
  1. 我发现自《慢活》一书出版以来在所有发生的事情中,最令人振奋的就是人们对这本书的反应。

    Now , one of the things that I found most uplifting about all of this stuff that 's happened around the book since it came out , is the reaction to it .

  2. 老人表示她也不清楚自怎么就活了这么长时间,但她曾说自己的长寿是可能是因为保证每天8小时的睡眠,常吃寿司,坚持做深蹲等锻炼一直到102。

    Mrs Okawa said she still does not know how she has lived for so long , but has previously credited her longevity to eight hours sleep , eating sushi , and doing squats until the age of 102 .

  3. 自作孽不可活。即使好人无所事事,邪恶必将自取灭亡。

    The Evil will be defeated even when good men dont do anything .

  4. 总之,吴语叙事山歌是一种具有吴语文化特色的自成体系的活态的口头叙事诗。

    In short , the Wu narrative ballads , pertaining to the Wu dialect area , represent systematically the dynamic oral narrative traditions with strong local cultural characteristics .