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zì jué
  • conscious;aware;be aware of;conscientious;subjective;self-awareness;awakened;of one's own free will;autopsyche
自觉 [zì jué]
  • (1) [conscious;aware;awakened]∶自己有所认识而主动去做

  • 自觉地遵守纪律

  • (2) [subjective]∶自己感觉到;自己有所察觉

  • 疾病的个人自觉症状

自觉[zì jué]
  1. 废除传统教育变相“奴化”学生人格的做法,自觉发展学生以创新为内核的主体性人格;

    To do away with enslaving students ′ personality in disguised form , of traditional education , while be aware of developing students ′ personality creating-kernel topic ;

  2. 所谓建筑的设计伦理,这里首先是指建筑师应该自觉承担对客户和社会的职业责任。

    The so-called " building design ethics " requires the architect to be aware of the responsibility of the profession for both their clients and the society .

  3. 她不自觉地陷入了一种虚假的安全感之中。

    She 'd allowed herself to be lulled into a false sense of security .

  4. 我自觉是个愚蠢的失败者。

    I felt foolish and a failure .

  5. 当时我只是个从小镇出来的小女孩,自觉十分渺小。

    I was just a young girl from a small town and I felt very unimportant .

  6. 他们相信游客会自觉捡起垃圾。

    They depend on the goodwill of visitors to pick up rubbish .

  7. 连续看上几个小时枯燥的技术简报后,他会不自觉地钻起牛角尖来。

    Reading from a tedious technical brief for hours on end , he would stray into difficult territory .

  8. 人人自觉管,事事有人管。

    Everybody consciously attends to things and everything is attended to .

  9. 他学习很自觉。

    He studies on his own initiative .

  10. 这个青年受坏人引诱,开始堕落而不自觉。

    This young man was influenced by bad people and became corrupt without being aware of it .

  11. 她自觉地履行部长的一切职责。

    She discharged all the responsibilities of a minister conscientiously .

  12. 这孩子做作业挺自觉。

    The child does homework without any urging .

  13. 这种病初起时,患者每不自觉。

    Those afflicted with the disease are often unaware of it in the early stages .

  14. “这是个有趣的问题,”亨利勋爵说,他觉得嘲弄这孩子不自觉的自负能获得极大的乐趣。

    " it is an interesting question ," said Lord henry , who found an exquisite pleasure in playing on the lad 's unconscious egotism .

  15. 感觉安全、放松的时候,你会不自觉地开始做白日梦。

    Feeling safe and relaxed will help you to slip into daydreams .

  16. 他自觉对性的兴趣大减。

    He feels lack of interest in sex .

  17. 例句约翰在玩完玩具后自觉地把它们收拾好,放回了原位。

    John put away his toys off his own bat after playing with them .

  18. 自觉心是进步之母,自贱心是堕落之源。

    Consciousness is the mother of progress ; humbleness is the source of degeneration . 1

  19. 有效建立关系网的诀窍是,你需要走出自己的“舒适区”,自觉主动地开始和他人交谈。

    The thing about effective networking is you need to step out of your comfort zone and start talking to people off your own bat .

  20. 弘扬宪法精神,树立宪法权威,使全体人民都成为社会主义法治的忠实崇尚者、自觉遵守者、坚定捍卫者。

    We should promote the spirit of the Constitution , uphold the Constitution 's authority , and make efforts to guide all the people to loyally uphold , willingly comply with and firmly safeguard the socialist rule of law .

  21. 浅议AutoCAD自觉新议

    Discussion on AutoCAD A New View on Consciousness

  22. 以计算的个性化为特征的情景自觉计算(Context-awareComputing)近年来受到高度关注。

    Context-aware computing with the characteristic of personality has been paid much attention in recent years .

  23. 58例患者随访1-7年,包括自觉症状、肛门指诊、PSA、经直肠前列腺超声、同位素扫描等。

    58 cases were followed up for 1 - 7 years , including subjective symptom 、 DRE 、 PSA 、 TURS and isotope scanning .

  24. 困难的是如何形成一些HSE的理念,使大家自觉地执行HSE体系的要求。

    How difficult is forms some HSE the idea , causes everybody on own initiative to carry out the HSE system request .

  25. 结果治疗后Ⅱ期煤工尘肺患者呼吸道自觉症状减轻,肺灌洗液白蛋白、IgG明显低于第1次灌洗,肺通气功能改善;

    Results The contents of albumin and IgG in BALF of patients with CWP after several courses of treatment were lower than those after first lavage and pulmonary respiratory function FVC improved .

  26. 从科学研究和生产实践的实际出发,对IR和UV等波谱分析实验内容和教学方法进行了改进,提高了学生学习的积极性与自觉性,收到了较好的效果。

    According to the practice of scientific study and production , reform the content of the experiment of wave spectrum analysis and improve the methods in the teaching this subject . The studying activity and consciousness of students is stimulated greatly and a good effect is obtained .

  27. 而IMF的行政官员本身或被迫、或自愿地受到美国价值观和政策态度的影响,从而不自觉地加强了美国在IMF中的制度霸权。

    In addition , the administrative executives of the IMF , whether voluntarily or being compelled , have been greatly influenced by the values and policy preferences of the United States , which undoubtedly reinforces the institutional hegemony of the United States in the IMF .

  28. 术后观察对比两组患者手术前后的自觉症状和电子胃镜检查结果及上消化道压力、24h胃pH值及基础胃酸分泌量、胃排空时间、血清胃泌素含量检测结果。

    The symptoms , the pressure of the residual esophagus and thoracic stomach , 24-hour pH monitoring , mean basic gastric acid output , gastric emptying time of the intrathoracic stomach , fasting serum gastrin level , fibroptic endoscopic results were compared before and after operation between the two groups .

  29. 方法运用职业流行病学调查方法,调查和分析了85名水泥粉尘作业工人和80名对照组的自觉症状、肺通气功能和尿羟脯氨酸(HYP)。

    Methods 85 cement factory workers with more than 3 years of exposure to cement dust and 80 controls without cement dust exposure were surveyed . Pulmonary function test and urine hydroxyproline ( HYP ) were obtained .

  30. 11例自觉术后症状和体征难以忍受,其中8例通过保守治疗4~5d后缓解,另3例通过纤维环开窗减压后才缓解。

    Eleven patients could not stand the setback signs and symptoms , of which conservative measures were given to 8 patients with an alleviation in 4 ~ 5 days and additional annulus fenestration had to be done in the other three patients .