
shànɡ tānɡ
  • soup served at the end of a feast by the cook
  1. 在快要准备上汤前再在上面加点装饰菜。

    Prepare the garnishes shortly before you are ready to serve the soup .

  2. 美国网络新闻媒体&美国国家公共电台NPR报道称,方便面由面粉经棕榈油炸制而成,它的油脂再加上汤,容易让人有持久的饱腹感。

    According to the NPR , a US-based online news outlet , the fat in instant noodles , which are made with wheat flour fried in palm oil , combined with the soup , keeps one feeling full for longer .

  3. 我马上给你们上汤和沙拉。

    I 'll be right back with your soup and salad .

  4. 调味:鸡上汤100毫升、绍酒1汤匙。

    Seasonings : 100ml Chicken Broth , 1 tbsp Shaoxing wine .

  5. 如果您喜欢的话,我们也可以先上汤。

    If you like we 'll bring you some soup first .

  6. 请先上汤,然后上牛排。

    Soup , and then steak to follow , please .

  7. 他上汤以前先把汤滤了一下。

    He strained the soup Before serving it .

  8. 我还是习惯于先上汤。

    I 'm used to having soup first .

  9. 说完我便离开了。当我给他上汤时,我发现刚刚上的面包又消失了。

    When I serve his soup , I see the bread has disappeared again .

  10. 中餐先上冷盘,而西餐则先上汤。

    A Chinese dinner begins with cold dishes , and a western dinner with a soup .

  11. 调味料:韩式辣椒酱1汤匙、上汤3/4杯、豉油2茶匙。

    Seasonings : 1tbsp Korean chili paste , 3 / 4cup Stock , 2tsp Soya sauce .

  12. 上汤娃娃菜22元

    Baby cabbage in chicken soup 22

  13. 按中餐习惯,我们先上菜后上汤。

    According to the Chinese tradition , we serve the food first and then the soup .

  14. 接着加入豆瓣酱继续翻炒,倒入鸡上汤,酱油,和豆腐块,倒入芡水,轻轻翻拌,这样豆腐才不会碎。

    Add bean paste and continue stiring , then the stock , soya sauce and bean curd .

  15. 把上汤倒入热镬中,下半茶匙盐、2汤匙生粉,拌匀。

    Pour stock into heated wok.Add1/2 tsp of salt and2 tbsp of caltrop starch and mix well .

  16. 上汤云吞是一只来自波士顿的可爱京巴犬。它以一身长而蓬松的毛发走红网络。

    Wonton Soup , an adorable Pekingese dog from Boston , has taken the Internet by storm for his long , furry coat .

  17. 你看,中餐筵席总是后上汤,而西方筵席是从汤开始的。

    You see , in a Chinese dinner , soup always comes last , while in the west , you start off with it .

  18. 上汤新村社会主义新农村规划的实践,实现了老子哲学的现代应用,体现了对老子哲学思想的回归。

    The practice of new socialist countryside planning of new Shangtang village realized the modem application of such ideas and embodied the regression of Laozi philosophy .

  19. 煮滚半锅水,下上汤及调味料,先放莲藕、白萝卜及冬菇滚至稔。

    Bring half pot of water to boil . Add stock and seasoning . Add lotus root , turnip and black mushrooms , cook until soft .

  20. 按照中国习惯,我们先上食物后上汤,但是如果你喜欢的话我们给您先上汤。

    According to Chinese custom , we serve the food first and then the soup , but we 'll bring you the soup first if you like .

  21. 吃点儿上汤时蔬是治疗宿醉的一个好方法,它能帮身体储藏维他命和矿物质。

    This hangover cure will make a big difference as will a thin vegetable broth , which should help your body stock up on vitamins and minerals .

  22. 将调好的黑椒汁和上汤入锅烧开。牛肉和洋葱丝回锅翻炒1分钟左右即可盛盘。

    Pour in the prepared sauce and the stock . Bring to a boil . Return the beef and onion to the skillet . Stir for about 1 minute until cooked . Dish off .