
cuò luò
  • strewn at random;irregular;disorderly;untidy
错落 [cuò luò]
  • [strewn at random] 交错地排列

  • 苍松翠柏错落其间

错落[cuò luò]
  1. 其品种多样性、色彩丰富性和景观季相性能将园林中的乔木、灌木、草花以及其它造景因素调和成色彩纷呈、高低错落的多层次立体植物景观。

    The richness and diversity , color landscape gardens in season performance of trees and shrubs and other factors , the primrose mixed into colorful landscape of the three-dimensional multi-layer strewn at random , landscape plant .

  2. 目前景区内水面碧波荡漾游船穿梭,近岸长廊蜿蜒曲折,亭台错落,岸边垂柳依依,摇曳多姿。

    At present kingbibo Dangyang cruise ship in the water shuttle , winding shore promenade , pavilions cuola , shore weeping willow yiyi , swaying scene .

  3. Jengatecture(叠叠乐式建筑)指含有一系列错落堆叠的方块的建筑设计。

    Jengatecture refers to building designs that consist of a series of stacked , offset boxes .

  4. 塌陷后1-3年间,塌陷区错落相对出露侧的土壤水分显著小于相对塌陷侧(P0.05)。

    During 1 ~ 3 years after subsiding , the soil water of correspondingly outcropping side of the caving cracks were significantly lower than that of the correspondingly subsiding side in ( P < 0.05 ) in subsidence area .

  5. 不论外星人还是某人恶作剧,TimCarson这个生活在AltonBarnes的农民正因Wiltshire郊外的麦田怪圈每年承受着1000英镑的损失。自1991年起,他的田地里至今已有125个怪圈错落其中。

    WHETHER extraterrestrials or pranksters are to blame , in the Wiltshire countryside crop circles are costly : around £ 1000 each , says Tim Carson , a farmer in the village of Alton Barnes , whose land has been dotted by 125 circles since 1991 .

  6. 其变形类型主要包括坍(崩)塌、错落式滑坡和倾倒变形。

    The deformation types include collapse , landslide and toppled deformation .

  7. 这些寺庙各抱山势,高低错落。

    These temples are scattered randomly over the mountain .

  8. 错落中的营造&青川县黄坪乡中心小学建筑设计

    Strew at Random & Design for the Center Primary School in Huangping Village

  9. 竹影斑驳错落,挣扎著缠绕光阴匆忙的步履。

    The prone shadows with their outstretched arms clung to the feet of the hurrying light .

  10. 摩根-拉菲在枝条错落的魔法树屋上朝他们朝手。

    Morgan le Fay was waving to them from the magic tree house high in the branches .

  11. 阳光错落挥洒树叶起舞缤纷

    Sunlight dances off the leaves

  12. 建立了库区塌岸的3种主要模式:冲刷塌岸型,蠕动-张裂变形,牵引式滑移-拉裂错落;

    There exist three main kinds of collapse patterns : bank scour collapse , creep-crack deformation , sliding and tension-fracturing .

  13. 全城依山而构,临江而筑,楼房重叠错落,把山和城融为一体。

    City of mountains and structure , and to build Riverside , overlapping scattered buildings , mountains and cities together .

  14. 另外,意象组合又呈对比并列形式,前后连接形式,交叉错落形式,扩展形式。

    Furthermore , a comparison of parallel image composition and form , and link the form of cross-stone forms expansion forms .

  15. 价格跌宕错落预期争论起伏&2006年第二季度国际金融分析判断

    Prices Rise and Fall Debate about Anticipation Seesaws An Analysis and Comment about International Finance during the Second Quarter of 2006

  16. 除了搬进多年收藏的石狮子,还特别栽种了14种植物,高低错落,疏密相间,给了院子无限的自由和想象。

    Besides the stone lions , there are14 sorts plants in the yard , which brings the yard limitless freedom and imagination .

  17. 也以繁复错落的造型结构改变了文人绘画扁平的视觉特性,呈现一种激烈、刺激的情绪。

    The intricate interspersing of formal structure transforms the flat visual feature of literati painting into a fierce , exciting emotional experience .

