
  1. 你可以上下左右移动摄像机。

    You can move the camera both vertically and horizontally

  2. 这只船在看起来约有15英尺高的海浪中上下左右颠簸。

    The ship is pitching and rolling in what looks like about fifteen foot seas .

  3. 反之,当d/w较小时,沿d、w二个方向的速度分布都为抛物线,上下左右壁面影响都不可忽略。

    Conversely , when d / w is small , the velocity contribution along both directions are parabola , thereby the influence of all walls ( upper and lower , right and left ) could not be ignored .

  4. 细胞的邻居定义为vonNeumann邻居:包括它的上下左右4个邻近细胞。

    A cell 's neighbors are defined to be the von Neumann neighborhood : the four cells above , below , to the left , and to the right of the cell .

  5. 除非是追随动作,不要将摄影机随意地上下左右移动。

    Never pan if you can avoid it except to follow motion .

  6. 上下左右活动下巴。

    Move jaw right and left , up and down .

  7. 上下左右键以及空格键来控制。

    Above and below the space bar and the key to control .

  8. 上下左右键控制飞行,空格键射击。

    The next flight control keys around , the space bar shooting .

  9. 游戏操作:空格键发射子弹,上下左右控制方向。

    Operation of the game box : Key firing bullets , levels of control .

  10. 上下左右键控制,所有的节奏可以分为上下左右四种表现形式。

    Key control above and below , all the rhythm can manage about four manifestations .

  11. 鼠标上下左右控制。

    Above and below the mouse control .

  12. 相邻抽屉及抽屉前板应排列上下左右一致。

    Drawers and drawer fronts will be aligned vertically and horizontally with the corresponding unit parts .

  13. 上下左右键操作,过关后会出现秘籍和选关密码。

    Key operating above and below , customs shopping cart will happen after the election and related passwords .

  14. 三菱可编程序设定上下左右移动指令,视节拍修整调节。

    Mitsubishi program sets move order from head to foot , repaired and regulated depend on the time .

  15. 上下左右键移动,空格键攻击,把你的绵羊都找回即可过关。

    The next key move around , attack the space bar , you can find all sheep clearance .

  16. 拍照时,记住要上下左右看一看,选好景。

    When you take a photo , remember to look up , down and around for a better picture .

  17. 切断周围腰带上下左右拉链,确保留下足够的空间缝。

    Cut around the waistband and down around the zipper , making sure to leave enough room to sew .

  18. 海水拍击着礁石周围,水藻上下左右地飘动,像皮面般滑溜发亮。

    In the surge at the rim of the ledge the dark fronds of oarweeds swayed smooth and gleaming as leather .

  19. 盲人借助语音导航,通过上下左右键就能阅读邮箱中的邮件内容。

    Blind people can navigate content of the e - mail with sound navigation by using keyboard to control the receiver .

  20. 社会上下左右普遍存在着说情风,亦是阻碍记者报导的原因之一。

    Widespread " interceding with the Wind " from top to bottom in society is also one of the reasons which hindered reporters reported .

  21. 上下左右键控制开车,要特别注意转弯,小心啊,否则会撤毁人亡!

    The next key control drive around , we must pay special attention to turning and carefully ah , otherwise it would withdraw crash !

  22. 所以它会让地面上下左右移动,移动方向与波形传播方向一致。

    As a result , it moves the ground up and down and side to side in the same direction that the wave is moving .

  23. 哈利已经分辨不出上下左右。伤疤仍然火辣辣地疼。他以为自己随时都会死去。

    Harry had no idea which way was up , which down : His scar was still burning ; he expected to die at any second .

  24. 操作指南:上下左右控制,上手有些难度,但是可爱的画面会让你坚持过关。

    Operations guide : upper and lower control around , handcuffed some difficulty , but the lovely picture will allow you to adhere to cross the border .

  25. 在万物各奔东西南北、上下左右一段时间后,有一天大家又要再聚合在一起,重回初生的状态。

    All things depart away at all directions since the beginning of universe ; but , after some time , they will come together again to be the original situation .

  26. 睡觉的地方就像一个胶囊,只比棺材大一点点,而这些胶囊上下左右的挤在一起。

    The sleeping quarters are small capsules that are not much bigger than a coffin , and the beds are stacked side by side and on top of one another .

  27. 可上下左右调整照明角度,不同的色彩变化及流畅的线条,能让人依照不同的心情、工作与场所,来选择空间所适合的台灯。

    The different color change and the smooth design outlook which let the human choose the desk lamp according to the different mood , the work and the place to suit the space .

  28. 操作方面,方向键对应主人公的上下左右移动,在楼梯处按上、键即可上下楼。

    Operate aspect , the direction key to in response to host male of top and bottom or so ambulation , at the stairs press up , descend key then up and down building .

  29. 于是,一种强烈不安的危机意识涌动在画面的上下左右,它飘忽但无处不在,无时不在,没有人能够真正摆脱它的控制。

    Thus , a strongly disturbing sense of crisis surging around the top and bottom of the screen , floating everywhere and every minute , so that no one can really escape its control .

  30. 评论家们说,他双拳举得太低,而且他也不靠上下左右晃动身体,让对方的拳头“滑过”自己的头部,而是靠身体后倾来躲避拳头。

    he kept his hands too low , the critics said , and instead of allowing punches to " slip " past his head by bobbing and weaving , he leaned back from them .