
tuō hòu tuǐ
  • hinder (or impede) sb.;hinder sb;be a drag on sb.;be a drag on sb;clip the wings of;hold sb. back
拖后腿 [tuō hòu tuǐ]
  • [hinder (or impede) sb.;be a drag on sb.;hold sb. back] 比喻牵制、阻挠别人或事物使不得前进

拖后腿[tuō hòu tuǐ]
  1. 杰克总是给团队拖后腿。

    A : Jack has always been a drag on the group . ☆

  2. 自iPhone问世以来,美国电话电报公司的网络就一直被认为在拖后腿,至少iPhone粉丝们是这么认为的。

    Ever since the iPhone was introduced , the AT & T network has been regarded as its albatross , at least by iPhone fans .

  3. Michael:我认为IE在功能上越拖后腿,越来越多的人们,甚至是保守派的企业就会开始转向Chrome和Firefox以利用其现代化的功能。

    Michael : I think the more that IE drags its feet on functionality , the more that even the most conservative enterprises will begin to look to Chrome and Firefox for modern browser functionality .

  4. 消费者行业受到的推动最大,准确地说是那些表现一直拖后腿的行业:美国最大的零售商沃尔玛(Walmart)上周五成为美国股市涨幅最大的股票不是没有原因的。

    The greatest boost goes to the consumer , precisely the sector that had been lagging : not for nothing was Walmart , the biggest US retailer , the strongest gainer on the US stock market on Friday .

  5. 过重的思想包袱只会拖后腿!

    Permanent thinking about possible chances would only make you heavy-legged !

  6. 只做这份工是你在拖后腿。

    Just doing jobs like this is you dragging your feet .

  7. 正是他在辩论谈判上拖后腿。

    He 's the one dragging his feet on debate negotiations .

  8. 他总是给集体拖后腿。

    He has always been a drag on the group .

  9. 如果你继续拖后腿,我们会把你丢下的。

    Keep slowing US down , we 're gonna leave you behind .

  10. 就算我们的政客拖后腿,他们也是世界上最伟大的(军队)。

    The greatest in the world , even when our politicians hinder them .

  11. 你这个“拖后腿爸爸”!

    You 're like the uh , tag-a-long dad .

  12. 第二个给大宗商品生产商拖后腿的问题是巴西支离破碎的基建。

    A second problem holding commodity producers back is Brazil 's patchy infrastructure .

  13. 这种方式不会为经济带来增长,只会拖后腿。

    That hasn 't helped our economy grow ; it 's held it back .

  14. 它们的相对财富状况会上下波动,因为它们被不同的因素推动向前和拖后腿。

    Their relative fortunes fluctuate because they are pushed and pulled by different forces .

  15. 每次我想玩这个游戏,我都会被你们这些菜鸟拖后腿!

    Every time I try to play , I 'm stuck with bads like you !

  16. 求你了大人我求你要跑的时候我绝不会拖后腿

    please , ser , please . I can still run if I have to .

  17. 我希望提升自己的形象,获得管理层的支持,而不被怀孕拖后腿。

    I want to raise my profile and gain managerial support without pregnancy clouding the issue .

  18. 并且,课堂参与程度在评分时所占的比重也下降了,以免给外国学生的成绩拖后腿。

    And participation counts less , so as not to sink the grades of foreign students .

  19. 这一块如果不增长,整体经济就会被拖后腿。

    Unless this sector delivers growth , the economy as a whole will be held back .

  20. 总体而言,硬件性能不错,总算没给软件拖后腿了。

    For the most part , it feels like the hardware has caught up with software .

  21. 但是,如果没有极差的企业拖后腿,整个行业将会发展壮大。

    But the industry will be stronger if it is not dragged down by its weakest competitor .

  22. 花旗重整拖后腿的并购业务部,为该部门新任命了一名联席主管。

    Citigroup has shaken up its lagging mergers and acquisition by naming a co-head of that division .

  23. 但当事情不按照他们的想法发展的话,那么他们就会拖后腿了。

    They have great ideas . But when things dont go their way , they drag their feet .

  24. 首次公开募股和越来越多的媒体关注可能会让你的员工分心,甚至可能给公司的业绩拖后腿。

    IPOs and increased media attention can be very distracting to your employees and a drag on performance .

  25. 你知道,游戏可玩性永远是第一优先考虑的问题,你得保证游戏的各个方面都不会拖后腿。

    And gameplay is king , you 've got to make sure that it comes across in every way .

  26. 面对如此前景,有些人辩称美国应强制其他拖后腿的国家采取一致行动。

    Faced with that prospect , some argue that the United States should force collective action on foreign foot-draggers .

  27. 我当时的情况是,在我被赋予了整顿的任务,拖后腿的是那些我接手的老员工。

    In my case , the foot-draggers were long-time staffers whom I inherited when I was assigned to shake things up .

  28. 不要让不满拖后腿!倾听心声!它永远告诉你何时变化是必要的。

    Don 't let discontent drag you down ! Listen to your gut ! It will always tell you when change is necessary .

  29. 公司定于周三公布财报,预计中国业务将成为其中拖后腿的部分。

    China is expected to be a trouble spot in Tesla 's earnings , which the company is set to report on Wednesday .

  30. 公众们也站在了她的一边。反对改革的保守派越是拖后腿,改革的压力就越大。

    The public , too , was on her side . The more the anti-reformers dragged their feet , the greater the reform pressure became .