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  • error handling
  1. Diameter协议的安全性及其错误处理机制研究

    Research of Diameter Security and Error handling mechanism

  2. 一些C扩展可能在数据转换,错误处理,引用计数之外,还要求执行额外的任务。

    Some C extensions may be required to perform additional tasks beyond data conversion , error handling , and reference counting .

  3. 主要反对党已经对这起安全事故的错误处理进行了猛烈抨击。

    The main opposition party is already in full cry over this mishandling of security .

  4. C程序中的特殊错误处理方法

    Special Fault Process Approach in C Language

  5. 用于C语言的错误处理预编译器

    Precompiler handling errors for C language

  6. c:主程序,以及一些进行输入、输出和错误处理的函数

    Ccalc . c : The main program and some functions for input , output , and error processing

  7. 这个预编译器改进了C语言错误处理机制,提高了软件开发效率。

    The precompiler improved improves the mechanism of handling errors in C language , and increased increases software development efficiency .

  8. Java中的异常错误处理

    Dealing with abnormal error in Java

  9. 本文介绍了VISUALBASIC中的错误处理机制及公用对象ERR;

    This paper introduces the error processing mechanism and public object ERR of Visual Basic .

  10. 基于XML的日志及错误处理模块的设计与实现

    The communication procedures between gateways based on the recommendation T. Log and Error Processing Module Based on XML

  11. 这是SOAP最基本的错误处理。

    This is the bare minimum error processing for SOAP .

  12. 在标准Java代码中&多亏有其托管内存环境,错误处理只是又一块代码。

    In standard Java code thanks to its managed memory environment error handling is just another block of code .

  13. PB应用中的错误处理

    Error Processing in Application of Powerbuilder 6.0

  14. 幸运的是,Bob有一个错误处理协议,即超时。

    Luckily , Bob has an error-handling protocol , namely a timeout .

  15. 在讨论错误处理策略的同时,North甚至提供了更多通过业务过程建模定义SOA需求的例子。

    While talking about the error-handling strategy , North provides even more examples of SOA requirements defined through business process modeling .

  16. 与Java代码类似,JavaScript也具备异常处理,我们推荐使用它来进行错误处理。

    Like Java code , JavaScript does have exception handling , which we recommend using for your error handling .

  17. 请注意,单击范围活动右上角的橘红色“x”号可以在错误处理程序的显示和隐藏之间进行切换。

    Note that clicking the orange and red'x'at the top-right of the scope activity toggles between showing and hiding the fault handler .

  18. Rexx还有一个错误处理系统,让您SIGNAL情况并适当地处理它们。

    Rexx also has an error-handling system that lets you SIGNAL conditions and handle them appropriately .

  19. 尽管RFTJava™脚本实例包含额外的错误处理。

    The RFT Java ™ script example , though , includes additional error handling .

  20. 本文所罗列的是一般性的错误处理要点,也是架构师和设计师们在SOA方案设计中需要解决的。

    This paper identifies common error handling considerations that architects and designers need to address while going through the SOA solution design .

  21. 现在,处于try错误处理语句中,继续从Excel工作簿收集信息,我们先从它的工作表开始。

    Now , staying within the try error handling statement , proceed to gather information from the Excel workbook , starting with its sheets .

  22. 基于MPEG-4视频的错误处理算法研究

    MPEG-4 Video Based Error Resilience Algorithm Research

  23. FoxPro应用系统中在线帮助及错误处理方法的分析设计

    Analysis and design of on-line help and error processing method in FoxPro application system

  24. 在SOA分析和设计阶段进行全面的错误处理需求分析对于正确完成设计和实施服务至关重要。

    Thorough analysis of error handling requirements during SOA analysis and design phase is the key to getting the services designed and implemented right .

  25. 通常,消息驱动Bean应该有更多的错误处理,但在这里,代码示例只是为了阐释。

    As a rule , message-driven beans should have more error handling , but the code sample here is just for illustration .

  26. 然后生成对PlaceStatisticsservlet的请求,挂接到负载或错误处理程序的回调适当地得到调用。

    The request to the Place Statistics servlet is then made , and the callbacks hooked into the load or error handlers are invoked as appropriate .

  27. 通常,它们提供的错误处理比我的SOAP客户机的更好,提供的其它一些功能是用于强健应用程序开发的较好基础。

    They usually offer better error handling than my SOAP client and other features that lay a better foundation for robust application development .

  28. 全局错误处理:针对Flash运行时进行应用开发的开发者最希望加入的特性就是全局错误处理机制。

    Global error handling : The most requested feature by those developing applications for the Flash runtime is a mechanism for global error handing .

  29. 新的内建函数recover在错误处理机制上对panic和defer进行了补充。

    The new built-in function recover complements panic and defer as an error handling mechanism . [ blog , spec ]

  30. HDTV中MPEG-2实时解码器的错误处理实用新算法研究

    Study on a practical new method for handling errors in real time MPEG-2 decoder of HDTV