
jiù zhù fèi yonɡ
  • salvage expenses;salvage costs
  1. 海事强制费用的主要类型包括:强制救助费用、强制清污费用和残骸强制打捞费用。

    The main types of the marine mandatory costs includes : marine mandatory salvage charges , mandatory clean-up costs and compulsory wreck salvage costs .

  2. 城市医疗救助费用控制模式SWOT分析

    Apply the SWOT to analyze the cost control model of urban medical assistance

  3. 基于社区卫生服务的城市医疗救助费用控制模式的情景分析

    Scenario Analysis of the Cost Control Model of Urban Medical Assistance Based on Community Health Services

  4. 救助费用意指独立的合同救助人,依据海商法可以获得的费用。

    ' Salvage charges'means the charges recoverable under Maritime Law by a salvor independently of contract .

  5. 世界银行贷款卫生Ⅵ项目县特困孕产妇医疗救助费用分析

    Expenses Analysis of Poverty Medical Alleviation for Poor Maternal of Health VI Project Loaned by World Bank

  6. 雪上加霜的是,司机还极可能需要支付8000-15000美元的救助费用。

    To add insult to injury , the driver will most likely be charged for his rescue to the tune of an estimated $ 8000 - $ 15000 .

  7. 救助费用不包括为避免承保危险,被保险人或其代理人或他们雇用的任何人提供的救助性质的服务所支出的费用。

    They do not include the expenses of service in the nature of salvage rendered by the assured or his agents , or any person employed for hire by them for the purpose of averting a peril insured against .

  8. 第三十二条因海难救助费用提起的诉讼,由救助地或者被救助船舶最先到达地人民法院管辖。

    Article 32 A lawsuit instituted for expenses of maritime salvage shall be under the jurisdiction of the people 's court of the place where the salvage took place or where the salvaged ship first docked after the disaster .

  9. 卫Ⅵ项目特困家庭医疗救助病种费用及其补偿情况分析

    The analysis of health VI item of special poverty families medical succour diseases fee and its compensation situation

  10. 也就是说,针对共同海损,救助和救助费用是不扣减免赔的。

    General average , salvage and salvage charges payable in full irrespective of insured value .

  11. 不论门诊还是住院,医疗救助人员的医疗费用均高于一般参保人员,两组间经Mann-whitney秩和检验,差异具有显著性。

    Whether outpatient services or inpatient services , the medical expenses of medical assistance recipients are more than those of the insured ; there is a statistical difference by Mann-whitney rank sum test .

  12. 增强救助对象的个人费用意识。

    The awareness of individual cost of the target subjects should be also enhanced .

  13. 共同海损及救助共同海损及海上救助共同海损及救助费用伤兵用肘费劲地支起身子大声呼救。

    General average and salvage The wounded soldier levered himself up on his elbow and shouted for help .

  14. 国家主管机关从事或控制的海难救助中救助款项请求权问题研究因海难救助费用提起的诉讼,由救助地或者被救助船舶最先到达地人民法院管辖。

    A Study on Claim for Salvage Payment by Competent Authorities ; actions claiming salvage money come under the jurisdiction of the people 's court at the place of the salvage or at the port where the salvaged ship first arrived .