over-the-counter financial derivative vehicle , bond forward trading , in the inter-bank bond market . The RMB-foreign currency swap , an inter-bank forward foreign exchange product , is also expected to be launched in the 2nd half of this year .

  21. 但如果该计划得到落实,日本将成为G7工业化国家中第一个在外汇储备中持有人民币的国家。

    But if the plan goes ahead , Japan will become the first country within the Group of Seven industrialised nations to hold the renminbi in its foreign exchange reserves .

  22. 外汇请告诉我人民币的现价。

    Tell me the current rate for RMB , please .

  23. 从亚洲外汇市场演变看人民币国际化进展

    From Asian Currencies Trading Evolvement to View Renminbi Internationalization

  24. 据信,马来西亚央行成为首家在外汇储备中持有人民币资产的外国央行。

    Malaysia is believed to have become the first central bank to hold mainland renminbi assets in its reserves .

  25. 此时,美国一直声称中国的外汇管理不断压低人民币汇率。

    It comes amid continuing US claims that China 's currency controls keep the yuan 's value artificially low .

  26. 在外汇市场上,人民币-美元日交易额已飙升至2亿美元以上。

    In the foreign exchange markets , renminbi-dollar trading volumes have surged to more than $ 200m per day .

  27. 发展品种多样、交易灵活的人民币外汇衍生产品对人民币汇率的市场形成机制有重要的作用。

    It is of vital importance for such a system to be formed to produce various easy-deal products derived from RMB exchange .

  28. 目前在华的外资银行可全面经营外汇及部分经营人民币业务。

    Currently , foreign bank that operate in China are allowed to do all foreign exchange business and certain Chinese RMB business .

  29. 假如我们要把外币兑换在人民币,我们就得按每天公布的外汇率来兑换人民币。

    If we exchange them for Chinese Renminbi in our accounts we should follow the foreign exchange rates for all these currencies daily .

  30. 然而,资金流向在第四季度开始逆转,当时离岸外汇市场正显示人民币贬值的迹象。

    However , those flows began to reverse in the fourth quarter at a time when the offshore currency market was signalling depreciation .