
  1. 他们的产品堆放在人行道旁,产生废物,有时甚至直接与支付费用的合法企业竞争。

    Their wares clutter sidewalks , produce waste and at times compete directly with businesses that have paid for legitimate licenses .

  2. 除企业集团公司外,不直接支付审计费用的任何部门、机构,不得要求或者授意企业委托指定的会计师事务所,也不得给企业委托审计设置障碍。

    Departments or institutions other than group corporations that do not directly pay the auditing expenses shall not demand or inspire the enterprises to entrust designated accounting firms , nor shall they impede the enterprises from entrusting audit .

  3. 在这项提案中,瑞恩先生改变了原计划阻止政府通过医疗保险向老年人直接支付医疗保健费用,而是建议发放可以用来购买私人保险的抵用券。

    It also rehashes Mr Ryan 's scheme to stop the government paying directly for health care for the elderly via Medicare , and instead hand out that could be used to buy private insurance .

  4. 人员类别、医院级别、收入水平直接影响个人支付费用,入院情况通过影响住院日而简接影响个人支付费用;顺加作价改革对医院的作用,由于医院等级不同而效果不同。

    Personnel sorts , hospital degree , income levels influenced individual account directly , the complexion of entering hospital influenced individual account by way of the hospitalized days . The reform of drog price plus fixed rate affect on hospitals differently according to the different hospital degree .

  5. 瑞安计划的主要部分将把医疗保险从一个直接支付退休人员医疗费用的程序,改为政府为人们购买私营公司的医疗保险提供资金。

    A major part of the Ryan plan would change Medicare from a program that directly pays medical bills for retired people . Instead , people would get money to buy health insurance from private companies .