
jiù shēnɡ suǒ
  • lifeline
  1. 鉴于2012年的财政预算出现高达400万美元的赤字,雷鸟全球管理学院(ThunderbirdSchoolofGlobalManagement)已同意抓住一条亟需的救生索。

    With its 2012 fiscal budget $ 4 million in the red , the Thunderbird School of global management has agreed to grasp a sorely needed lifeline .

  2. 这反过来有望为欧元区提供一条意外的救生索。

    That , in turn , could provide the eurozone with an unexpected lifeline .

  3. 对于米克尔而言,收购一家破产企业是一条救生索。

    For Mr Meikle , buying a failed business was a lifeline .

  4. 确定所有救生索的结都打紧了!

    Make sure all lifelines are secured good and tight !

  5. 一种沉下或拉上深水潜水员的救生索。

    Line that raises or lowers a deep-sea diver .

  6. 生命线他紧紧抓住救生索,那个女人把他拉向岸边。

    He clung to the lifeline and the woman pulled him towards the bank .

  7. 这个蛋糕事业是我们的救生索

    This new cupcake business is our lifeline .

  8. 系索一端应牢固系于安全带上,另一端系于救生索上。

    One end of the lanyard shall be firmly tied with the harnesses and the other end with life line .

  9. 救生索抛向遇难船只的绳索他的生意遇到一些困难,但还能维持。

    A line shot to a ship in distress . His business is facing difficulties , but it is staying afloat .

  10. 然后我遇到了,或者更确切地说,认识了扔给我第一根救生索的那位夫人。

    Then , I met , or rather & got to know , the lady who threw me my first lifeline .

  11. 他说,在意识到橡皮艇无法向前靠近后,救援小组向受困人员投出救生索。

    The team threw lifelines to the trapped men after realizing that the boat could not move any further , Wang said .

  12. 鉴于就连大型新兴市场也略有放缓,强劲出口为美国提供的救生索在未来数月可能减弱。

    With even the big emerging markets slowing a little , the lifeline provided to the us from strong exports looks likely to weaken in the months ahead .

  13. 对于陷入困境、眼睛只盯着紧缩和政治斗争的欧盟各国领导人来说,对美贸易额扩大以及签订新的跨大西洋长期协定产生的象征意义,可能成为挽救他们政治命运的救生索。

    Expanded US trade and the symbolism of a new and enduring transatlantic agreement could be a political lifeline for embattled EU leaders who see nothing but austerity and political fights ahead .

  14. 首先,在5月3日,欧洲央行向希腊抛出了救生索,宣布在其提供流动性的相关操作中,将接受希腊国债,不管评级机构将其评级降到何种地步。

    First , on May 3 , it threw Athens a lifeline by announcing it would accept Greek government bonds in its liquidity-providing operations , no matter how far rating agencies downgraded them .

  15. 在美国政府向华尔街抛出救生索之时,高盛合伙人售股行为却激增,这可能激怒美国国会的议员们。

    The surge in selling among Goldman partners , coming at a time when the US government had thrown a lifeline to Wall Street , is likely to draw the ire of lawmakers on Capitol Hill .