- stimulating food;stimulating food,such as mutton,fish,shrimps,etc.

[stimulating food,such as mutton,fish,shrimps,etc.] 指富于营养或有刺激性、容易使疮疖或某些疾病发生变化的食物。如鱼虾、羊肉等
~ ( 32 ) p-post labeling analysis of rapeseed oil condensate - DNA adduct formation
Objective To study on DNA damage of human peripheral lymphocytes caused by the volatile compounds of decorated materials .
The main volatile was borides and NaCl was also proved in the volatile by X-ray diffraction .
Supercritical CO_2 Fluid Extraction of the Volatiles of Ash-leaf Maple ( Acer negundo ) and Their Analysis by TCT / GC-MS
There were similarities and differences in volatiles profiling between N. lugens damaged paints and H2O2 - or SA-elicited plants .
Application of zNose ~ ( TM ) for the analysis of the volatiles emitted by damaged tea plants
MAVEN , the Mars atmosphere and volatile evolution spacecraft .
Environmental BaP was one of the main cancer inducer .
The results are as follows : 1 ) The parasitoid was obviously attracted by the volatiles emitted from plants that were wounded and treated with JA ( 21.03-126.18 ug plant-1 ) .
The collection ratio of VCM by original position Micro-VCM is calculated by the above equation and the result is satisfactory .
Effects of Exotic MeSA , Leafhopper-damaging and Mechanically Piercing on the Volatile Ingredients and PAL , PPO Activity in Tea Shoots
A bioassay system to evaluate adult cotton bollworm ( CBW ), Helicoverpa armigera , behavioral responses to plant volatiles was described .
These suggest that SA signaling is involved in the production of rice volatiles induced by N. lugens , while H_2O_2 signaling might be not .
And because of the volatile organic compounds ( VOC ) in the solvent-based coatings is polluted to the atmosphere .
Effects of Volatile Organic Compounds Inhalation on the Content of IL-4 , IL-5 and the Expression Level of ICAM-1 mRNA in Rats
Well , researchers believe that solar wind and radiation is behind the theft , and they 're planning a mission to find out , called MAVEN : Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission
Method The broncho alveolar lavage fluid elements among rats were determined after 1,3 and 7 day-exposure to the volatile mixtures of polyurethane paint ( 2 hours per day ) .
Major criteria for the formulator will be : a reduction in VOC content , elimination of toxic components , and using less surface preparation and fewer coats to apply .
We also believed that the sintering phenomenon was possibly related with FeS ; In addition , sulfur and arsenic compound was confirmed by XRD analysis of the volatile matter produced in the process of roasting .
C6-Volatile is one of the key material which is indirect defense against pests in the plants , fatty acid hydroperoxide lyase is a key enzyme in its synthesis in plants .
Therefore , the development of waterborne polyurethane ( WPU ) which has many advantages such as non-toxic 、 pollution-free and low organic volatile content etc , has a very important significance .
The emission of volatiles reached a relatively stable state at 24-28h after insects inoculated .
The EAG activity to greenery odors in females was always higher than in males , which showed that female H. oblita adults have higher sensitivity to greenery volatiles than males .
MeJA was detected in wound-induced volatiles emitted from poplar for the first time , and the first exploration in action mode of compound signal between plants was conducted in this study .
JA elicitation dramatically increased the release of ( E ) - 2-Hexenal , D-limonene ( both of which were not detectable before elicitation ), linalool , n-heptadecane and the total amount of the volatiles .
0.2 g / ml of larch leaf aqueous extracts had significant inhibition on radicle growth of white birch , but other concentrations of larch bark and leaf aqueous extracts and leaf volatiles had little inhibition effects on seed germination of white birch ;
Research on the Diels-Alder reaction and free radical reactions , indicate that changing the conditions of reaction , can change the composition of the volatile matter , and then improve the flavor and nutritive value of the food .
Volatiles of cone and needle from Pinus tabulaeformis were collected by dynamic head-space sampling with XAD-2 and Tenax TA components . Relative contents of volatiles were identified and quantified by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry ( GC / MS ) .
No evident differences were observed in the EAG responses to tested odors between light and night in both sexes of H , oblita . Therefore , the EAG experiments were not affected by light in H , oblita .
The real time investigation of the gas products evolved during the thermal degradation of ethylene-butyl acrylate copolymer ( EBA ) was carried out in an inert atmosphere ( nitrogen ) with TGA / FTIR technique at 10 ℃ / min.