
  1. 谢觉哉出生于湖南省宁乡市。

    Xie Juezai was born in Ningxiang of Hunan Province .

  2. ,从那以后我不可能再出现这种事了。”谢觉哉在他一生中写了一百多封信,包括在政府任职后与家人的通信。

    Xie wrote over a hundred letters during his lifetime , including correspondences with his family after being deployed in government .

  3. 谢觉哉的孙子谢翌表示,他受到信件中的正能量的启发,会努力广泛传播家书中蕴含的正能量。

    Xie 's grandson Xie Yi says he is inspired by the positive energy from the letters , and that he 's going to use it to influence others around him .