
  • 网络Trolling;troll;big game fishing
  1. 在这个非常简单的例子中,鱼饵的类型只有三种:拖钓型、投掷型和其他。

    In this fairly simple example , there are only three types : trolling , casting , and other .

  2. 拖钓是钓线捕鱼法的一种:在渔船的两侧装上许多长竿,竿上垂着钓线,由船拖着钓鱼。

    Trolling is a kind of line fishing in which boats trail lines from poles hanging over their sides .

  3. 让它为了拖钓索付出代价吧,他想。

    Make him pay for the line , he thought .

  4. 拖钓钓鱼时拖曳(一条有饵钓绳)

    To trail ( a baited line ) in fishing .

  5. 如果鱼使劲地拉,造成阻力的那两把桨在原处不动,船不象从前那样轻的话,我可能会被鱼拖走好长的钓索,结果会让它跑了。

    I may lose so much line that I will lose him , if he makes his effort and the drag made by the oars is in place and the boat loses all her lightness .