首页 / 词典 / good

  • drag;tow;pull;haul;draw;tug;heave
  • 牵引,拉,拽:~车。~船。~累(lěi )。~儿带女。

  • 耷拉着:~着辫子。

  • 延长时间:~延。~欠。~债。


(拉着物体使移动) pull; drag; draw; haul:

  • 拖网捕鱼

    drag [haul] a net in fishing;

  • 拖住敌人

    pin down the enemy;

  • 把身体拖垮

    wear oneself down;

  • 他冲进房间把我从床上拖起来。

    He rushed into the room and pulled me out of bed.

  • 他们把他从河里拖上来。

    They hauled him out of the river.

  • 他拖着疲倦的步子慢慢地走着。

    He dragged his tired feet slowly along.

  • 拖船把坏了的船拖进港口。

    The tugboat towed the damaged ship into port.


(用拖把擦洗) mop:

  • 拖地板

    mop the floor


(在身后耷拉着) trail:

  • 拖着一根长辫子

    wear a long pigtail;

  • 她的长裙拖在地板上。

    Her long skirt was trailing along the floor.


(拖延) delay; prolong; procrastinate; drag on:

  • 不要再拖了。

    Don't delay any more.

  • 会议一直拖到晚上。

    The meeting was prolonged into the evening.

  • 今天能做的不要拖到明天。

    Don't put off today's work till tomorrow.

  • 谈判一直拖到7月份。

    The negotiation dragged on until July.

  1. 实现此操作的一个方法是将数据库中的所有记录都拖至应用程序中,然后测试每条记录的Age属性。

    One way to do that would be to pull all the records from the database into the application , and then test the Age property of each .

  2. 第一个用户对第二个用户的存储库拷贝执行hg拖操作

    The first user then does an hg pull at the second person 's clone of his repository

  3. 他心脏病发作后又拖了几个月才去世。

    He lingered on for several months after the heart attack .

  4. 打点行李不要拖到最后一刻。

    Don 't leave your packing until the last possible moment .

  5. 用鼠标将图标拖到一个新的位置。

    Use the mouse to drag the icon to a new position .

  6. 他的大衣太长,差不多拖到地板了。

    His coat was so long it was almost touching the floor .

  7. 她把所有的陈设都擦干净,还拖了地板。

    She wiped all the surfaces and mopped the floor .

  8. 拖缆太松。

    There 's too much slack in the tow rope .

  9. 他用脚从底下钩住凳子,把它拖了过去。

    He hooked his foot under the stool and dragged it over .

  10. 我只得费劲地把我的几个包拖上五楼。

    I had to lug my bags up to the fourth floor .

  11. 这次内战到20世纪30年代还拖了好几年。

    The civil war lingered on well into the 1930s .

  12. 他把小船拖上岸,把男孩抱到岸上。

    He beached the boat and lifted the boy onto the shore .

  13. 这孩子又踢又叫地被拖走了。

    The child was dragged away , kicking and screaming .

  14. 老旧的汽车吃力地向前爬,把我们缓缓地拖上了山坡。

    The old car pulled hard as we drove slowly up the hill .

  15. 她行走时衣裙拖在地上。

    Her dress swept the ground as she walked .

  16. 他的外套拖在泥里。

    He was dragging his coat in the mud .

  17. 我把椅子拖到了窗口那边。

    I dragged the chair over to the window .

  18. 他们好像一心要把谈判无限期地拖下去。

    They seem determined to string the talks out for an indefinite period .

  19. 我们的汽车被警察拖走了。

    Our car was towed away by the police .

  20. 他们仍在拖时间,而不急于达成协议。

    They are still stalling on the deal .

  21. 新娘的结婚礼服拖在身后。

    The bride 's dress trailed behind her .

  22. 别让这场讨论拖得太久,我们得作个决定。

    Let 's not drag out this discussion ; we need to reach a decision .

  23. 这连衣裙太长了——我走路时就拖在地上。

    This dress is too long ─ it drags on the ground when I walk .

  24. 非法停放的车辆将被拖走。

    Illegally parked vehicles will be removed .

  25. 汽车抛锚了,我们只得让人拖走。

    The car broke down and we had to get somebody to give us a tow .

  26. 他站起来把他的椅子拖向桌子。

    He got up and dragged his chair towards the table .

  27. 谁也说不准谈判还会拖多久。

    There 's no telling how long the talks could drag on

  28. 执法人员试图将这名示威者从屋子里拖出去。

    Marshals tried to wrestle the demonstrator out of the room .

  29. 我们的车被拖走了,要对悬架进行大修。

    Our car was towed away to have its suspension overhauled .

  30. 他们扬言要采取军事行动,但一直拖到现在。

    They have threatened military action but held off until now .