
  1. 桥山顶上的黄帝陵,掩映在柏林之中。6万余株古柏棵棵苍劲挺拔。

    The tomb of the Yellow Emperor located at the top of bridge hill is surrounded by cypress woods with more than sixty thousand stately and sturdy trees .

  2. 但是,明信片上的泰姬陵并不足以传递这座世界上保存最完整、建筑风格最美丽的坟墓背后的传奇爱情故事。

    However , the postcard picture does not adequately convey the legend and romance that shroud ( 6 ) the world 's most well-preserved and architecturally beautiful tomb .

  3. 再立块长着苔藓的碑石;陵前有碑亭,一石碑上镌刻着桥陵龙驭四字。

    I placed one mossy stone above ; Before the tomb is a pavilion in which stands a stone tablet bearing words to the effect that the emperor 's horse-drawn carriage parks here .

  4. 我们费了半天的时间才爬到顶上,因为山坡非常陡,树林又特别密。桥山顶上的黄帝陵,掩映在柏林之中。6万余株古柏棵棵苍劲挺拔。

    We had a rough time getting to the top , the sides was so steep and bushes so thick . The Tomb of the Yellow Emperor located at the top of Bridge Hill is surrounded by cypress woods with more than sixty thousand stately and sturdy trees .