
  1. 附论元明时期的日月牌饰。

    On the sun and moon plates in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties .

  2. 鄂尔多斯青铜牌饰的艺术特征

    The Artistic Features of Ordos Decorative Bronze Plate

  3. 战国中期,简化圈点纹在冀北和辽西地区的动物纹牌饰中彻底消失。

    To the middle stage of Warring States period , the simplified form of circle-point pattern completely disappeared on the animal-shaped plate in Jibei area and Liaoxi area .

  4. 北方地区出土的马形牌饰,过去常被定为春秋时期的匈奴遗物。

    The golden and bronze horse-shaped plates that unearthed in north China were used to be regarded as the relics of Hidu of the Spring and Autumn Period .

  5. 2002年,作者在访英期间留意收集了这五件铜牌饰的图片和线图资料,这是对这些牌饰的再发现,也是研究中国文明起源和早期发展的珍贵新资料。

    During his visiting UK in 2002 , the author collected their graphs and figures . They are precious new materials to the research of the origin and early development of Chinese civilization .