
  1. 上下句意要合乎逻辑。别毫无章法乱跳。

    Move logically from one idea to the next . Don 't skip steps .

  2. 基本曲调是由结构相似、结音相同的上下句组成。

    The basic tune is made up of similar structure of the sound and words .

  3. 有上下句重叠式、一部式、二部式和复部式四种主要形式。

    Has the high and low sentence unstaggered , a type , two types and the duplicate type four main forms .

  4. 然后,用简历上的下一句话或者求职信来说明你符合资历的原因。

    Then , use the next sentence of your resume or cover letter to say how .

  5. 当时,斯波勒在索引卡片上写下了一句话“你有很大的潜力”,没想到马宏升将这张卡片钉到了自己办公室的公告板上。

    Maloney pinned the card to a bulletin board in his office .

  6. 沃尔特热情洋溢地说完了这些话,不顾老人上句不接下句地劝阻,迅猛地又冲出了店铺;

    Saying this with great fervour , and disregarding the old man 's broken remonstrances , Walter dashed out of the shop again as hard as he could go ;