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  • functionalism
  1. 机能主义假定人类生来就有解决问题的需要。

    Functionalism postulates an inborn need to solve problems .

  2. 作为美国机能主义心理学派的创始人之一,詹姆斯在国内外享有盛誉。

    He gains great compliments as one of the founders of functionalism psychology school home and aboard .

  3. 机能主义心理学:从芝加哥学派到哥伦比亚学派

    Functional psychology : from the Chicago to the Colombia School

  4. 解读法国早期机能主义心理学

    Reinterpretations of the Early French Functional Psychology

  5. 而机能主义心理学却是在詹姆斯实用主义心理学思想的影响下形成的。本文就詹姆斯的实用主义心理学思想做简要述评。

    Due to the functionalism is formed under the influence of James'pragmatic psychology , thus this paper gives a brief comment on his pragmatic psychology .

  6. 论机能主义刑法学&机能主义刑法学的检讨在德日刑事违法性理论中,一直存在着主观的违法性论和客观的违法性论之间的争论。

    On Functionalism Criminal Jurisprudence-The Discussion of Functionalism Criminal Jurisprudence There 's an argument between objective illegitimacy and subjective illegitimacy in criminal Illegitimacy of continental law system .

  7. 布伦塔诺和冯特关于意动与内容之争开创了随后的构造主义和机能主义对立之先河,对20世纪的心理学影响巨大。

    The controversy between structuralism and functionalism began with different opinions of Wundt and Buentano about act and content , which influenced the development of psychology in20th century .

  8. 杜威通过对美国实用主义哲学和机能主义心理学进行认真研究,逐渐形成了实用主义教育理论。该理论主要论述教育与生活,教育与成长以及学校与社会的关系。

    Having carefully studied American philosophy of pragmatism and psychology of functionalism , Dewey gradually formed his educational theory focusing on the relationship between education and life , education and growth , and school and society .

  9. 在此基础上,针对我国现有经济分析中的外在机能主义、单一的价值目标、理论的解释的缺陷,提出要内在的、多元化的、实践的对侵权法进行解释的主张。

    Against the defects in the status quo of economic analysis such as the external functionalism , the singleness of value pursuits , and the interpretation with theory , this article prescribes an internal , plural and practical remedy to conduct the economic analysis on tort law .

  10. 本文比较了机能主义心理学内部芝加哥学派和哥伦比亚学派在研究倾向上的差异,认为这种差异使心理学研究从心灵主义迈向客观主义并成为一个连续的过程,而机能主义出于这个连续过程的过渡环节。

    After comparing the research tendencies o the Chicago and the Colombia schools in functional psychology , this paper proceeds to argue that it is their differences that make the transition from the mentalism a continuous process , of which the functional psychology just happens to be a linkage .