
  • 网络automatism;Automatic writing;l'ecriture automatique
  1. 结果6例患者AgQ明显高于常模;损害程度由重到轻为主动书写、看图书写、听写、自动书写、抄写;

    Results Their AgQ was significantly higher than the normal and the damage from serious to light occurred in spontaneous writing , picture writing , dictation , automatic writing and copying .

  2. 本文讨论并给出了可自动书写这些子程序的实用程序的开发过程。

    Hereinafter a procedure for an automatic writing of these sub-routines by computer was presented .

  3. 本自动书写仪计算机控制系统采用了GT400SG四轴运动控制器来控制X轴、Y轴以及Z轴的运动。

    The computer control system of this instrument adopts GT-400-SG four axes motion controller to control the motion of axis X , Y , and Z.

  4. 自动书写仪计算机控制系统的研究

    Study of compute control system of automatically writing instrument

  5. 等值线图的数字自动书写技术

    Technology of automatic number Writing in contour maps

  6. 自动书写有着另一个来源,因为书写行为本身并不会产生姓膏潮。

    Automatic writing has another source , as writing does not support an orgasm , per se .

  7. 有一个终点,那一定是绘画!我不赞同自动书写的说法,我提倡画面的自由生长。

    In fact , I do not agree with the name'automatic drawing ' , but advocate landscapes on paper grow totally free .

  8. 采用汉语失写检查法详细检查其书写情况,内容包括自动书写、抄写、听写、看图书写、主动书写。

    Their writing condition was examined with the Chinese agraphia examination ( CAB ) including automatic writing , transcription , dictation , picture copying and initiative writing .

  9. 40例帕金森病患者伴书写障碍者21例(53%)。书写障碍组看图书写和主动书写最差,其次是听写、抄写,自动书写成绩最好。

    Among the 40 patients , 21 with writing disturbance ( 53 % ), who were worst in picture copying and initiative writing , following by dictation and transcription , and best in automatic writing .

  10. 您可以选择让字符输入在延迟后自动识别您的书写。无论该设置如何,您的书写总是立即被识别。

    You can choose to have character input automatically recognize your handwriting after a delay . Regardless of this setting , your writing is always recognized immediately when your pen leaves a writing box .