
  1. 这是教会救世济民的工作。

    This is the " saving " work of the church .

  2. 古医籍书名中表现的忠孝仁爱、救世济民、学识广博等素养,就是古代医学家人文精神追求的最好说明。

    Loyalty and filial piety , love and benefit recorded in the ancient medical book are the best explanation .

  3. 其中众多的神性英雄,以其百折不挠的顽强意志,向往自由的追求意识和救世济民的殉道精神,对中华民族的文化心理产生深远的影响。

    Many deified heroes who bravely pursued freedom and tried to bring people out of the pit of misery with indomitable fortitude have produced a far-reaching effect on Chinese culture and psychology .