
jiù zāi
  • provide disaster relief;help the people tide over a natural disaster;relieve the victims of a disaster;send relief to a disaster area
救灾 [jiù zāi]
  • [provide disaster relief] 救济受灾的人民

  • 抗震救灾

救灾[jiù zāi]
  1. 抗震救灾是我国经济社会发展的一个重要组成部分,是关系到中华民族生存与可持续发展的一个永恒主题。

    It is an important component of socioeconomic development of our country to provide disaster relief , and an eternal theme relative to China 's prosperity and sustainable development .

  2. 加强应急管理,提高公共安全和防灾救灾减灾能力,做好地震、气象、测绘等工作。

    We will strengthen emergency management , and become better able to ensure public safety , prevent and mitigate disasters and provide disaster relief . We will do our work related to earthquake , meteorology , surveying and mapping well .

  3. 总统将派出近2万名军事人员协助救灾工作。

    The president is sending in almost 20,000 military personnel to help with the relief efforts .

  4. 救灾人员说疾病加上饥饿夺去了数千人的生命,严重程度前所未有。

    Relief workers say it 's worse than ever as disease and starvation combine to kill thousands

  5. 已经拨出两百万美元用于救灾。

    Two million dollars was allocated for disaster relief .

  6. 飞机向灾区空投救灾物资。

    The planes airdropped relief supplies to the stricken area .

  7. 他们决定不依靠外援来救灾。

    They decided not to count on foreign aid to relieve the famine .

  8. 救灾物资很快发放到灾区人民手里。

    Relief goods were quickly handed out to the people in the stricken area .

  9. 学校不得组织、安排学生从事抢险救灾或者商业性活动。

    Schools are prohibited from organizing students to participate in emergency rescue , disaster relief , or commercial activities .

  10. 我们还抵御了严重洪涝灾害,广大军民不畏艰险,同心协力抗洪救灾,努力把损失降到了最低。

    We also defeated severe flooding . With the military and civilians20 heedless of danger and difficulty , and standing21 in unity6 , we managed to minimize the damage of the floods .

  11. 2009年和2013年,当澳大利亚维多利亚州、新南威尔士州等地遭受严重山林火灾时,中方迅速向澳方提供火场卫星数据,向救灾行动施以援手。

    In 2009 and 2013 when Victoria and New South Wales of Australia were hit by severe bush fires , the Chinese side lent a helping13 hand by providing prompt satellite data about the fires .

  12. GPRS在矿井救灾无线通信系统中的应用

    Application of GPRS in Radio Communication System for Mine Disaster Relief

  13. 无线自组网(adhoc)被广泛地应用于军事、救灾等各种需要临时建立通讯网络的场合。

    Ad Hoc Networks is widely applied to situations needed to set up temporary communication network like military affairs , disaster rescue , etc.

  14. 针对反恐维稳及抢险救灾事件发生的时间、接受指挥的对象,以及接受指挥的位置的不确定性,系统采用C/S和B/S相结合的架构模式。

    Considering the uncertainty of happening time of terrorism and emergency disaster releasing events , command objects , places of command objects , this system uses the frame that combining C / S and B / S structure .

  15. 采用专家系统工具语言CLIPS,实现了矿井火灾时期井下风流状态的全过程控制,以此辅助矿井火灾时期的防救灾决策工作;

    The whole course control of mine airflow state during mine fire is realized by means of the experts system tool language-CLIPS , and assisted in defending and rescuing fire decision-making work .

  16. 介绍了用于地震救灾的DSY-1型固体传声微声生命探测仪的设计原理及其性能。

    The designing principle and behaviour of the DSY-1 solid soniferous microsound life detector are described .

  17. 危地马拉救灾部门发言人米内尔(JohanaMiner)说,至少有48人遇难,其中大部分是在圣马科斯省(SanMarcos)。该省是沿海一个多山地带,位于震中附近。

    At least 48 people were killed , mainly in San Marcos province , a mountainous coastal stretch that sits beside the epicenter , said Johana Miner , a spokeswoman at the Guatemalan disaster agency .

  18. 最近的一次SWEDOW事件与美国国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)给世界宣明会纽西兰基督城救灾小组的大宗捐赠物品有关。

    The latest SWEDOW dump came in the form of a massive donation from the National Football League to the Christian relief group World Vision .

  19. 抗震救灾MES逻辑模型构建:抗震救灾MES的系统边界由抗震救灾MES结构、抗震救灾MES主体和与系统相关的外部环境组成,系统的核心是伤病员在MES内的流动。

    The logical Model of MES : The system boundary of MES included the structure of earthquake relief MES , the agents and the external environment of the related systems . The core of the system was the flow of patients in MES .

  20. 成都铁路局副总干事JingShiming说:“我们需要基于现场部署救灾物资,石板,钢轨道都是所需要的。”

    Jing Shiming , Deputy Director-General of Chengdu Railway Bureau said " We need to deploy the disaster relief materials based on the need at the spot , flagstones , steel track are all on the list . "

  21. 建立矿井火灾救灾决策支持系统(MFRDSS)能够给救灾工作提供可供参考或使用的救灾方案和措施,起到辅助决策的作用。

    Building of Mine Fire Rescue DSS ( MFRDSS ) can provide referential or usable plans and measurements for the work of disaster rescue , and aid people to make decisions .

  22. 优选地震救灾路径的图与模糊集算法

    Graph and fuzzy set algorithm of optimizing routes for earthquake rescue

  23. 地下捷运场站灾变事故防救灾对策之研究

    Study on Countermeasure of disaster management for underground rapid transit station

  24. 空降医疗队模块化管理在抗震救灾工作中的应用

    Application of airborne medical team modular management in earthquake relief work

  25. 厘定了救灾物资的分类体系;

    The classification system of the relief material was set up .

  26. 高分辨率遥感影像在抗震救灾中的应用

    The Application of the High Resolution RS Images in Earthquake Relief

  27. 许许多多的人都为抗震救灾做出了很大贡献。

    Many people have for earthquake relief has made great contributions .

  28. 煤矿救灾机器人隔爆壳体的设计与加工

    Design and Manufacture of Flameproof Enclosure of Coal Mine Rescue Robot

  29. 目前地震救灾工作已进入最关键阶段。

    Currently , quake relief work has entered the most crucial phase .

  30. 矿井火灾救灾决策支持系统研究

    Study of Decision Support System for Rescuing Disaster During Mine Fire Period