  18. 江门市属河流三角洲冲积平原,低山丘陵错落其间,河网纵横,土地肥沃。

    Geographically , Jiangmen Municipality is located in an alluvial plain in river delta , with low hills dotted crisscrossed rivers and fertile soil .

  19. 我用指尖触摸着她的眼睑,才发现,手指错落的瞬间,一切竟变成了永无休止的冬天。

    I use my fingertips touch her eyelids , and I only found scattered in the fingers of the moment , everything has become a never-ending winter .

  20. (植物学)用于树叶等;沿一根茎最初在一边然后在另一边错落而生的;非对生的。

    ( botany ) of leaves and branches etc ; first on one side and then on the other in two ranks along an axis ; not paired .

  21. 这种形式的布局,不是以单体建筑的造型取胜,而是以群体的对称、呼应、错落有序形成整体气势。

    This kind of layout became dominant depending on the overall momentum of the symmetry , concert and good order among groups instead of the modeling of individual architecture .

  22. 那连绵的苍翠山峦,那层层叠叠的梯田,那高低错落犹如穿着蓑衣的房舍,总给人以平和而安详。

    One feels placid and peaceful when seeing the uninterrupted green hills and mountains , terraces layer after layer , and high and low houses as if in coir raincoats .

  23. 他的作品《风景》高度概念化,采用画面合成,用数个蜷曲的人的臀部组成了远近错落的中国传统山水画,使观者的心思和眼光从一个范畴转换到紧邻的另一个。

    His highly conceptual , photo-montage works of bent-over bare buttocks that mimic traditional Chinese landscape painting constantly shift the viewer 's mind and eye from one category to the next .

  24. 有的只是乡间路边石墙围起的几处青冢,也有的高碑耸立,十字架错落成行,绵延无边。

    Some are just small clusters of graves surrounded by stone fences beside country roads . Others are carefully laid out rows of crosses that seem to extend forever , crowned by huge monuments .

  25. 它不是乡村的陋巷,湫隘破败,泥泞坎坷,杂草乱生,两旁还排列着错落的粪缸。

    The lane has nothing in common with the mean rural alleys , which are narrow and low-lying , muddy and bumpy , overgrown with wild weeds and lined here and there with manure vats .

  26. 如若左手伴奏音高不当,时间不对,力度不足,又可能使整个音乐不够协调,缺少错落与和谐之美。

    Also , if the improvisatory accompany is too high or too low , the time and power is not suitable , the music will no a tune and less the beauty of strewing and harmonious .

  27. 错落式滑坡滑体因降雨或人工开挖等因素导致滑体的抗滑力减小,滑体从不平衡的位置下滑到新的平衡位置。

    For the faulted landslides masses , the antislip force of the sliding mass decreases because of the precipitation or artificial excavation , then the sliding masses fall from one imbalanced position to another new equilibrium position .

  28. 若是风起,隔岸那一片绚丽秋色,宛若新生,浓至极致,淡至绝美,不规划的视角变化,错落有序,尽显一秋的妩媚与多姿。

    If the wind , Gean was a brilliant autumn , just like new , concentrated to the extreme , to the beautiful light , non-planning perspective changes , scattered order , filling a charming autumn and variety .

  29. 以重庆为代表的许多城市依山而建,自然水陆交汇,城市高低错落,形成了山、水、城、人共存共生的城市景观特色。

    Building on mountain area , many cities like Chongqing city , with waters connecting lands naturally and city people 's communities scattering about , have formed the urban Landscape characteristics of the coexistence of the mountain , the water , the city , and the human being .

  30. 东方明珠塔最有特色的是把11个大小不一、高低错落的球体串联在一起,整个建筑物的支撑完全靠三根深入地下的擎天立柱,内置可载50人的双层电梯和每秒7米的高速电梯。

    The tower features 11 spheres , big and small and the entire building is supported by three enormous columns that start underground . Visitors travel up and down the tower in double-decker elevators that can hold up to fifty people at the rate of seven meters per second .